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Starting and Stopping Genesys Pulse Collector

You can start Genesys Pulse Collector on a Windows or UNIX platform. Invoking Genesys Pulse Collector starts a series of internal checks for proper configuration. The value of the max-output-interval option, for example must be greater than the value of the min-output-interval option or Pulse Collector exits. Verify your Collector Application object for proper configuration before starting Genesys Pulse Collector.


The following must be running prior to starting Genesys Pulse Collector:

  • Backup Configuration Server

    To make sure that Genesys Pulse Collector can connect to backup Configuration Server on startup (for example, when the primary Configuration Server application switched to the backup mode or stopped at the moment when Genesys Pulse Collector starts/restarts), you must specify backup Configuration Server parameters when starting Genesys Pulse Collector.

    On the command line, specify these parameters using the following two arguments:

    • -backup_host hostname
    • -backup_port port-number
  • National Characters

    To use national characters in the string properties correctly, Genesys Pulse Collector determines which multibyte encoding is used by Configuration Server. You can allow Genesys Pulse Collector to use the default setting or specify the characters by editing the following configuration options:

    • Windows

      You can specify Configuration Server multibyte encoding using the following command-line parameter:

      • -cs_codepage following the Windows code page number (for example, 1251). For more information about Windows code pages and their numbers, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd373814(v=vs.85).aspx If the parameter is not specified, Genesys Pulse Collector assumes Configuration Server uses the code page that corresponds to the locale of the Windows operating system where Genesys Pulse Collector is running.


      If your Configuration Server has utf-8 encoding and your Windows server (where Collector should run) has Arabic encoding.

      To have national characters displayed correctly, you must do following:

      1. Open in browser page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317756(v=vs.85).aspx mentioned above
      2. Find which Windows code page corresponds to the Configuration Server encoding. We can see that UTF-8 corresponds to the code page 65001.
      3. Add following command-line option to Collector: -cs_codepage 65001.
    • Linux

      You can specify Configuration Server multibyte encoding through the command-line parameter -cs_encoding following the iconv-compatible symbolic name of encoding (for example, UTF-8).

      To display the list of encodings supported on the your system, enter the following command in the Linux console:

      iconv --list

Start Genesys Pulse Collector

You can start Genesys Pulse Collector on any of the supported platforms.

Solution Control Interface (SCI)

You can start Genesys Pulse Collector:

[+] From SCI.


On a Windows platform, you can start Genesys Pulse Collector:

[+] Manually from the Programs menu as an application.

[+] Manually from a console window as an application.

[+] As a Windows service.

UNIX Platforms

You can start Genesys Pulse Collector:

[+] Manually from UNIX Platforms.

Stop Genesys Pulse Collector

You can stop Genesys Pulse Collector on any of the supported platforms.

Be sure that the autorestart property is cleared for the Genesys Pulse Collector Application object in Genesys Administrator.

Solution Control Interface (SCI)

You can stop Genesys Pulse Collector:

[+] From SCI.

On a Windows platform

On a Windows platform, you can stop Genesys Pulse Collector:

  • [+] Manually from its console window as an application.
  • [+] As a Windows service.
  • If LCA and SCS are used, you can stop Genesys Pulse Collector from SCI.

On a Unix platform

Stop Genesys Pulse Collector on UNIX using either of the following methods:

  • On the command line, type kill -9 processid, where processid is Genesys Pulse Collector’s UNIX process ID.
  • Press ^C from the active Genesys Pulse Collector console.
  • If LCA and SCS are used, you can stop Genesys Pulse Collector from SCI.
This page was last edited on April 14, 2021, at 16:10.
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