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Active Switching Matrix

Also known as ASM. An active component of switching hubs that rapidly switch packets from port to port by allocating memory.



Genesys Info Mart Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
03/25/16 General X X X X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Focus Time reporting — Genesys Info Mart now supports reporting of agent focus time. Focus time is calculated by Genesys Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE).

    Multiple interactions can be active on an agent desktop, but only one interaction has the agent's focus at any given moment. For each of an agent's active interactions, the focus time indicates the total amount of time the agent was focused on that particular interaction.

    Genesys Info Mart populates two new columns in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table with focus time data: FOCUS_TIME_COUNT and FOCUS_TIME_DURATION.

    This functionality requires WDE release or higher and Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.507.06 or higher.

  • Reporting on multiple routing attempts — In deployments with the SIP Server configuration option divert-on-ringing set to false, Genesys Info Mart now associates multiple routing attempts with the same mediation in scenarios when multiple attempts are made to route a call from a virtual queue. The same MEDIATION_SEGMENT_ID value is used in the IRF records for all routing attempts. The technical result of Redirected/RouteOnNoAnswer is reported for all but the last routing attempt, if the attempts were unsuccessful. For prerequisites and configuration information, see Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide.
  • Indicate which party ended chat — Genesys Info Mart now stores data that enables you to determine who ended a chat session. This functionality requires Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.507.06 or higher. The following changes support this feature:

    • A new flag, CUSTOMER_LEFT_FIRST, has been added to the ANCHOR_FLAGS dimension. When a customer leaves a chat before the agent, this flag is set in the ANCHOR_FLAGS_KEY column in the IRF table. For conference calls, the flag is set for each IRF record that was active when the customer left the chat session.
    • The column IRF_ANCHOR_SENT_TS in the IRF table has been renamed to IRF_ANCHOR_TS. If a customer leaves a chat session before the agent, this column records the time when the customer left. Otherwise, it records the time when the chat session was stopped by the agent. This field is populated in each IRF record that is active when the customer leaves the chat session.
  • ASM engage duration reporting—In Outbound VoIP environments, with Outbound Contact campaigns running in an Active Switching Matrix (ASM) dialing mode, the time that the engaged agent spends waiting to be connected to the customer (ASM engage duration) is now reported separately from regular talk time:
    • Two new columns, ASM_COUNT and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION, have been added to the IRF table.
    • A new configuration option, No results, in the [gim-etl-populate] section controls population of the new columns. When the option is set to its default value of false, the existing behavior of not differentiating ASM engage duration from regular talk duration is preserved.
    • The GSW_CALL_TYPE key has been added to the list of Outbound Contact KVPs in the attached data specification sample, ccon_adata_spec_GIM_example.xml.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • To improve processing of user data that is attached during mediation, a new column, USERDATA_FLAG, is added to the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) table. This new flag facilitates an unambiguous join between the MSF and fact extension tables to retrieve correct user data that is attached during mediation. This flag prevents rare scenarios where a join only by MEDIATION_SEGMENT_ID without USERDATA_FLAG might cause Genesys Info Mart to inappropriately select user data records that were stored in fact extension tables but not attached to MSF records. This might have occurred, for example, when an interaction was abandoned in the ACD queue, and the ACD queue was not configured to attach user data.
    • The field IRF.LAST_INTERACTION_RESOURCE is now supported for all media types. Previously, this field was supported only for voice interactions.
    • In high availability (HA) deployments with redundant Interaction Concentrators, the extraction job now waits to extract data in scenarios where one Interaction Database (IDB) from an HA pair has more recent, but potentially less reliable, data than the other IDB. This ensures that the most reliable data is extracted.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

The transformation job no longer fails when processing data associated with a chat conference that was initiated when no agent was connected to the chat. Previously in such scenarios, the transformation job may have failed with the exception java.lang.StackOverflowError. (GIM-10580)

The transformation job no longer fails when attempting to insert a table name of more than 30 characters into the STG_TRANSFORM_DISCARDS.TABLE_NAME field. Instead, the table name is truncated to 30 characters. (GIM-10519)

In scenarios where a call is not diverted from an ACD queue (for example, the call is abandoned), Genesys Info Mart now reports a value of NULL in MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT.TARGET_IXN_RESOURCE_ID. Previously in such scenarios, the reported value was not NULL. (GIM-10518)

