Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: When application is started or restarted.
Specifies whether interaction windows are docked or undocked.
- true: Interaction windows are docked to the interaction bar. Use the interaction-bar.quick-access-modes option to specify pinned or floating mode.
- false: Interaction windows are undocked from the interaction bar (pre-8.5.0 legacy mode).
Note: In legacy mode, the Main Window layout is the same as when Quick Access is enabled: the interaction bar is located on the right of the Team Communicator control (instead of below it, as in the 8.1.4 release), and the Supporting Views are accessible from the ‘hamburger’ menu (instead of the toolbar buttons, as in the 8.1.4 release).
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true,false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Specifies whether the outboundpreview channel is combined with the voice channel in the User Interface. If set to 'true', only the voice channel is presented, and any change in the status of one channel is applied to the other channel
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true,false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
When set to true, Workspace reports to the Genesys back-end the time, in seconds, when an interaction had the focus. When set to false, nothing is reported.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Dependencies: options.record-location
Specifies whether locally stored configuration information should be removed from a shared folder or Person's annex. Use this option when you enable the options.record-location option.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: standard
Valid Values: A value from the following list: standard,machine-name,vdi
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Specifies how Workspace stores the last selected login Place or PlaceGroup in the Windows User Profile when the value of the option is set to true. The following values (modes) are supported:
- standard — The most recently used Place or PlaceGroup is stored in the Windows User Profile without any information about the workstation. This is the legacy recent place storage model.
- machine-name — The most recently used Place or PlaceGroup is stored in the Windows User Profile, along with the name of the machine where the Workspace application is running. Use this value when Workspace is installed on the physical workstation where the agent logs in.
- vdi — The most recently used Place or PlaceGroup is stored in the Windows User Profile, along with the name of the physical machine from which the agent executes a virtual session (for example, in Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop, VMWare Horizon, and Windows Terminal Server environments). Use this value when Workspace is installed in a Virtual Desktop Environment. If the machine name of the VDI client is not found, for example because user is running Workspace on a physical workstation, the machine-name mode is used instead. Use this value in hybrid environments where agents use Workspace both on physical workstations and in virtual sessions.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: read-objects
Valid Values: One value from this list:read-objects,brief-info
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Related Options: display-format.agent-name, teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing
Specifies the method that Workspace uses to retrieve the collection of agents from Configuration Server. This retrieval happens when the teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing option contains the value Agent. Choose the method that best meets your business requirements, system environment, and scale constraints:
- read-objects—This is the legacy agent-retrieval method. This method returns the list of agents according to the "read" permission of the current agent. For each retrieved agent this method returns the full agent data from Configuration Server, including annex structure, in an uncompressed format. The bandwidth consumed can be much larger than the other retrieval methods.
- brief-info—For each retrieved agent, this method returns only a subset of the agent data. This can result in significant network bandwidth optimization, as well as a decrease of the load on Configuration Server. Configuration Server ignores the "read" permissions of the current agent when returning the list of object; therefore, the Team Communicator provides access to all the agents of the Tenant. This methods does not provide access to the field EmployeeID; therefore, when displaying search results in Team Communicator, the value $Agent.EmployeeID$ is ignored when it is specified in the display-format.agent-name option.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: Status,StartDate
Valid Values: A comma-separated value list of interaction attributes.
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.
Specifies the list of interaction attributes that are presented by default in the advanced search form of the Contact History, My History and Interaction Search views. Once an agent has personalized the list of advanced search attributes, the personalized list of attributes takes precedence over this option in subsequent sessions ( and higher).
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Related Options:
Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute Values that are used to filter and render attached data in the interaction preview. You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values. The Attributes Values that are not listed in the option are put at the bottom of the list. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Related Options:,
Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used to filter and render attached data. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values. The Attributes Values that are not listed in the option are put at the bottom of the list.
Starting with the 8.1.1 release this option no longer controls the display of case information in the toast view. Refer to the option for this purpose.
Workspace Desktop Edition Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
03/24/16 | General | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Workbin and Interaction Queue Filter sort order is now retained between login sessions.
- Changes to the and options are now taken account immediately. This includes situations when the values of those options are set by using a Transaction object assigned during Routing processing and that is received by Workspace through an EventAttachedDataChanged following the EventRinging or EventPartyChanged that started the call handling.
- Note: Case information of consultation calls are static and as a consequence not affected by this modification.
- An agent's last used interaction search criteria in the Advanced Search view of the Interaction Search, My History, Contact History, and Contact Directory views is now retained between login sessions. With this new capability, the contact.history-advanced-default options are now ignored as soon as an agent modifies the list of advanced search criteria in the corresponding search views.
- The performance of Team Communicator when loading the information for a large number of agents has been improved. Previously, Workspace might have become non-responsive for several seconds at application startup, particularly in environments where the value of the general.configuration-agent-collection-loading-method option is set to brief-info.
- Workspace now attaches the Call Result to the Record Processed request sent to Outbound Contact Server when an agent finalizes the processing of an outbound record only when the value of the Call Result is not unknown. Previously, when the agent was not assigned the privilege to specify a call result, or when the agent did not pick another call result value, the Call Result was always overridden with the value unknown.
- You can now fully localize the labels retrieved from Genesys Management Framework that are displayed in the Workbins view by:
- Applying the Business Attributes localization rules to the Business Attribute Values of the Custom Interaction Attributes objects to localize the custom workbin and interaction queue columns.
- Applying the Script localization rules to the Workbin objects to localize the name of the workbin.
- Recent Place selection at login has been optimized. Previously, the Use recent place check box was hidden in the Show More area. The check box is now displayed more prominently. Enhanced logic, based on the option is available to reduce accidental login on an incorrect device if an agent logs in from a location that is different from the last login.
