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Section: Options
Default Value: " " (string)
Valid Values: A valid URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

The Documentation Wikicicle is no longer supported.

Specifies the location of Genesys offline documentation.

The default value for the option is empty, unless you are running an offline PDF version of WFM Help. If that case, this field will contain a valid URL that points to the site where the PDF resides. For example: http://<host:port>/<applicationname>.

Use this format, where <host:port> is the hostname and port number of the internal webserver that is hosting the PDF, and <applicationname> is the name of the directory where the PDF resides.

Do not add a backslash (/) at the end of the URL.


Section: Functionality
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether the HTTP header X-Frame-Options is added to all JSP pages served by WFM Web.

If this option value is set to true, the header is added and prevents WFM Web pages from loading in the frame being used by the site and served from another domain. WFM Web pages served from the same domain as the one in the frame are allowed.

Use this option as protection from clickjacking.


Section: AgentSchedule
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not WFM replaces the actual names of non-tradeable Exceptions and Time-Off items with generic names in the Web for Agents Other Schedules view. Administrators use this feature to hide sensitive information, if required.

If this option value is set to true, WFM replaces the actual names of non-tradeable Exceptions and Time-Off items with generic names in the Web for Agents. If this option value is set to false, WFM displays the actual names of Exception and Time-Off.


Section: Functionality
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies the functionality that is accessible to agents in WFM Web for Agents.

If this option value is set to true, WFM Web ignores Web for Agents-related application settings and instead, uses the role settings configured in Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) to determine what functionality agents can access. If this option value is set to false (default), WFM Web uses Web for Agents-related application settings.

Unlike application options that are applicable to all agents, this functionality allows administrators to control Web for Agents functionality for each agent individually or groups of agents.

To learn more about how WFM controls agent access in WFM Web, see Managing WFM Roles and Privileges in GAX.


Section: Functionality
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: ClassicAgent

In coordination with the ClassicAgent option, specifies whether the latest, redesigned WFM Agent interface is turned on or off.

This option combines with the setting for the ClassicAgent option in the following ways:

  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, only the Classic Agent UI is available.
  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, the Agent UI opens but the option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is present in the Log off drop-down menu.


Section: Functionality
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not users can insert Payback Exceptions into schedules to make up for lost work time.

Setting this option value to true enables this functionality and user can insert Exceptions with payback into schedules. Setting this option value to false disables this functionality and user cannot insert these Exception types into schedules.


Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether or not an additional check is turned on or off for already-configured days off when agents requests time off.

The valid values are described, as follows:

  • 0—The option is off.
  • 1—Prevents agents from requesting time off for weekdays, when they have no Contract availability.
  • 2—Same as described for the value 1, except weekdays when Contract non-availability is overwritten by an open Granted availability interval. Also applies to dates with Granted no-availability preferences and Granted day-off preferences and to days when agents have rotating days off according to their assigned rotating schedule.

When this option is on:

  • The agent receives an error message and the time-off item is not inserted into the calendar.
  • The supervisor receives a warning message that can be overridden.


Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies the time, in minutes, between the Time-Off Bidding processes that handle Calendar bid items.

Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.


Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies the interval (in minutes) between the processes handling time-off bidding and wait-listed items.

Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.

In WFM Server, the default value was changed to 30 (minutes) from 60 (minutes) and the description was changed to include time-off bidding items.


Section: ForecastService
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect:
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.207

Specifies whether Service Level should be calculated from the number of interactions distributed or from the number of interactions offered, taking into account abandoned interactions.

The default value 0 indicates that Service Level is calculated, based on the number of interactions distributed. To include abandoned interactions, set the value to 1.


Section: ScheduleService
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect:
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.207

Specifies whether or not an external module is used to review schedule trades.

If this option value is set to true, an external module is used to auto-approve schedule trades. If this option value is set to the default false WFM auto-approves schedule trades.

Document change history

This topic contains a summary of the topics that are new or have changed significantly in the specified version of this Administrator's Guide.

Document version 8.5.215

Document version 8.5.214

Document version 8.5.211

Document version 8.5.209

Document version 8.5.208

  • The Using Self Localization topic was updated to document the inclusion of two new files in the localization.bat file.
  • Information about the WFM Agent Mobile Client was added to two topics: Architecture and Component Descriptions.
  • Information about WFM configuration options (descriptions, creating configuration options and sections, removed or changed options) was removed from this guide and added to the Workforce Management Options Reference. The following topics were removed from this guide:
    • "WFM Configuration Options"
    • "Creating New Configuration Sections and Options"
    • "WFM Server Options"
    • "WFM Web Options"
    • "WFM Builder Options"
    • "WFM Data Aggregator Options"
    • "WFM Daemon Options"
    • "WFM Options Changed or Removed"
  • The section "Frequently Asked Questions About Purging Procedures" (previously a subtopic of Managing the WFM Database) was removed from this guide and added to the Workforce Management ETL Reference.

Document version 8.5.207

Document version 8.5.206

Document version 8.5.205

There were no updates or changes made to this document in this release.

Document version 8.5.204

Document version 8.5.203

Document version 8.5.202

  • Two new configuration option descriptions were added to the WFM Web Application:

Document version 8.5.201

This page was last edited on May 24, 2022, at 19:18.
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