In deployments with ICON 8.1.400.08 or higher, Genesys Info Mart now correctly reports the resource role in the IRF table for scenarios where a call from another site is routed to an agent who later performs a single-step transfer. Previously in such scenarios, Genesys Info Mart recorded an incorrect resource role of RECEIVED, ROUTEDTO, or DIVERTEDTO (instead of RECEIVEDTRANSFER) in the IRF row representing the recipient of the single-step transfer. (GIM-10514)

Genesys Info Mart now correctly populates the link between an IRF record and the MSF record for its distributing ACD queue in scenarios where the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. The msf-target-route-thru-queue configuration option is set to true.
  2. A call is distributed to an agent by a routing point that is not running a strategy that uses a virtual queue.
  3. The call passes through an ACD queue prior to reaching the agent.

Previously in such scenarios, the IRF record for the agent had a null value in the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_ID column, instead of a link to the MSF record for the ACD queue.


The transformation job now correctly populates records in INTERACTION_FACT, IRF, and MSF tables in scenarios where the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. An agent marks as Completed an interaction that is in the agent's workbin.
  2. Media Server pulls the interaction from the workbin and places it in a queue.
  3. A strategy places the interaction in an archived queue.

Previously in such scenarios, Genesys Info Mart might have recorded incorrect values in END_TS and END_DATE_TIME_KEY in the INTERACTION_FACT table, created redundant records in the IRF table, and missed records in the MSF table.


Genesys Info Mart now limits how far into the future it attempts to populate the DATE_TIME table. Previously, the maintenance job might have failed if the DATE_TIME table was configured to populate a date range extending extremely far into the future.

Note: Genesys does not recommend that you populate the calendar tables more than a year in advance.


On Oracle deployments, fields RECORD_FIELD_11 through RECORD_FIELD_30 in the CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT table can hold up to ten digits (to a maximum value of 9999999999). Previously, Genesys Info Mart expected a value in these fields between -2147483648 and 2147483647, and if the value was greater than expected, the transformation job failed and logged the following exception:


Genesys Info Mart now correctly populates INTERACTION_FACT, IRF, and MSF records in multimedia deployments with scenarios involving archived queues and where a Media Server moves an interaction to a different queue. (GIM-10444)

In scenarios where a call is abandoned while queued in multiple parallel virtual queues, Genesys Info Mart now reports only the last-entered virtual queue as Abandoned. Other parallel virtual queues are reported as Cleared/Unspecified. Previously in such scenarios, MSF records for all virtual queues were reported as Abandoned. (GIM-10258, GIM-10517)

In high availability (HA) deployments with redundant Interaction Concentrators storing data from a data source, Genesys Info Mart now considers time deviation and maximum call duration when determining data reliability in redundant IDBs. Genesys Info Mart considers that data reliability increases with the exclusion of the following data:

  • The first and last seconds of a data source session (DSS). Excluding this data minimizes data loss associated with seconds partially committed by ICON to IDB.
  • The time periods near the start and end of a DSS, as defined by the existing max-time-deviation configuration option. Excluding this data minimizes data loss associated with time deviation between hosts.
  • For voice data, the time period near the start of a DSS, as defined by the max-call-duration configuration option. Excluding this data minimizes data loss associated with calls that are in progress when ICON is establishing a connection to T-Server.

Once data from these time periods is excluded, the remaining data is considered as reliable. Previously, Genesys Info Mart could extract less reliable IDB data instead of more reliable IDB data for these time periods, which might have compromised data quality.


The Genesys Info Mart extraction job no longer extracts IDB data that has a timestamp later than the current date/time. As well, if the IDB has such data, the extraction job now records a new log event (ID=55-20170) for which you can set an alarm. Previously, in scenarios where time on the ICON or data source host was incorrectly set to a future time, Genesys Info Mart might have extracted IDB data with incorrect timestamps (timestamps with a future date/time), which might have caused data loss or data quality issues. (GIM-9454)

Upgrade Notes

Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this release to deploy the installation package within your environment.


  • To enable all of the functionality provided in this release, Genesys Info Mart requires Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.509.07 or higher. At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 requires Interaction Concentrator For additional recommendations, see ICON Recommendations in the Known Issues and Recommendations section.
  • Genesys recommends that you manage jobs using Genesys Info Mart Manager, but if you continue to use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console, Genesys recommends that you use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console release 8.1.3 or higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.5 requires Genesys Info Mart release 8.5.002 or later. Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 is compatible with Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.1.4 and higher.
This page was last edited on December 9, 2016, at 00:06.
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