Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Select one value from the following list: personal,campaign,none.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
Specifies the type of treatment to be applied for the outbound record after it is marked as processed.
- none—The application never applies any treatment to mark processed requests.
- campaign—The treatment RecordTreatCampaign is applied to the record when a mark processed action is executed.
- personal—The treatment RecordTreatPersonal is applied to the record when a mark processed action is executed.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
The name of the workbin that is to be used to store inbound email for later processing, after an agent explicitly saved the email or submitted an outbound reply.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: he name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to open the Main Menu (Hamburger menu).
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: Sounds\Ring.mp3|
Valid Values: All special characters that are valid Windows file path, '|' separator and numeric values.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction.
Specifies the path of the sound file that is played when a Callback Preview Invitation is delivered to the agent. For example: "Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1|primary" The value has four components that are separated by the character '|':
2) The priority. The higher the integer the higher the priority.
3) The duration:
b) 0 means play the whole sound one time.
c) An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
b) secondary means plays on the output device specified by the application.secondary-audio-out-device option.
c) both means plays on both default output device and the output device specified by the application.secondary-audio-out-device option.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: $EMAILSERVER$
Valid Values: A valid Business Attribute name or $EMAILSERVER$.
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
A character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used as available from addresses of Email interactions. The value $EMAILSERVER$ specifies that from addresses are populated from the POP client sections of Email Server applications. The $EMAILSERVER$ value is applicable only if the Workspace Application object has a connection configured to an Interaction Server to which the Email Server is also connected. Note that this is not the case when Workspace connects to Interaction Server Proxies dedicated to Agents. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
Workspace Desktop Edition Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
10/20/16 | General | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Chat enhancements
- Customers and agents can now, in real-time, exchange files during chat interactions.
- Emoji support. Agents can now receive and send (by selecting it from a pre-configured list or by using copy/paste from a third party emoji source) emojis during chat interactions. By default, the application uses the operating system’s emoji character set. It is possible to configure the application to rely on a 3rd party font to display other emoji characters if necessary.
- The transcript of Chat and SMS (Session Mode) interactions accessed from Interaction History views now includes timeout warning and auto-disconnect messages if the chat was ended due to inactivity.
- Email enhancements
- The list of selectable ‘From’ addresses exposed when agent responds to an email can now be set by routing strategy. This capability allows the routing designer to dynamically adjusts the list of 'From' addresses the agent should use instead of relying on a list statically assigned to the agent.
- The 'From' address of the outbound email interaction that is generated when an agent forwards an inbound email is now populated using the same logic as the 'Reply' operation: the default value of the 'From' address is selected to match the 'MailBox' address of the inbound email, if this address is one of the addresses specified by the value of the email.from-addresses option.
- When an agent clicks the 'Send' button of an outbound email that was created by forwarding an inbound email that was marked as 'Done', Workspace no longer displays a confirmation box.
- Outbound Campaign enhancements
- You can now configure Workspace to prevent agents from scheduling personal callbacks.
- For Outbound Campaign preview records, agents can now manually enter a number to dial during the preview phase.
- In the Outbound Record Rescheduling view, the calendar is now displayed according to the time zone of the contact.
- The size of the interaction window showing a push preview interaction is now correctly restored if the last resizing of the window happened after the outbound call was dialed from the outbound push preview record.
- Case information enhancement
- You can now configure the case information to display certain standard interaction attributes in addition to attached data. The eServices interaction attribute 'ScheduledAt' can be configured to allow an agent to edit the value to manually specify the scheduled date of the interaction.
- In startup and during Interaction Server fail-over, Workspace now uses a synchronous method to initialize the auto-update of workbins. Using the synchronous method means that the full workbin initialization process for an individual agent might take a longer time than previously; however, during this time, the application is ready to use, and workbins not yet initialized are marked with a specific visual indicator. Previously, the workbin auto-update was initialized using an asynchronous method, which could lead, in large scale environments, to a very high number of simultaneous requests being sent to Interaction Server in a fail-over scenario or in situations where many agents connected simultaneously.
- Workspace now supports environments where the value of the not-ready-on-invitation-timeout Interaction Server option is set to dnd-on.
- You can now configure the callback.ringing-bell option to specify an audio indicator to notify agents of a Preview Callback that has been pushed to them.
- Workspace can now communicate with Screen Recording Service (SRS) without the previously mandatory set up of the Server attribute which pointed at the GWS or RWS server in the config.json configuration file of SRS.
- You can now configure the keyboard.shortcut.hamburger.open option to enable agents to open the Main Menu (Hamburger Menu) to access views such as 'My Workspace' and 'My History'.
