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In-Progress and Recent Interactions

Are you looking for tutorials to help you learn how to use this feature? Check out the Related Resources section at the bottom of this article.

If there are interactions in progress for the current contact, the number of interactions is displayed beside the connection status of the interaction. Place your mouse pointer over the icon to display the number and type of interaction(s) in progress (except voice interactions) for the current contact. If you click the icon, the Contact view is opened and the Contact History tab is displayed.

Icons displaying the number of interactions with a contact.
Dynamic contact history.

If there are recent interactions for the current contact; the number of interactions is displayed beside the connection status of the interaction. Place your mouse pointer over the icon to display the number and type of recent interaction(s) for the current contact. If you click the icon, the Contact view is opened and the History tab is displayed. Your system administrator defines the contents as interactions in the last-specified number of days.

Tooltip showing the number of recent interactions for a contact by type.
Display of recent interactions.

The Interaction History view is part of the Interaction window and the History tab of the Contact Directory view.

Use the Zoom control in the Main Menu (refer to Manage your settings and preferences) to change the size of the text in this view. This feature might not be available in your environment. [Added:]

Related Resources

The Workspace Desktop Edition User's Guide (English only) provides detailed lessons for using all the features of Workspace. You might find the following lessons useful:

Related topics

Top 10 pages

  1. Workspace Desktop Edition Help
  2. Main Window
  3. My Status
  4. Contact Directory
  5. Workbins
  6. Functionality Overview
  7. My Messages
  8. Login
  9. Voice Consultation
  10. Components, Features, and Controls
This page was last edited on December 15, 2021, at 20:48.
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