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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true,false
Changes Take Effect: When the application is started or restarted.

Specifies whether the indicated workitem channel is automatically set to the Ready state at login.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Dependencies: contact.lookup.enable

Specifies contact lookup behavior if the value of contact.lookup.enable is set to true.

  • true: If there is only one contact in the UCS database, that contact is assigned automatically. If there are two or more contact in the UCS database, the first one is assigned to the interaction automatically.
  • false: If there is only one contact in the UCS database, that contact is assigned automatically. If there are two or more contacts, these are displayed in the Contact view of the interaction and the agent must either select one, search for a different contact, or create a new contact.
    This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.

Workspace Desktop Edition Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
11/02/17 General X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release contains the following new feature and enhancement:

  • Hyperlink Preview
    • Agents can now see the URL when they mouse over hyperlink text. Workspace now displays a tooltip containing the exact URL for any hyperlink that is displayed in any Workspace view, such as an HTML inbound email interaction view.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Customization developers can now insert their own implementation of the IRescheduleToolbarViewModel interface inside Workspace. (IW-14891)

Workspace no longer sends multiple Identify Contact requests to UCS in deployments where the value of the contact.lookup.auto-assign-mode option is set to false. Previously in this scenario, multiple instance of this request could be sent during interaction handling, which sometimes resulted in duplicate contact records being displayed in the Suggested Contact view. (IW-14874)

When the value of the login.<media-type>.is-auto-ready option is set to true for eServices media types, the corresponding channel is now automatically set to the 'Ready' state when the agent logs off and then logs on again to that media. (IW-14852)

When handling Callback interactions, Workspace is now able to send HTTPS requests to GMS using TLS versions 1.1 or higher. Previously, only versions up to 1.0 were supported. If the HTTP server was configured to accept only TLS 1.1 or higher, connection was not possible. (IW-14841)

Workspace no longer attaches key-value pairs representing the whole set of valid disposition code values to interactions. (IW-14826)

It is no longer possible to delete text in the Details tab of an email interaction that is selected in the History view. Previously, it was possible to select and delete text from the view; however, the update was not saved in the UCS database. (IW-14819)

After a two-step transfer, it is now possible to mark a call as Done by using a keyboard shortcut. (IW-14817)

Workspace no longer displays an empty Login window if the local configuration file is temporarily locked by another process during login. (IW-14766)

The editable case information configured to display valid values in a folder hierarchy now correctly displays the folder tree in environments where Management Framework is installed in a language other than English. Previously in this scenario, the folder hierarchy was displayed with extra, non-functional folders. (IW-14762)

When an Outbound Campaign call is dialed by an Active Switch Matrix (ASM) Campaign, the Contact Profile and Contact History views are now available as soon as the agent is connected with the contact. (IW-14592)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on March 15, 2018, at 15:45.
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