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Python Scripts

The maintenance scripts, described in this article, can only work with the External Cassandra deployment and require External Cassandra to have an open CQL port. Additionally, there are alternative versions of scripts, located in the python/util folder that are available for environments with Embedded Cassandra and/or for migration steps between Embedded and External Cassandra up to version 3.11. Python2 (or embedded jython module) is required to run these alternative scripts.

Supported script functions and parameters

Script location: python/tools

Before running the maintenance scripts

  • Python3 interpreter is installed and it is up and running to run scripts.
  • For running scripts, make sure that the path to folder python/cassandra is specified and the Python interpreter can find the Cassandra driver module.
  • Before running the scripts, note the following:
    1. Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH, for example: PYTHONPATH=<fs_location_dir>/python
    2. Run the scripts from <fs_location_dir>/python folder
      An example command line looks like:
      python ./tools/<script_name> <parameters_list>

Including TLS specific arguments

If you are connecting a Cassandra server in a secured mode (TLS enabled), you must use the --tls option in the script command line for all scripts (except few scripts, which require a configuration JSON file for starting and configuring TLS there).

Additionally, add the path to the CA certificate file as an argument of the --cert option.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of the target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port of the target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
TLS Mode (--tls) Activates the TLS connection mode. ---tls Yes
Certificate (--cert) The full path to the location of SSL certificate file. --cert /home/user/ssl/certs/ca.pem Yes

Sample: python ./script.py -H localhost -p 9042 --tls --cert /home/user/ssl/certs/ca.pem

Modifying the default keyspace name (optional)

All scripts operate with the column families of the default keyspace name sipfs. If you want to define an alternative keyspace name, you can do so by specifying the new keyspace name as an argument of the --keyspace command line option.

Sample: python ./script.py -H localhost -p 9042 --keyspace sipfs_new where, sipfs_new is the new keyspace name.

Saving and restoring content of the column families

The maintenance scripts previously used for backing up a single column (saveColumnFamily.py, restoreColumnFamily.py) were removed in the CQL version. You can now do the same using the following CQL commands that is comparatively more simpler and efficient:

 cqlsh -u <username> -p <password> --keyspace <keyspace> -e "COPY <column_family_name> TO '<path_to_backup_file>';"
 cqlsh -u <username> -p <password> --keyspace <keyspace> -e "COPY <column_family_name> FROM '<path_to_backup_file>';"

Sample: For example, to backup and restore the device column family from the sipfs keyspace, use the following command:

    saving of the column family content to CSV backup file:
        cqlsh -u user -p pass --keyspace sipfs -e "COPY device TO './backup_devices.csv';" 
    restoring of the column family content back from CSV file
        cqlsh -u user -p pass --keyspace sipfs -e "COPY device FROM './backup_devices.csv';"



  • Changes the retention limits of existing voicemails.
  • This script can be run in two modes:
    • information mode - which only reports on mailboxes and their associated voicemail profiles.
    • execution mode- which applies the new or changed retention limits.
  • Information mode strives to resolve conflicts (where one mailbox is associated with multiple users or user groups with different profiles) before running in the execution mode.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of the target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of the target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Run Mode (--exec) Activates the execution mode. --exec No
Output (-o) The file name for the output log file with path. ./cleanupColumnFamilies.log Yes


python ./applyMessageRetentionLimits.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./applyMessageRetentionLimits.log


Functions: Terminates the configuration database synchronization-related column families to enable Configuration Server data reimport later.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of the target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The file name for the output log file with path. ./cleanupColumnFamilies.log Yes


python ./cleanupColumnFamilies.py -H localhost -p 9042 --keyspace sipfs_new -o ./cleanupColumnFamilies.log


Functions: Copies the content of source keyspace column families to the destination keyspace column families.

Parameters: Use parameters in copyKeyspaceInput.json and pass it as an input file. This file exists in the same path where this python script is located.

Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
sourceHost Host of source Cassandra database. FsNode01 Yes
sourcePort The CQL port of source Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
destinationHost The host name of the destination Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
destinationPort The CQL port number of the destination Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
sourceKeyspace The source keyspace name. sipfs Yes
destinationKeyspace The destination keyspace name. sipfs_new Yes
excludedCFs A comma-separated list of column family names to be excluded from copying while running the 'copyKeyspaceColumnFamilies.py script. message_bytes, device No
includedCFs A comma-separated list of column family names to be copied while running the copyKeyspaceColumnFamilies.py script. message_bytes, device No
sourceHostUserName The username of the user accessing source Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the source Cassandra cluster.
sourceHostPassword The password of the user accessing source Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the source Cassandra cluster.
sourceHostTls Set this option to true when SSL is enabled for the source Cassandra connection. true Yes, if SSL is enabled in the source Cassandra.
sourceHostCert The path to the source CA certificate file. /home/certs/ca.pem Yes, if SSL is enabled in the source Cassandra.
destinationHostUserName The username of the user accessing destination Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the destination Cassandra cluster.
destinationHostPassword The password of the user accessing destination Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the destination Cassandra cluster.
destinationHostTls Set this option to true when SSL is enabled for the destination Cassandra connection. true Yes, if SSL is enabled in the destination Cassandra.
destinationHostCert The path to destination CA certificate file. /home/certs/ca.pem Yes, if SSL is enabled in the destination Cassandra.


python ./copyKeyspaceColumnFamilies.py -i ./copyKeyspaceInput.json -o ./copyKeyspaceContent_`date +%y%m%d-%H:%M`.log


Functions: Creates a keyspace and its column families in the destination Cassandra cluster copied from the source keyspace.


Use parameters in copyKeyspaceInput.json and pass it as input file. This file exists in the same path where this python script is located.

Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
sourceHost The host name of source Cassandra database. FsNode01 Yes
sourcePort The CQL port number of source Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
destinationHost The host name of destination Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
destinationPort The CQL port number of destination Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
sourceKeyspace The name of the source keyspace. sipfs Yes
destinationKeyspace The name of the destination keyspace. sipfs Yes
excludedCFs A comma-separated list of column family names to be excluded from copying while running the copyKeyspaceColumnFamilies.py script. message_bytes, device No
includedCFs A comma-separated list of column family names to be copied while running the copyKeyspaceColumnFamilies.py script. message_bytes, device No
sourceHostUserName The username of the user accessing source Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the source Cassandra cluster.
sourceHostPassword The password of the user accessing source Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the source Cassandra cluster.
sourceHostTls Set this option to true when SSL is enabled in the source Cassandra connection. true Yes, if SSL is enabled in the source Cassandra.
sourceHostCert The path to source CA certificate file. /home/certs/ca.pem Yes, if SSL is enabled in the source Cassandra.
destinationHostUserName The username of the user accessing destination Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the destination Cassandra cluster.
destinationHostPassword The password of the user accessing destination Cassandra. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the destination Cassandra cluster.
destinationHostTls Set this option to true when SSL is enabled in the destination Cassandra connection. true Yes, if SSL is enabled in the destination Cassandra.
destinationHostCert The path to the destination CA certificate file. /home/certs/ca.pem Yes, if SSL is enabled in the destination Cassandra.
replicationStrategyClassName The name of the replication strategy class. SimpleStrategy,
No, SimpleStrategy is used by default.
replicationOptions The value of the replication map or replication factor. {"usw1": 2},
Yes, for NetworkTopologyStrategy
No, for SimpleStrategy
, (1 is set by default)

Replication strategy class and factor settings:

Class Replication factor Value Description
SimpleStrategy replication_factor : N Assign the same replication factor to the entire cluster.
NetworkTopologyStrategy datacenter_name : N Assign replication factors to each data center in a comma-separated list.


python ./copyKeyspaceSchema.py -i ./copyKeyspaceInput.json -o ./copyKeyspaceSchema_`date +%y%m%d-%H:%M`.log



Based on request, this script exports voicemail data in the .wav format from the Cassandra database in a client-understandable format.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (--dbhost) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (--dbport) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (--fileLocation) Input .json file name and its location. ./in/export_me Yes
Output (--outputLocation) Output result file name and its location. ./out/export_me Yes


python ./exportMe.py --dbhost localhost --dbport 9042 --fileLocation ./in/export_me --outputLocation ./out/export_me

The following is a sample input JSON file:

  "caseid": "123456789",
  "consumers": [
      "consumer": [
        { "name": "John Doe" },
        { "name": "John Q. Doe" },
        { "phone": "55551011" }
      "consumer": [
        { "name": "Dan Akroyd" },
        { "phone": "55551012" },
        { "phone": "555556162" },
        { "email": "danny@hollywood.com" },
        { "email": "funnyguy@comedy.org" },
        { "fbid": "Dan Akroyd" }
  "gim-attached-data": { "kvlist": ["AcctNum", "SSN"] }



To export Voicemail Mailbox Data, Greetings, Messages, and Message metadata.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output(-o) Output folder name. It exports the following items:
  • Mailbox and mailmessage metadata - Export_Voicemail.json
  • Mail message wav files - messageid.wav file
  • Greeting wav file (if greeting is set)
./exportVoicemail Yes
agent/agentgroup (--agent) The export is done only for particular agent or agent group. The list should be provided as a .csv file. agents_agentgroups.csv No
TLS (--tls) Enable if TLS is used. NA No


To export all mailboxes, following is the sample script:

python exportVoicemail.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o voicemailExport

The following is a sample output JSON file:

    "1115": {
        "mailbox_settings": {
            "activeGreetingType": "Standard",
            "canRetrieve": "true",
            "depositState": "",
            "isAnswerOnlyOn": "false",
            "isEnrollmentDone": "false",
            "lastInvalidLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "lastLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "locale": "",
            "loginAttemptCount": "0",
            "maxMsgCount": "",
            "optoutPhone": "",
            "password": "",
            "reset": "false",
            "salt": "",
            "storageVersion": "5",
            "tenantDbid": "0",
            "timeZoneName": "",
            "unlockedTimestamp": "0"
        "mailbox_greetings": {},
        "voicemail_messages": {
            "7617d1e3-e978-4457-8c9e-ae4d7ffe34d6": {
                "callerid": "799005",
                "callermailboxid": "799005",
                "duration": "2000",
                "fn": "1115-1713097934551.wav",
                "isnew": "true",
                "isprivate": "false",
                "priority": "MediumPriority",
                "retLimit": "",
                "storageVersion": "5",
                "timestamp": "1713097934740",
                "7617d1e3-e978-4457-8c9e-ae4d7ffe34d6": "7617d1e3-e978-4457-8c9e-ae4d7ffe34d6.wav"
    "111": {
        "mailbox_settings": {
            "activeGreetingType": "Standard",
            "canRetrieve": "true",
            "isAnswerOnlyOn": "false",
            "isEnrollmentDone": "false",
            "lastInvalidLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "lastLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "loginAttemptCount": "0",
            "reset": "false",
            "storageVersion": "5",
            "tenantDbid": "0",
            "unlockedTimestamp": "0"
        "mailbox_greetings": {},
        "voicemail_messages": {
            "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf": {
                "callerid": "799005",
                "callermailboxid": "799005",
                "duration": "2000",
                "fn": "111-1713097566464.wav",
                "isnew": "true",
                "isprivate": "false",
                "priority": "MediumPriority",
                "storageVersion": "5",
                "timestamp": "1713097567819",
                "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf": "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf.wav"

To export specific agent/agent group mailboxes, following is the sample script:

python exportVoicemail.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o voicemailExport --agents agents_agentgroups.csv

The following is a sample input csv file:


(Agent id 2345 has 111 mailbox, Agent id 7894 has 5687 mailbox)

The following is a sample output JSON file:

    "111": {
        "mailbox_settings": {
            "activeGreetingType": "Standard",
            "canRetrieve": "true",
            "isAnswerOnlyOn": "false",
            "isEnrollmentDone": "false",
            "lastInvalidLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "lastLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "loginAttemptCount": "0",
            "reset": "false",
            "storageVersion": "5",
            "tenantDbid": "0",
            "unlockedTimestamp": "0"
        "mailbox_greetings": {},
        "voicemail_messages": {
            "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf": {
                "callerid": "799005",
                "callermailboxid": "799005",
                "duration": "2000",
                "fn": "111-1713097566464.wav",
                "isnew": "true",
                "isprivate": "false",
                "priority": "MediumPriority",
                "storageVersion": "5",
                "timestamp": "1713097567819",
                "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf": "18e9f80b-41b2-4d71-93b8-a8291260b0cf.wav"
    "5687": {
        "mailbox_settings": {
            "activeGreetingType": "Standard",
            "canRetrieve": "true",
            "depositState": "",
            "isAnswerOnlyOn": "false",
            "isEnrollmentDone": "false",
            "lastInvalidLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "lastLoginTimestamp": "0",
            "locale": "",
            "loginAttemptCount": "0",
            "maxMsgCount": "",
            "optoutPhone": "",
            "password": "",
            "reset": "false",
            "salt": "",
            "storageVersion": "5",
            "tenantDbid": "0",
            "timeZoneName": "",
            "unlockedTimestamp": "0"
        "mailbox_greetings": {},
        "voicemail_messages": {
            "93e1fc1c-9ecf-44ec-a8f4-31508822ff3e": {
                "callerid": "799005",
                "callermailboxid": "799005",
                "duration": "2000",
                "fn": "5687-1713098709033.wav",
                "isnew": "true",
                "isprivate": "false",
                "priority": "MediumPriority",
                "retLimit": "",
                "storageVersion": "5",
                "timestamp": "1713098709192",
                "93e1fc1c-9ecf-44ec-a8f4-31508822ff3e": "93e1fc1c-9ecf-44ec-a8f4-31508822ff3e.wav"



Exports the Voicemail settings into a CSV file.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) Output folder name ./exportVoicemailSettings Yes


python ./exportVoicemailSettings.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./exportVoicemailSettings



  • Deletes the voicemail data of a customer when requested.
  • Run this script on the master Feature Server instance to delete the voicemail data. The customer-related information received from the common Web UI will be transformed into a JSON input file.
  • The forgetMe.py script will fetch the JSON files (that were added since the last execution time to fetch the ANI) added to the gdpr-directory option configured in the [gdpr] section of the master Feature Server.
  • The script will then set the expiry duration to 21 days (by default) for voicemails that correspond to the ANI obtained. The voicemails will be deleted after the expiry duration.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (--dbhost) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (--dbport) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Expiration Time (--expirationTime) The voicemail data expiration time (seconds). 1814400 No
Input (--fileLocation) Input JSON files location folder name. ./forget_files Yes


python ./forgetMe.py --dbhost localhost --dbport 9042 --fileLocation ./forgetMeFiles

The following is a sample input JSON file:

  "caseid": "123456789",
  "consumers": [
      "consumer": [
        { "name": "John Doe" },
        { "name": "John Q. Doe" },
        { "phone": "55551011" }
      "consumer": [
        { "name": "Dan Akroyd" },
        { "phone": "55551012" },
        { "phone": "555556162" },
        { "email": "danny@hollywood.com" },
        { "email": "funnyguy@comedy.org" },
        { "fbid": "Dan Akroyd" }
  "gim-attached-data": { "kvlist": ["AcctNum", "SSN"] }


Functions: Checks the mailbox counters.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getAllMailboxCountersInfo.log Yes


python ./getAllMailboxCountersInfo.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./getAllMailboxCountersInfo.log

Before running the script verify the following:

  • All Feature Servers are up and running.
  • There is no voicemail activity (no one can deposit, read, or listen to voicemail).
  • Then run the getAllMailboxCountersInfo.py script.


