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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Introduced: 8.5.154.xx

Specifies whether advanced cache usage is used when preparing the Recents and Favorites sections of Team Communicator. The value 'false' (default) represents the legacy behavior where the preparation of Favorites and Recents can generate some duplicated requests to Configuration Server. While the value 'true' optimizes the usage of local cache when loading Recents and Favorites. The Team Communicator user experience during data loading can be slightly different when this option is set to 'true'.

Workspace Desktop Edition Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
11/10/22 Update X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • In SIP Server environments, Agents or Supervisors can now suspend the customer from the active call during coaching. This allows the agent and supervisor to continue coaching as a private conversation. You can turn on this feature by enabling the privilege Voice - Can Suspend or Reinstate Customer Party in a Coached Call.
    For more information, see documentation on Voice privileges. (IW-17731)
  • The new configuration option, teamcommunicator.person-cache-for-favorites-recents-enabled, is introducing a new Team Communicator data initialization mode that reduces the number of requests to Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy when it prepares the Favorite list and Recent list of records for Team Communicator. To enable this new Team Communicator data initialization mode, the value of this option must be set to true. (IW-17668)

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

For an interaction added to a Workbin during the current Workspace session, the Received At attribute in the Workbin Details view now displays the timestamp according to the local time zone. (IW-17771)

The email address configured in Agent profiles is now visible in the tooltip of an agent record in Team Communicator. (IW-17768)

The warning messages displayed to agents in case of exceeded email or chat attachment size have been improved such that the message about individual file size limitation is shown prior to the total file size limitation. (IW-17757)

In Workspace, the process that handles notification from Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy when Agents are removed from Agent Groups, is optimized. Previously, bulk notifications of that type could make Workspace unresponsive. (IW-17749)

The Recent section in Team Communicator now displays the calls dialed in the context of Predictive Outbound Campaigns. (IW-17747)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 10, 2022, at 15:27.
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