- System performance can now be improved by storing the agent's personal profile outside of the Configuration Server Person annex, in a controlled network area. This reduces the amount of data that is stored in Configuration Server and, as well, Workspace no longer executes Write requests to Configuration Server. Also, this feature enables the capability to access the agent's personal profile from any workstation or location where the agent logs in. Configure the options.clean-up-former-record-location option to handle migration logic to the new location.
- You can now insert pre-defined text into outgoing email interactions by using a Standard Response configured to contain custom field codes.
- Workspace now tracks the duration for which each interaction is actively being worked on (in focus) to better support accurate reporting of an agent’s time spent per interaction. This information is recorded by Genesys Info Mart for historical reporting purpose. Genesys Info Mart version or higher is required to use this feature. Set the value of the to true to enable this feature.
- Workspace now supports Windows 10. This support does not include Genesys Workspace Plugins. For plugin support information, refer to the specific documentation for each plugin.
- When Workspace sends the RecordProcess request to Outbound Contact Server through a User Event delivered to T-Server, the User Event is now populated with the Connection ID of the corresponding outbound call.
- In environments where Genesys Outbound is deployed, when an agent request to log off from the Voice channel is authorized by Outbound Contact Server, Workspace now automatically forces the Voice channel status to Logged Off. Previously, when the request was approved, the status was forced to Not Ready.
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
When an email interaction is pulled from a workbin, explicitly by an agent or implicitly by sending the corresponding child outgoing email reply, the FirstName and EmailAddress key-value pairs are no longer ignored when subsequently synchronizing the attached data of the email interaction in UCS. (IW-12608)
Connection to Configuration Server using Kerberos authentication by specifying a Service Principal Name now works correctly. In version, this feature was not operational and agents could not log in using Kerberos authentication. (IW-12593)
Agents can now sort using any column the contents of workbins that are configured to be updated automatically. Previously, starting with version, it was possible to sort a workbin configured in this way only using the attributes mapped to table columns in Interaction Server. (IW-12592)
The My History view now correctly displays interaction records correctly. Previously, the My History view could become empty when agents switched between the grid view and the tree view while adjusting the time filter. (IW-12554)
If an agent uses shortcut keys to send, interim send, save, save in workbin, or put back to original queue an outgoing email interaction, the subject and body of the email are now correctly saved in the Universal Contact Server (UCS) interaction record. Previously in this scenario, these elements were not saved, and the email was sent without a subject or body. (IW-12538)
When an agent is assigned to an Outbound Push-Preview campaign in an environment where the value of the outbound.push-preview.use-combined-channel option is set to true, the outboundpreview media channel status no longer loses synchronization with the status of the voice channel. (IW-12528)
In environments where Workspace is configured to connect to Configuration Server using a configuration environment name instead of an explicit host and port, Workspace no longer displays by default the bottom part of the primary login window that contains advanced login parameters. (IW-12498)
When an agent populates the To, Cc, and Bcc addresses of an outgoing email interaction by using the address search dialog box, it is now possible to directly type the addresses in the corresponding field without explicitly searching for a contact. Previously, when an address was manually typed into an empty field of this dialog box, the typed content was ignored when an agent clicked OK to close the dialog box. (IW-12496)
Agents can now reply to an inbound email interaction that does not have a contact assigned. (IW-12483)
In a multi-channel conversation scenario, when an inbound chat from a contact is followed by an outgoing call to the same contact, agents can now start a consultation or transfer the call. (IW-12477)
In environments where agents are granted workbin privileges, it is now possible to manage personal or shared workbins after a network disconnection that impacts connections to Interaction Server and Configuration Server, or after a workstation is set to sleep or hibernate and then is wakened. (IW-12474)
In environments where an agent is granted both Outbound and Genesys Callback privileges, it is now possible to close an interaction form representing a rescheduled outbound record using the Done button. (IW-12470)
The processing of the Genesys Voice Mail Message Waiting Indicator events has been improved to avoid situations where the indicator of a new message might not be displayed in the message notification area. (IW-12430)
When Workspace is configured to use a non-English language interface, it is now possible to use the Between operator when searching Interactions based on a date attribute. (IW-12422)
In the Contact History view, the page navigation now behaves correctly in scenarios when a Quick Search request was first executed and followed by a switch to the Advanced Search mode. (IW-12419)
Agents can no longer complete the processing of an outbound record when the record was rescheduled with a blank or invalid date. Previously in this scenario, an outbound record marked to be rescheduled with an empty date was rescheduled to the current day. (IW-12412)
Workspace now correctly displays HTML formatted email interactions that contain the < ![endif] – > tag (a conditional comment) without a corresponding < !--[if] > tag. (IW-12411)
In environments where the value of the interaction-bar.enable-quick-access is set to true and the Interaction Bar - Can Dock privilege is not granted, when the Workspace Main Window is maximized, Workspace no longer fails to respond after a selected interaction tab is closed and Workspace switches to another interaction tab. (IW-12339)
In scenarios where an agent accepts a Chat interaction but the connected Chat Server takes a long time to respond, Workspace now correctly enables the agent for the Chat session. Previously in this scenario, the agent might not have been added to the Chat session and would not have been able to apply any actions to the Chat interaction. (IW-12065)
An additional defense mechanism has been added to Workspace to correctly handle event flows where a software component, such as the Router, triggers an automatic Answer Call request immediately followed by an automatic Mute Transfer request. Previously in this scenario, Workspace might have shown a grey background once the call had left the Agent's desktop. (IW-11795)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release