Functions: Retrieves a list of rows (with particular columns content) from the target column family.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Column Family (-c) The column name of the target column family. device Yes
Columns List (-k) A list of target columns. USER,NUMBER No
JSON File (-j) The file name of the resultant JSON file and its location. ./results.json No
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getColumnFamilyContent.log Yes


python ./getColumnFamilyContent.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./getColumnFamilyContent.log -c user -k ROLES,RESYNC_ID


Functions: Retrieves the defined columns' values from the target column family.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Column Family (-f) The column name of target column family. user Yes
Columns List (-c) A list of target columns. DB_VERSION,ROLES Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getColumns.log Yes


python ./getColumns.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./getColumns.log -f user -c DB_VERSION,ROLES


Functions: Retrieves the list of mailboxes with assigned and last login date/time info.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
JSON File (-j) The file name of the resultant JSON file and its location. ./results.json No
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getMailboxCountAndLastLoginTime.log Yes


python ./getMailboxCountAndLastLoginTime.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./getMailboxCountAndLastLoginTime.log


Functions: Retrieves the list of users keys.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getUserKeys.log Yes


python ./getUserKeys.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./getUserKeys.log


Functions: Retrieves the list of users containing a column with a particular value.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Column Key (-k) Target column key. DB_VERSION Yes
Column Value (-v) Target column value. 1 Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./getUserKeys.log Yes


python ./getUsers.py -H localhost -p 9042 -k DB_VERSION -v 1 -o ./getUsers.log


Functions: To import Voicemail Mailbox Data, Greetings, Messages, and Message metadata.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
input directory (-i) Directory where all the .wav files for voicemail messages are placed and the exported JSON file. voicemailExport Yes
Output directory (-o) Directory where the execution log is stored. importVoicemailReport Yes
TLS(--tls) Enable if TLS is used. NA No


python importVoicemail.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i voicemailExport -o importVoicemailReport


Functions: Imports the Voicemail settings from the CSV file.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input folder where the CSV file is located. ./inVoicemailSettings Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output folder. ./outVoicemailSettings Yes


python ./importVoicemailSettings.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./importVoicemailSettings -o ./outputLogs


Functions: Removes expired messages.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Output (-o): The name of the output file and its location. ./removeExpiredMessages.log Yes


python ./removeExpiredMessages.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./removeExpiredMessages.log

Before running the script:

  • Ensure that all Feature Servers are up and running.
  • Then run removeExpiredMessages.py script.


Functions: Removes the Switch description data from the database.

Parameters: Use parameters in removeSwitchDescription.json and pass it as an input file. This file exists in the same location where this script is located.

Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
host The host name of target Cassandra database. FsNode01 Yes
port The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
keyspace The name of target keyspace. sipfs Yes
switchName The name of target Switch. SIP_Cluster Yes
userName The username of the user accessing the target Cassandra database. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the Cassandra cluster.
password The password of the user accessing the target Cassandra database. FSadmin Yes, if authentication is enabled in the Cassandra cluster.
hostTls Set this option to true when SSL is enabled for the target Cassandra connection true Yes, if SSL is enabled for the Cassandra.
hostCert The path to the Cassandra host CA certificate file. /home/certs/ca.pem Yes, if SSL is enabled for Cassandra.


python  ./removeSwitchDescription.py -i ./removeSwitchDescription.json -o ./removeSwitchDescription.log


Functions: Restores the Device Calling Profiles data that are not stored in Configuration Server (data saved by corresponding backup script).


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input backup CSV file and its location. ./savedDeviceCallingProfiles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./restoreDeviceCallingProfiles.log Yes


python ./restoreDeviceCallingProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042  -i ./savedDeviceCallingProfiles.csv -o ./restoreDeviceCallingProfiles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

Device ID           Calling Profile ID                              * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
"20001@SwitchSA02", "24e06da6-1dd3-479a-a0a2-0db2c9aa767c"
"10001@SwitchSA01", "a4ea866b-7dcc-4da6-97ae-24cb14f2e150"


Functions: Restores the User Calling Profiles data that are not stored in Configuration Server (data saved by corresponding backup script).


