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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction.

Specifies the duration, in seconds, between each attemp to reconnect to the chat session in the case of a connection loss.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: $EMAILSERVER$
Valid Values: A valid Business Attribute name or $EMAILSERVER$.
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.

A character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used as available from addresses of Email interactions. The value $EMAILSERVER$ specifies that from addresses are populated from the POP client sections of Email Server applications. The $EMAILSERVER$ value is applicable only if the Workspace Application object has a connection configured to an Interaction Server to which the Email Server is also connected. Note that this is not the case when Workspace connects to Interaction Server Proxies dedicated to Agents. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: Re:<SPACE>
Valid Values: Any valid character string.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately.

Specifies the reply-prefix that is added to subject of the inbound email. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy. The routing strategy can be used to identify the language of the email interaction and the reply prefix used by customers, and then to apply the same prefix to contact center replies in the email thread [Added:].

  • Workspace removes multiple reply prefixes and appends either the prefix specified by the routing strategy, the prefix specified by this option, or the default prefix if no prefix is configured [Added:].
  • Workspace only adds the reply prefix at the beginning of the subject if one does not already exist [Added:].
  • Agents can manually edit the subject prefix of a reply email interaction.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Related Options: interaction.auto-focus

Specifies whether a new inbound interaction of the specified media type should be in focus automatically when is accepted. When this option is defined it overrides the interaction.auto-focus option.

Workspace Desktop Edition Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
12/15/16 General X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Genesys Interaction Recording integration enhancement
    • Screen recording in hot seating environments is now supported.
  • Voice enhancement
    • Workspace now supports Cisco single-place-with-2-DNs switch model. This switch deployment model allows agents to register on a single Place both a personal DN (for direct extension calls) and an ACD DN (for routed calls). This capability prevents ACD calls from being routed to the agents if they are on a personal DN call.
  • Miscellaneous enhancements
    • The interaction.auto-focus.<media-type> options have been added to specify whether new interactions are displayed in the background when an agent is already actively handling another interaction. For agents who have the ability to handle multiple simultaneous interactions, this new capability reduces the amount of disruptions when new interactions arrive.
    • Thread view is now supported for Interaction Search.
    • Workspace no longer auto prepends “RE:” when an agent replies to an email interaction that already includes the prefix. The option email.reply-prefix can now be overridden by a routing strategy.
    • A new option has been introduced in the interactionworkspace.exe.config configuration file that enables you to specify the maximum TLS version to be used by Workspace during the handshake of the initialization of a secured connection to one of the Genesys back-end servers:
      • Name: 'ssl-version'
      • Valid values: One label from the following list: TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2
      • Default value: TLS1.0
    • Agents can now right-click in the body of a Rich Text formatted email interaction and select HTML Preview from the contextual menu to view the contents of the email as an HTML-formatted email in their default browser.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

A Team Lead (Supervisor) who coaches an agent during a call with a contact can no longer access the disposition code portion of the interaction when the agent or the contact releases the call. (IW-13707)

An agent can now save a file attached to an email interaction. Previously, starting from, it was not possible to save an email attachment from the currently handled email or from the history. (IW-13704)

You can now use the email.from-addresses option to specify the display name of email addresses that are displayed in the From selection menu of outgoing email interactions. For example, you can now specify that the target name and email address are displayed. Previously, starting from, only email addresses could be displayed in this menu. Note: Email addresses that were previously allowed will not be allowed unless they have a valid format, such as "Personal Part" <user@domain.com>. (IW-13703)

In the tree view mode of History views, the column headings now correctly scroll synchronously with the horizontal scrolling of the data. (IW-13702)

In environments that implement External Authentication, more of the 'wrong credentials' login error messages can now be localized. (IW-13697)

In Business Continuity environments, when the preferred Stat Server is not available at login time and Workspace connects to the peer Stat Server, the Statistic views are now displayed correctly. (IW-13684)

Accessibility of Team Communicator control has been improved. When the focus is in the Team Communicator pop up, the up and down arrow keys allow navigation within the result list, and the screen reader gives a meaningful description of the corresponding row. Pressing the Tab key allows access to the default control, and then to the drop down control, if needed. (IW-13682)

