[hide]Keyboard Navigation and Accessibility
Workspace supports keyboard shortcuts and hotkey combinations for certain common functions. The Workspace keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys are configured by your administrator; this is to ensure that there is no conflict between Workspace and other applications that you use. Please ask your administrator for a list of the shortcuts and hotkeys that are configured for Workspace.
Shortcut and Hotkey Combinations
A shortcut is a combination of keys that you press to activate a certain function or behavior in a specific window or view. Your operating system might support shortcut keys for the following functions: copy, cut, paste, undo, delete, find, maximize window, minimize window, open menu and select command, switch application, cancel, change focus, and so on. Consult your operating system documentation for a list of supported keyboard shortcuts.
Hotkeys are also combinations of keys that you press to perform certain functions; however, hotkeys are available to you no matter what window or application is active. For example, your administrator might configure a hotkey combination enabling you to answer a phone call (voice interaction) or reject an email interaction that has been routed to you; when the preview is displayed on your desktop, you can use the hotkey combination to perform the action without first having to switch to the interaction preview.
Sometimes there might be a conflict between the keyboard shortcut that your administrator has configured for Workspace functionality and the keyboard shortcuts that control the Rich Text Editor that you use for email and other text-based interactions. If this is the case, navigate away from the text editor field before you use the shortcut. If you experience a shortcut conflict, notify your administrator to change the custom shortcut.
Menu item Access Keys
Windows Access keys are available for most menu items in Workspace.
Each supported menu item has an underlined letter or character.
To select a menu item, press the Alt key to open a menu in the active window, then press the letter or character that corresponds to the menu item.
Keyboard Navigation and Screen Readers
Workspace supports keyboard navigation for all features in the interaction windows. All features, functions, options, and menus are 100 percent navigable by keyboard.
Keyboard navigation enables agents who do not use a mouse, or who are using a device for accessibility that relies on keyboard navigation, to manipulate the desktop components.
Some screen-reader applications are not compatible with these navigation shortcuts, because the screen reader uses some of these keys for other purposes. When screen reader mode is on, use Alt + N to disable the keyboard navigation function.
Note: If you are already in screen-reader mode, all keyboard shortcuts are disabled, except for the Alt + n commands. Your system administrator turns screen-reader mode on and off.
Visual cues
The appearance of the Workspace component that you select changes as you move the focus from one component to another. For example, buttons change color and menus open with the current selection highlighted by color.
Basic Navigation
Two keyboard shortcuts enable you to navigate among components—for example, from one menu to the next or from one view of the interaction interface to the next:
- Tab key: Moves the focus to the next component (menu, field, button, view, and so on)
- Shift + Tab key combination: Moves the focus to the previous component (menu, field, button, view, and so on)
Beginning with version, Workspace enables you to enter tab characters in the email composition area of outgoing email interactions by pressing the TAB key. Now, to use the TAB key to step to the next control or field, you must first press Ctrl-TAB to step out of the text composition area. This feature might be disabled in environments configured for accessibility; if so, you will not be able to enter tab characters in the email composition area, but you can use the TAB key to move to the next control in the tab order.
When you use the Tab key to navigate, movement occurs from left to right and from top to bottom, unless the ordering of components dictates otherwise. Navigation moves from component to component within a view, and from view to view within the application.
Navigation Shortcuts
The following table contains keyboard shortcuts that enable you to manipulate controls, such as menus, lists, and buttons, in the Workspace interface.
Shortcut | Description |
LEFT ARROW | Move left in a menu bar or out of a submenu. |
RIGHT ARROW | Move right in a menu bar or into a submenu. |
UP ARROW | Move up in lists and menus. |
DOWN ARROW | Move down in lists and menus. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Open a selected drop-down list. |
For a modifiable list, apply the edit mode, or validate the modification. For a button, execute the associated action. For a menu item, execute the associated action. |
SPACE | For some controls, select or clear the check box that has the focus. |
ESCAPE | For a modifiable list, cancel the edit mode. |
Workspace High Contrast Theme
Workspace enables visually-impaired agents to use a high contrast theme that compliments the Windows high contrast themes that are available from the Windows Personalization control panel. The Workspace high contrast theme follows Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements with some limitations. The Workspace high contrast theme was tested against red/green and blue/yellow color deficit vision. The Workspace high contrast theme functions whether or not one of the Windows high contrast themes are in use.
The Workspace high contrast theme must be enabled by your administrator. If it is enabled for you, you can access the high contrast theme from the Workspace Main Menu by selecting Main Menu>Change Theme>High Contrast. You must exit and relaunch Workspace to make the high contrast theme active.
Related Resources
The Workspace Desktop Edition User's Guide (English only) provides detailed lessons for using all the features of Workspace. You might find the following lessons useful: