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Advanced Alerting Capabilities

Genesys Pulse provides the Advanced Alert capabilities. You can configure advanced alerts that depend on several statistical values and receive notifications via email. To enable this feature follow the steps below:

  1. Enable Embedded to Genesys Pulse microservices.
    Set the following Genesys Pulse configuration options to true.
    • [layout-watcher]/enabled
    • [widget-watcher]/enabled
    • [measure-watcher]/enabled
    • [pulse-user-permissions]/enabled
    See Embedded Microservices for additional configuration options.
  2. Configure StatServer Data Provider service.
    In the Genesys Pulse Collector installation folder find the /microservices/StatServerDataProvider/StatServerDataProvider.cfg file and specify the following options
    • [StatServerDataProvider]
      host = <StatServer host>
      port = <StatServer port>
    • Make sure that [LayoutSubscriber]\target corresponds to the host and port of the Embedded to Genesys Pulse LayoutWatcher service.
    See StatServer Data Provider for additional configuration options.
  3. Configure Formula Processor service.
    In the Genesys Pulse Collector installation folder find the /microservices/FormulaProcessor/FormulaProcessor.cfg file and make sure that [MeasureSubscriber]\target corresponds to the host and port of the Embedded to Pulse MeasureWatcher service.
    See Formula Processor for additional configuration options.
  4. Configure AlertProcessor service.
    In the Genesys Pulse installation folder find the /alert-processor/alertprocessor.properties file and specify the following options
    • aeron.driver.directory= <directory used by the aeron driver>
    • email.smtp.host = <SMTP server host>
    • email.smtp.port = <SMTP server port>
    • Make sure that the value of the service.widgetwatcher.servers option corresponds to the host and port of the Embedded to Pulse WidgetWatcher service.
    • Make sure that the value of the service.userpermissions.servers option corresponds to the host and port of the Embedded to Pulse UserPermissions service.
    See AlertProcessor for additional configuration options.
  5. Set the value of the Genesys Pulse option [pulse]/enable_advanced_alerts to true. After enabling this feature, the Advanced Alerts section is shown on the Alerts tab of Widget and Template Wizards. There users can specify conditions for an alert and email address where to send this alert.
    Note, that the [pulse]/enable_advanced_alerts option affects Genesys Pulse user interfaces only. The availability of the Advanced Alerts section in the interface does not guarantee that required services (microservices) are deployed nor that they function properly. Already configured alerts will not be removed after this option is set to false.
  6. If FormulaProcessor, StatServer Data Provider, and AlertProcessor are installed on different hosts, make sure that:
    • The proper host name or IP address (instead of the localhost) is specified in the aeron control and aeron endpoint parameters for Formula Processor and StatServer Data Provider.
    • FormulaProcessor and StatServer Data Provider hosts are properly specified in the following AlertProcessor options:
      • service.formulaprocessor.aeron.channel
      • service.statserverdataprovider.aeron.channel
    You can specify custom aeron control and endpoint parameters, but make sure to update corresponding options in the dependent microservice configuration file. For more details see options descriptions of AlertProcessor, Formula Processor, and StatServer Data Provider.
  7. Restart Genesys Pulse
  8. Start Aeron Media Driver on the host where Formula Processor, StatServer Data Provider, and AlertProcessor are deployed.
    The Aeron Media Driver executable is provided within FormulaProcessor and StatServer Data Provider installation folders. The Aeron Media Driver executable will start the aeron driver in a system-specific directory.
    Default driver_directory options values of FormulaProcessor and StatServer Data Provider are set to the same system-specific directory.
    Make sure that FormulaProcessor, StatServer Data Provider and AlertProcessor are configured to use the same aeron driver, when they are installed on the same host (the same directory is specified in the corresponding configuration options). AlertProcessor will start its own embedded Aeron Media Driver automatically if the external driver, which is configured to use the same directory, is not running.
    Quick Widget Updates and Advanced Alerting services require independent instances of Aeron Media Driver. Make sure that values of the Genesys Pulse Collector options driver-directory and endpoints do not interfere with settings of Aeron Media Driver used by Advanced Alerting services.
  9. Start StatServer Data Provider.
  10. Start Formula Processor.
  11. Start AlertProcessor.
This page was last edited on May 19, 2020, at 20:05.
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