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Logging Configuration Options


This page explains the options that are used to configure application logging.

It is recommended you define log configuration in the Knowledge Center Cluster Application so it can be used by all Knowledge Center Server and Knowledge Center CMS nodes connected to the cluster.

The file path defined in the log section of the Knowledge Center Cluster Application must be valid for every node within this cluster. It is recommended to use a relative path.

There are two sections in the configuration that allow you to configure log system behavior:

  • log - defined logging system common options
  • log-extended - enables extended logging for certain sub-systems of the application
  • We do not recommend you change the settings in the log-extended section unless you are advised to do so by Genesys Technical Support.
  • The log-extended section might be used when collecting information for an incident investigation.
  • Please ensure that values in this section are reverted to original values during production use of the product.

Genesys Knowledge Center allows you to change log options for a particular node of the Knowledge Center Server or Knowledge Center CMS by defining log configuration options in the Application object of this particular node.

We do not recommend you define a separate configuration for individual nodes unless you have a specific reason to do so (for example, you were advised by a Genesys Technical Support representative).

Log section

Option Name Description Value

Section: log

Logging options.

All events all Specifies the outputs to which an application sends all log events. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: all = stdout, logfile Default value: stdout

Value Type:string

Valid values: stdout, stderr, network, [filename]

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Standard standard Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Standard level. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: standard = stderr, network Default value: stdout

Value Type:string

Valid values: stdout, stderr, network, [filename]

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Trace trace Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels). The log outputs must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example:trace = stderr, network Default value: stdout

Value Type:string

Valid values: stdout, stderr, network, [filename]

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Debug debug Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Debug level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, Trace and Debug levels). The log outputs must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: debug = stderr, network Default value: stdout

Value Type:string

Valid values: stdout, stderr, network, [filename]

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Verbose verbose Determines whether a log output is created. If it is, specifies the minimum level of log events generated. The log events levels, starting with the highest priority level, are Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug. Default value: standard

Value Type:chooseMultiple

Valid values: all > debug | trace | interaction | standard | none

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Logging pattern outputPattern Specifies the output pattern that logs is formated to. Log4j/Log4j2 pattern format must be used. Default value: %d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss}> %-5.5p | %-45.80t | %-30.1000c{1} %m %ex%n

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Log compression compressMethod Specified method that will be used for archiving log files. Default value: <empty>

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:

[+] None [+] gzip [+] zip

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Segment segment Specifies whether there is a segmentation limit for a log file. If there is, sets the mode of measurement, along with the maximum size. If the current log segment exceeds the size set by this option, the file is closed and a new one is created. This option is ignored if log output is not configured to be sent to a log file. Default value: 100 MB

Value Type:regular expression [^(?i)(false>(\d+) (kb|mb|hr))$]

Valid values: false | <number>[ KB] | <number> MB | <number> hr

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Expire expire Determines whether log files expire. If they do, sets the measurement for determining when they expire, along with the maximum number of files (segments) or days before the files are removed. This option is ignored if log output is not configured to be sent to a log file. Default value: 10

Value Type:regular expression [^(?i)(false>(\d+) day|(\d+))$]

Valid values: false | <number>[ file] (1-1000) | <number> day (1-100)

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time zone timeConvert Specifies the system in which an application calculates the log record time when generating a log file. The time is converted from the time in seconds since "00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970". Default value: local

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:

[+] local [+] utc

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time format timeFormat Specifies how to represent, in a log file, the time when an application generates log records. A log record's time field in the ISO 8601 format looks like this: "2001-07-24T04:58:10.123". Default value: time

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:

[+] time [+] locale [+] iso8601

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Message format message-format Specifies the format of log record headers that an application uses when writing logs in the log file. Using compressed log record headers improves application performance and reduces the log file's size. Default value: custom

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:

[+] short [+] medium [+] full [+] shortcsv [+] shorttsv [+] shortdsv [+] custom

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This page was last edited on June 26, 2018, at 18:41.
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