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Special Events



T-Server has acknowledged a request received from a client application. This event is a response to the TSendUserEvent(), TSendEvent(), TSendEventEx(), TSetInputMask(), TTransactionMonitoring(), and TPrivateSevice() functions.


Event Attribute Type
Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
UserEvent a Optional
Extensions Optional
SubscriptionID Optional b

a. UserEvent is the identifier of the request that has caused T-Server to generate EventACK. The attribute is derived from the request.
b. This attribute, applicable only to EventACK in response to TTransactionMonitoring(), is mandatory for the operation SubscriptionStart, but is not present for the operations SubscriptionStop and SubscriptionModify. This attribute represents a subscription identifier: the call has successfully reached the remote switch.


EventACK Feature, Example 1
EventACK Feature, Example 2



This event is generated as a positive response to the TReserveAgent() request, confirming that those of the parameters agent_dn, agent_id, and agent_place that were present in the request have been successfully reserved. When an agent becomes reserved as the result of TReserveAgent() request, the event is sent to the application that sent the request and to all clients registered on the agent's DN.


Event Attribute Type
AgentID a Optional
Event Mandatory
Place a Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN a Optional
Timeout b Optional
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

a. At least one of the AgentID, Place, or ThisDN attributes must be present. The attributes are equal to the corresponding parameters of the TReserveAgent() function.
b. The duration of the reservation is in milliseconds.



The call information has been changed.


Event Attribute Type
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory



This event is generated both in response to a TPrivateService() function call and when it is used to notify selected sets of clients of T-Server–specific information. This event indicates that one of two forms of data has been passed:

  • Information supported only by certain T-Servers, and which is not covered by general feature requests.
  • Notification about changes in T-Server behavior or device/call statuses.

This event can be distributed to the following clients:

  • Those who made a request for the private service, TPrivateService().
  • Those registered on the specified device, depending on the nature of the service.
  • Those who would otherwise be ineligible (for security reasons) for receiving given events, and who thus require additional registration in order to be notified.


Event Attribute Type
PrivateEvent Mandatory
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
UserData Optional
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ConnID Optional
ThisDN Optional
time Mandatory


EventPrivateInfo Feature Example



A user event from another client application has been received.


EventUserEvent contains T-Server-required attributes. Other attributes are specified by the initiator of this event.

Event Attribute Type
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional



A change in the role of one of a pair of synchronized T-Servers in hot standby mode has taken place: the T-Server's role has been changed from backup to primary.

After a client receives EventPrimaryChanged, it should re-synchronize with the new primary T-Server (the one reporting this event) by calling the TQueryLocation() function and either the TQueryAddress() or TQueryCall() function.

If T-Server issues EventPrimaryChanged, and the two T-Servers have different link statuses at the time of switchover, EventLinkDisconnected or EventLinkConnected is generated as follows:

  • If the former primary T-Server has its link connected, and the new one does not, EventLinkDisconnected is delivered just prior to EventPrimaryChanged.
  • If the former primary T-Server has its link disconnected, and the new one has its link connected, EventLinkConnected is delivered immediately after EventPrimaryChanged.

The ordering of these messages is intended to simplify the processing logic on the client side—receiving EventPrimaryChanged when the link is disconnected may be safely ignored.

The event generated for a primary-to-backup switchover—EventRestoreConnection— is different from EventPrimaryChanged in that it is processed internally by T-Library and is never delivered to clients.


Event Attribute Type
ApplicationName Optional
time Mandatory



A synchronized connection between a pair of T-Servers in hot standby mode has been established, or the T-Server's role has been changed from primary to backup.


EventRestoreConnection is processed internally by T-Library, and is not delivered to the user dispatch function. As such, it does not use the conventional event contents structure.


  • ServerRole—The primary T-Server generates EventRestoreConnection, with the attribute ServerRole set to 0,when the connection to the backup T-Server has been established.
    T-Server generates EventRestoreConnection and sets the attribute ServerRole to 1 to indicate that it has been changed from the primary to the backup T-Server. This value is used to prevent a race condition in situations where two or more switchovers happen within a short interval of time. (Otherwise, T-Library relies on EventPrimaryChanged to identify the primary T-Server.)
  • UserData—This attribute contains the reference to the backup T-Server. T-Library uses this information to try to connect to that server.



T-Server has detected inconsistent data or an incomplete event flow in switch messaging—for instance, a wrong checksum or missing attributes.


Event Attribute Type
CustomerID Optional
ThisDN Optional
ConnID Optional
PreviousConnID Optional
ErrorCode Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

EventResourceAllocated (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)


The switch has registered the CTI link to receive events about the specified telephony object.

EventResourceFreed (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)


The switch has canceled registration of the CTI link, so that it no longer can receive events about the specified telephony object.

This page was last edited on March 22, 2018, at 00:48.
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