Genesys Mobile Services Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
06/07/21 | Update | X | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- The Admin UI now supports the CallbackReadOnly role that displays the Callback panel without the Create, Update, or Delete capabilities. (GMS-8334)
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Now, the GMS Installation Package (IP) correctly finds Oracle JDK 11 or Open JDK 11 during installation. Previously, the IP may have stopped and displayed the following error message:
- The target computer does not meet the following mandatory requirements: 1.Sun Java Development Kit(JDK), version 1.8.0_0 or higher, must be installed.
The Admin panel for Office Hours now allows the YYYY-MM-dd and MM-dd formats to create unique holidays and holidays that are repeated annually. (GMS-8325)
Now, even if the _cb_t_callback_offered and _cb_t_callback_accepted parameters are not provided in the service request, the GMS callback service properly sets the _CB_T_CALLBACK_OFFERED and _CB_T_CALLBACK_ACCEPTED reporting KVPs. (GMS-8320)
The Spring JDBC that was no longer in use has been removed to solve CVE vulnerabilities. (GMS-8314)
To solve Jquery vulnerabilities, the following third-party libraries have been updated:
- AngularJS has been updated to version 1.8.2
- jQuery has been updated to version 3.5.1
- jQuery UI has been updated to version 1.12.1
- Underscore has been updated to version 1.6.0
- angular-gridster has been updated to version 0.13.14
- angular-masonry has been updated to version 0.16.0
- angular-mocks has been updated to version 1.8.2
- angular-poller has been updated to version 0.4.5
- angular-ui-sortable has been updated to version 0.19.0
- cometd.js has been updated to version 5.0.2
- eventEmitter has been updated to ev-emitter 1.0.3
- getSize has been updated to version 2.0.3
- imagesLoaded has been updated to version 4.1.4
- jquery-bridget has been updated to version 2.0.1
- masonry has been updated to version 4.0.0
- matchesSelector has been updated to version 2.0.2
- moment-timezone has been updated to version 0.5.32
- MomentJS has been updated to version 2.29.1
- angular-moment has been updated to version 1.3.0
- nvd has been updated to version 1.8.6
- outlayer has been updated to version 2.0.1
The following third-party libraries have been removed:
- JQuery-UI-Dialog
- boostrap
- handlebars
- bootstrap-switch
- bootstrap-datepicker
- jquery.eventCalendar.js
- jquery-fileupload.js
- highlight.js
- ijp.js
- jQueryBBQ
- simplePagination.js
- jquery-slideto
- jquery-wiggle
- json2
- Metro JS
- SlickGrid
- swagger-ui
- swagger
- RequireJS text
- doc-ready
- eventie
- faye
- getStyleProperty
- angular-treeview
Upgrade Notes
Further instructions are available in the upgrade section of the Genesys Mobile Service Deployment Guide.