Accessibility of History view has been improved. When navigating the search results list using the up and down arrow keys, the screen reader gets access to the full content of the row in a single key press, according to the configured table structure (value of column1, value of column2, and so on). It is still possible to use Tab to navigate cell by cell that reads "Column name = value". (IW-13681)

The drop down menu of 'split button' controls, such as the Help menu, can now be read by screen readers when Workspace is set to the Default, High Contrast, or Custom theme. (IW-13680)

When using a Japanese keyboard to type a Chat, SMS, or SMS Session message, pressing SHIFT+Enter now correctly forces a line break. (IW-13673)

When an agent alternatively handles voice and text-based interactions, such as an email interaction during a voice session, the vertical size of the Note and Disposition tabs area is now correctly preserved if an agent changes it while the text-based interaction is active. (IW-13671)

The request to submit a new Callback from an interaction now succeeds when one of the KV-Pairs of this interaction contains double-quotes, including when the value has a JSON format. (IW-13661)

In Cisco Call Manager environments, agents can now remove parties from a conference after one of the party engaged in the conference is an IVR or has been transferred from an IVR. (IW-13646)

The Workbin view now correctly loads in scenarios where agents uncheck eServices channels during login. (IW-13640)

The interaction view no longer grows vertically by a few pixels each time it is collapsed then restored by clicking in the interaction bar. (IW-13629)

Workspace no longer exits unexpectedly when an interaction view is automatically closed at the end of a call. (IW-13624)

In Kerberos environments, Workspace now correctly exits with a generic error message if the application cannot start due to incorrectly set user permissions in Management Framework. Previously, a Workspace process continued to run in the background and no message was displayed at the next login attempt. (IW-13614)

When Workspace is used with a Screen Reader application, agents are now clearly informed about which instance of the text editor they are accessing. For example, they are notified that they are accessing the Notes tab or the email editor. (IW-13609)

Focus time is now correctly reported to the Genesys back-end in scenarios where a draft outgoing email interaction is put into and retrieved from a workbin before being sent. (IW-13589)

Workspace no longer clears the personal dictionary content in the agent profile in situations where Workspace is started but never displays any spellcheck-enabled text fields, such as the email interaction rich text editor, before the agent exits from the application. (IW-13559)

The display of nested tables in the body of inbound email interactions has been improved. (IW-13553)

The performance of the processing of large data files containing corporate favorites has been improved. (IW-13552)

In custom views developed using the Core Workspace UI Style, label controls are now correctly displayed when Workspace is using the Default or High Contrast themes. (IW-13551)

Images with resolutions other than 96dpi are now displayed correctly in the Standard Responses view and in email interactions. (IW-13548)

In environments where Workspace runs in one of the legacy themes (Blue, Royale, or Fancy), SMS interaction icons are now displayed correctly in the workbin view. (IW-13547)

When an agent replies to an email interaction from the Contact History, My History, or Interaction Search views, a signature template that contains attached data field codes is now correctly populated according to the attached data of the email. (IW-13536)

Text formatted with the Arial Narrow Bold or Arial Narrow Italic font now displays correctly in the outgoing email interaction editor. (IW-13497)

The robustness of the connection to Chat Server when an inbound Chat interaction is accepted by the agent has been improved. Previously, if the initial connection attempt to Chat Server failed due to some network issue, no further connection attempts were made. Now Workspace re-attempts to connect according to the values specified by the chat.reconnect-timeout options. (IW-13453)

The 'width' attribute of the DIV tags used in the HTML design of a Standard Response is now preserved in the body of outgoing email interactions that are populated by this Standard Response. Note: The content displayed to the agent might not match what the recipient will see. To verify the display, the agent should right-click and choose Preview to see how the email will appear to the contact. (IW-13447)

If an HTML-formatted email interaction contains multiple references to a single external image, Workspace now downloads this image only once. (IW-13312)

When running in a multi-screen environment, Workspace no longer displays an empty grey area when the interaction view is collapsed when an agent clicks on the interaction bar. (IW-13260)

The GSW_CALL_RESULT key is no longer sent as part of the RecordProcessed event if the agent does not have the privilege to set a Call Result, or if the Call Result has not been modified by the agent while handling the record. (IW-12958)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on September 12, 2017, at 15:16.
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