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Genesys Mobile Services Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
01/27/17 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • GMS now supports URL rewriting.
  • GMS now has a Callback count API that you can use to ensure that you do not book more Callbacks than you have licenses for.
  • GMS now supports load balancing for ORS nodes.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

If the value of the enable_ors_loadbalancer configuration option in the ors section is set to true, GMS now defaults to using the ORS URL list with the load balancer feature and the load-balancing strategy. (GMS-4313)

GMS no longer creates a new session for every user request, thereby avoiding certain types of performance issue. (GMS-4294)

GMS now sends deviceId when sending push notifications to custom HTTP targets. (GMS-4293)

When an outbound call for a callback service fails to connect to the customer and another attempt is scheduled to occur after a delay, agent availability is now taken into account in determining when to place the outbound call. In particular, if no agents are available, retry attempts will be delayed until after an agent becomes available. (GMS-4258)

When requests are sent to the Callback API, the circular load-balancing strategy (_ors_lb_strategy) is now correctly applied to the ORS URL list defined in the service/server section. (GMS-4250)

When startup statistics are defined in the GMS configuration and the GMS configuration is changed, GMS now resubscribes to the startup statistics after the Stat Server connections are closed and reopened. (GMS-4242)

The Sample UI no longer ignores the Comet Notifications toggle for chat-related requests. (GMS-4240)

GMS no longer creates a new session for each node API call. This can improve performance. (GMS-4237)

GMS no longer misses statistics events from Stat Server in circumstances where the host is under a heavy load and the JVM has difficulty scheduling its threads. (GMS-4223)

The ORS servers in the Connections tab of the GMS application now take backup servers into account using the circular load-balancing strategy (_ors_lb_strategy). (GMS-4204)

Advanced parameters are now displayed on the Configured Services page by default. Previously, they were hidden by default. (GMS-4203)

This release addresses security issues found in the User Interface. (GMS-4183)

GMS now correctly handles subdirectories within business attributes that are defined in its configuration options, allowing it to find the correct value when it is subscribing to business attributes. (GMS-4096)

GMS now correctly handles the maximum number of concurrent sessions. (GMS-4087)

The _ors option in the server section now works with a list of ORS URLs. (GMS-4017)

Customer calls are now disconnected if the callback ends in state COMPLETED (FAIL_AGENT_CONNECT), even if the maximum number of agent connection attempts is exceeded. (GMS-3950)

The callback transfer-to-agent confirmation timer can now be disabled by setting _agent_transfer_confirm_timeout=0 (the default value). You must use this setting if your site has enabled call monitoring, for example if you have set the T-Server parameter divert-on-ringing to false for all agents.

If call monitoring is not enabled, however, you should normally enable this timer. A value in the range of 10 seconds is appropriate. This allows a call to progress to the agent connected state when there isn't any T-Event messaging to confirm this. (GMS-3874)

GMS no longer adds an extra time slot at the end of a requested callback interval. Previously, if the callback service was configured using both office-hours and capacity services, and if the office-hours configuration for the bh_XXX parameter used a time period ending with 24:00, the callback availability window would include an extra, erroneous time slot at the end of the requested interval. (GMS-3511)

Upgrade Notes

If you are upgrading from 8.5.104 or earlier, install release as usual, then update the DFM files to ensure correct callback processing.

This page was last edited on January 31, 2017, at 23:54.
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