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Check and Refresh Mailbox Counters

Genesys recommends you to set the cassandra-counter option to false to allow the latest version of Feature Server manage counters automatically. Use the instructions in this article only if you are currently using the version or earlier or cannot set up the recommended option.

Feature Server release includes the following python scripts:

  • refreshMailboxCounters.py—Renews or resets mailbox counters.
  • getAllMailboxCountersInfo.py—Checks mailbox counters.

You can run python scripts on the master Feature Server instance to:

  • correct an error that caused Feature Server to display incorrect totals for the number of messages in a mailbox.
  • check the mailbox counters.

See Appendix: Feature Server Maintenance Python Scripts for Embedded Cassandra for information on how to deploy and run the python scripts.

Check Mailbox Counters

  1. Verify that:
    • All Feature Servers are up and running.
    • Ensure that you set Feature Server in read-only mode using corresponding options to ensure no deposits or retrievals are taking place.
  2. Run getAllMailboxCountersInfo.py.

Refresh Mailbox Counters

  1. Verify that:
    • All Feature Servers are up and running.
    • Ensure that you set Feature Server in read-only mode using corresponding options to ensure no deposits or retrievals are taking place.
  2. Run getAllMailboxCountersInfo.py to identify mailboxes having invalid counters.
    These mailboxes will be marked with !!! in the script output log. For example:
    Mailbox: 86025: Read value: '-1/0 (0/0)'; Calculated value: '0/0 (0/0)';  !!!
  3. Create a .csv file which has the list of mailboxes that need to be refreshed.
  4. Run the Python script refreshMailboxcounters.py using the input file created.

The content of the file csv file created in step 3 should be in this format:


Run as a scheduled task

If you are using Feature Server version or above then you can schedule the update-mailbox-counters task as described in the Scheduled maintenance tasks page.

This page was last edited on May 29, 2024, at 17:57.
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