- Workspace can now use TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 when connecting to a Genesys back-end server. The TLS version is negotiated during the connection handshake according to the TLS modes that the target server is supporting. Previously, only TLS 1.0 was supported.
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Workspace no longer fails to restore the workbin structure when it reconnects to Interaction Server or Interaction Server Proxy. Previously, email processing workbins, such as those defined by the workbin.email.in-progress, might not have been recognized after reconnection. (IW-13476)
Workspace no longer becomes unresponsive when Interaction Server is slow to respond while an agent is selecting an interaction in a Workbin or an in-progress interaction in one of the Interaction History views. (IW-13437)
Workspace no longer assigns a Treatment to a Rescheduled Outbound Record in the following scenario:
- The value of outbound.treatment-mode is set to campaign or personal
- The first attempt to mark the record as 'Done' fails due to missing mandatory Call Result.
Previously in this scenario, the treatment was assigned which resulted in the incorrect processing of the reschedule request by Outbound Contact Server. (IW-13416)
When the High Contrast theme is used, the Print Preview window now correctly displays the content of an email. (IW-13407)
Workspace no longer exits unexpectedly when the 'auto-spellcheck' function is enabled for Chat messages. (IW-13397)
In the Email Interaction view, clicking a URL that contains the '%' escape character no longer results in a 'Page not found' error. A new external browser window now opens. (IW-13386)
Moving interactions in bulk to another queue in the My Interaction Queues view no longer causes Workspace to exit unexpectedly. (IW-13377)
The workbin content view now displays the correct list of interactions in scenarios where 'workbin content changed' notifications from Interaction Server are sent to Workspace immediately after the initialization of the workbin. Previously, in this scenario, some interactions could be missing in the content view, resulting in an inconsistency with the workbin content size displayed in the Workbin Explorer view. (IW-13367)
In the Date/Time pop-up that used to reschedule records or place callbacks no longer moves the calendar to the wrong future month when a day in the next month is clicked. (IW-13365)
Customization developers can now intercept the following user operations for a change of state: In the My Channels view, when an agent changes the state of an eServices channel, Workspace now executes the 'MediaOpenMediaLogOff' chain of command. (IW-13353)
Workspace is now able to display the Callback Preview Interactive Notification when the distributed Callback preview contains a KVList as the value of the key 'user-data'. This kind of preview event is distributed when Callback is implemented by the SCXML shipped with Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) and higher. Workspace is also now able to display the KVP contained in this 'user-data' key through the generic mechanism in place for displaying data in Case Information area. (IW-13349)
The 'Insert Image' button and the 'Save Image As' menu item in the HTML email editor view can now be localized. (IW-13338)
It is now possible to use the for agents to use the 'Forward As Attachment' feature in environments where the agent is not granted access to the Interaction Notes. Previously, starting from version, this function could not be used in this scenario. (IW-13335)
The display of content enclosed in the <li> HTML tag in email interactions is now improved. Previously, double bullets could appear when and agent edited an email containing this tag. (IW-13315)
The 'Change login account' hyperlink is no longer displayed in the 'Refine Place' dialog. Previously, this link appeared in the 'Refine Place' dialog, which could lead to unexpected behavior, including unexpected exit of the application. (IW-13290)
The internal Workspace logic that controls the end of the outbound record life-cycle has been reworked so that it becomes more reliable when it is triggered from a custom module. (IW-13259)
The processing of reply email interactions has been optimized to handle situations where Configuration Server is slow to respond. Previously in these situations, the original inbound email interaction might not have been 'stopped' at the time corresponding to when the reply email interaction was sent by the agent. (IW-13256)
When the Workspace Rich Text Editor is used to insert a new table in an HTML email interaction, the table is now properly formatted when the sent email is viewed in Microsoft Outlook. (IW-13249)
Workspace now correctly displays HTML email interactions that include tables containing one or several columns with the width set to '0'. (IW-13220)
Communication with Universal Contact Server has been optimized for the processing of email interactions. (IW-12971)
When Workspace is running in a VDI environment and is configured with the 'High Contrast' theme, the 'Change Theme' and 'Zoom' menus are now correctly displayed. (IW-12890)
After fail-over to a back-up Interaction Server/Interaction Server Proxy, if Interaction Server/Interaction Server Proxy is slow to respond to status requests during the eServices interaction recovery phase, Workspace no longer leaves the eServices channels of the agent status in 'DND on'. (IW-12573)
When agents add words to their personal dictionary, Workspace now correctly processes word with initial capital letters, such as 'Word', and Camel Case words, such as 'ThisWord'. Previously, the spelling check did not provide good fix suggestions if the word was added to the personal dictionary with an initial capitalized letter; and, spelling check did not recognize Camel Case words that were added to the personal dictionary as being spelled correctly. (IW-11858)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release