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input backup CSV file and its location. ./savedUserCallingProfiles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./restoreUserCallingProfiles.log Yes


python ./restoreUserCallingProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./savedUserCallingProfiles.csv -o ./restoreUserCallingProfiles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

User name   User ID Calling                                 Profile ID                                      * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
"un00002",  "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "0758d5a6-355a-4e13-9ef2-63884f88a99c"
"un00001",  "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "e969a3be-6337-4041-8a9ca270843c6529"


Functions: Restores the Usergroup Voicemail Profiles data that are not stored in Configuration Server (data saved by corresponding backup script).


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input backup CSV file and its location. ./savedUsergroupVmProfiles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./restoreUsergroupVmProfiles.log Yes


python ./restoreUsergroupVmProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./savedUsergroupVmProfiles.csv -o ./restoreUsergroupVmProfiles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

Group name  Group ID                                        Voicemail Profile ID                            * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
"ag002",    "19613@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"
"ag002",    "19613@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"ag001",    "19612@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"


Functions: Restores the User Roles data that are not stored in Configuration Server (data saved by corresponding backup script).


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input backup CSV file and its location. ./savedUserRoles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./restoreUserRoles.log Yes


python ./restoreUserRoles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./savedUserRoles.csv -o ./restoreUserRoles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

User name   User ID                                         Assigned roles                                          * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
"un00001",  "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,Administrator,GroupMailboxAdministrator"
"un00003",  "57428@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,GroupMailboxAdministrator"
"un00002",  "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,GroupMailboxAdministrator"


Functions: Restores the User Voicemail Profiles data that are not stored in Configuration Server (data saved by corresponding backup script).


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) The name of the input backup CSV file and its location. ./savedUserVmProfiles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./restoreUserVmProfiles.log Yes


python ./restoreUserVmProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./savedUserVmProfiles.csv -o ./restoreUserVmProfiles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

User name   User ID                                         Voicemail Profile ID                            * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
"un00002",  "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"un00001",  "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"
"un00001",  "57426@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"un00003",  "57428@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"


Functions: The Device Calling Profile Assignments script creates a CSV file that contains records for all devices with a Calling Profile assigned to them. This CSV file later serves as the input for the Restoring Device Calling Profile Assignments procedure.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./saveDeviceCallingProfiles.csv Yes


python ./saveDeviceCallingProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./saveDeviceCallingProfiles.csv

The following is a sample output CSV file:

Device ID               Calling Profile ID
"20001@SwitchSA02",     "24e06da6-1dd3-479a-a0a2-0db2c9aa767c"
"10001@SwitchSA01",     "a4ea866b-7dcc-4da6-97ae-24cb14f2e150"
Every record of the device calling profile in the CSV file contains a device ID and the corresponding ID of a Calling Profile assigned to the device. 
Device ID consists of corresponding DN number and the switch name the device belongs to, separated by ‘@’; for instance: 10001@SwitchSA01.



The User Calling Profile Assignments script creates a CSV file that contains records of all Users with a Calling Profile assigned to them. The CSV file later serves as an input for the Restoring User Calling Profile Assignments procedure.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output backup CSV file and its location. ./saveUserCallingProfiles.csv Yes


python ./saveUserCallingProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./saveUserCallingProfiles.csv

The following is a sample output CSV file:

User name   User ID                                         Calling Profile ID
"un00002",  "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "0758d5a6-355a-4e13-9ef2-63884f88a99c"
"un00001",  "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "e969a3be-6337-4041-8a9ca270843c6529"

Every record of the user calling profile in the CSV file contains a user name, user ID, and the corresponding ID of a Calling Profile assigned to the user. User ID consists of the corresponding person DBID and Configuration Server GUID separated by ‘@’; for instance: 57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9


Functions: The User Group Voicemail Profile Assignments script creates a CSV file that contains records of all User Groups with a Voicemail Profile other than the one assigned to them by System Profile. The CSV file later serves as an input for the Restoring User Group Voicemail Profile Assignments procedure.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output backup CSV file and its location. ./saveUsergroupVmProfiles.csv Yes


python ./saveUsergroupVmProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./saveUsergroupVmProfiles.csv

The following is a sample output CSV file:

Group name  Group ID Voicemail                              Profile ID
"ag002",    "19613@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"
"ag002",    "19613@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"ag001",    "19612@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809",   "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"

Every record of the user group voicemail profile in the CSV file contains a group name, group ID and corresponding ID of a Voicemail Profile assigned to the user group. User group ID consists of the corresponding Agent Group DBID and Configuration Server GUID separated by ‘@’; for instance: 19613@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9


Functions: The User Feature Server Roles script creates a CSV file that contains records of all users with Roles different from the default User role. The CSV file later serves as an input for the Restoring User Roles procedure.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output backup CSV file and its location. ./saveUserRoles.csv Yes


python ./saveUserRoles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./saveUserRoles.csv</tt>

The following is a sample output CSV file:

User name   User ID                                         Assigned roles
"un00001",  "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,Administrator,GroupMailboxAdministrator"
"un00003",  "57428@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,GroupMailboxAdministrator"
"un00002",  "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9",   "User,GroupMailboxAdministrator"

Every record of the user roles in the CSV file contains user name, user ID, and the corresponding set of roles assigned to the user. User ID consists of the corresponding person DBID and Configuration Server GUID separated by ‘@’; for instance: 57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9


Functions: The User Voicemail Profile Assignments script creates a CSV file containing records of all users with a Voicemail Profile other than the one assigned to them by System Profile. The CSV file later serves as an input for the Restoring User Voicemail Profile Assignments procedure.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Output (-o) The name of the output backup CSV file and its location. ./saveUserVmProfiles.csv Yes


python ./saveUserVmProfiles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o ./saveUserVmProfiles.csv

The following is a sample output CSV file:

User name User ID Voicemail Profile ID
"un00002", "57427@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9", "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"un00001", "57426@dcc7a7ac-626a-40c7-b805-e14b71d438d9", "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"
"un00001", "57426@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809", "11451ec2-d68a-4425-98ebfbf22a24fc7a"
"un00003", "57428@f521b229-f599-47d4-81fd-2fbf15b02809", "92a5fd17-2b4b-493d-8727-004625e0a112"

Every record of the User Voicemail Profile in the CSV file contains a user name, user ID, and the corresponding ID of a Voicemail Profile assigned to the user. User ID consists of the corresponding person DBID and Configuration Server GUID separated by ‘@’; for instance: 57426@cb2fdedda57f-49e6-a54d-3f930eb1dfc5


Functions: Updates the time zones of mailboxes and the time zones of users who are associated with the mailbox.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Run Mode (--exec) Activates the execution mode. --exec No
Input (-i) Input TimeZones CSV file name. ./mailbox_user_tz.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./set_mailbox_user_tz.log Yes


python ./set_mailbox_user_tz.py -H localhost -p 9042 --exec -i ./mailbox_user_tz.csv -o ./set_mailbox_user_tz.log</tt>

The following is a sample input CSV file:

Mailbox Number      Time Zone ID            * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content
7100,               America/New_York
7200,               America/Los_Angeles


Functions: Sets administrative roles for users from the list.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Input (-i) Input Users CSV file name. ./setAdminRoles.csv Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./setAdminRoles.log Yes


python ./setAdminRoles.py -H localhost -p 9042 -i ./setAdminRoles.csv -o ./setAdminRoles.log

The following is a sample input CSV file:

User Key        * Note: The header row should not present in the input CSV file content


Functions: Updates the Mailbox Message CF record format.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No
Format (--cassandracounter) Updating of the CF record to
old format: --cassandracounter true
new format: --cassandracounter false
false Yes
Output (-o) The name of the output file and its location. ./updateCFFormat.log Yes


python./updateMailboxMessagesCFFormat.py -H localhost -p 9042  --cassandracounter false -o ./updateMailboxMessagesCFFormat.log

The following is a sample format:

New Record Format:
<tt>KoMailbox,  a38c7205-fa51-495c-9dd0-d70b2c2c4155,   {"is_new": "y", "is_high_priority": "n"}</tt>
Old Record Format:
<tt>KoMailbox,  a38c7205-fa51-495c-9dd0-d70b2c2c4155,   mailbox-5108-message-1</tt>



This scripts replaces the following scripts:

  • checkMailboxMessagesIntegrity.py
  • cleanupMailboxMessagesCF.py
  • getAllProblematicMailboxes.py

Functions: To discover and fix corrupted messages in mailboxMessages CF. MessageId present in mailboxMessages CF but not present in mailmessage and message_bytes CF, this occurs when deleted messages reappear.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory Default Value
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes NA
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes NA
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No sipfs
Output (-o) The output JSON file with corrupted messages list. corruptMessagesInMailboxmessages Yes NA
Fix (-f) If -f is not given, the script only finds the corrupted messages
If -f is enabled, the script finds the corrupted messages and fix them.
NA No Fix disabled.
Consistency (-c) Read and Write Consistency Levels. LOCAL_QUORUM No ONE


python corruptMessagesInMailboxmessages.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o corruptMessagesInMailboxmessages

The following is a sample output JSON file:

  "1001": [


This script replaces the following scripts:

  • problematicMailMessages.py
  • cleanupMailmessageCF.py


To discover and fix corrupted messages in mailboxMessages CF and mailmessage CF. MessageId present in mailboxMessages and mailmessage CF but not present in message_bytes CF and retention limit not set for message bytes, this occurs when deleted messages reappear.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory Default Value
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes NA
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes NA
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No sipfs
Output (-o) The output JSON file with corrupted messages list. corruptMessagesInMailboxmessages Yes NA
Fix (-f) If -f is not given, the script only finds the corrupted messages
If -f is enabled, the script finds the corrupted messages and fix them.
NA No Fix disabled
Consistency (--consistency) Read and Write Consistency levels. LOCAL_QUORUM No ONE


python corruptMessagesInMailboxmessagesAndMailMessage.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o corruptMessagesInMailboxmessagesAndMailMessage

The following is a sample output JSON file:

  "1001": [


Functions: Gets the total number of mailboxes that a tenant uses, based on mailboxmessages CF.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory Default Value
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes NA
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes NA
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No sipfs
Output (-o) The output log contains the total mailbox count. countMailboxes Yes NA


python countMailboxes.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o countMailboxes


Functions: Deletes all mailboxes and its messages based on the given input. Remove the mailbox option (TServer→gvm_mailbox) from Agent or Agent Group before running this script.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory Default Value
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes NA
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes NA
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No sipfs
Input (-i) Input Users CSV file with mailbox id to be removed. mailbox_list.csv Yes NA
Output (-o) The output log file contains details of deleted mailboxes and its messages. removeMailboxAndMailboxMessages Yes NA
Consistency (--consistency) Read and Write Consistency levels. LOCAL_QUORUM No ONE


python removeMailboxAndMailboxMessages.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o removeMailboxAndMailboxMessages -i mailbox_list.csv

The following is a sample input CSV file:



Functions: Deletes all messages from the provided input mailbox list.


Parameters Description Sample Mandatory Default Value
Host Name (-H) The host name of target Cassandra database. CassNode01 Yes NA
Port (-p) The CQL port number of target Cassandra database. 9042 Yes NA
Keyspace (--keyspace) The name of target keyspace. sipfs No sipfs
Input (-i) Input Users CSV file with their mailbox ID. mailbox_list.csv Yes NA
Output (-o) The output log file contains details of deleted messages. removeMailboxMessages Yes NA
Consistency (--consistency) Read and Write Consistency levels. LOCAL_QUORUM No ONE


python removeMailboxMessages.py -H localhost -p 9042 -o removeMailboxMessages -i mailbox_list.csv

The following is a sample input CSV file:

This page was last edited on May 29, 2024, at 17:41.
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