Optional: Deploy Genesys Pulse Pull Collector
Genesys Pulse Pull Collector is installed during the Genesys Pulse installation into the <Genesys Pulse installation folder>/pull-collector directory. It is used to push third-party applications' (such as Genesys Knowledge Center, Genesys Web Engagement, Universal Contact Server) data into Genesys Pulse for visualization. Genesys Pulse Pull Collector processes widgets which are created from third-party templates and stores snapshots into the Genesys Pulse Collector output folder. Genesys Pulse Pull Collector should be running on the same host as Genesys Pulse Collector.
- Make sure that Genesys Pulse Collector is configured correctly.
- Find the application.conf file in the <Genesys Pulse installation folder>/pull-collector directory and configure the following parameters:
- database
- type – type of Genesys Pulse database; valid values: postgres, mssql, and oracle
- username – username to connect to Pulse DB
- password – password to connect to Pulse DB
- database.url – URL to connect to Pulse DB:
- For Oracle it should be like jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<dbname>
- For PostgreSQL it should be like jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<dbname>
- For MSSQL it should be like jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>;databaseName=<dbname>
- database.poller.interval – database polling interval in seconds
- Default value: 15
- output
- directory – output directory for snapshots. Must point to the same directory as configured for regular Genesys Pulse Collector, started on the same host.
- file.ext – snapshot files extension. Must be the same as the value of the [transport-file]/output option in Genesys Pulse Collector application object.
- compression.type – file compression method. Must be the same as the value of the [transport-file]/compression-method option in Genesys Pulse Collector application object.
- layout
- type – type of layouts for which Genesys Pulse Pull Collector collects data.
- Default value: "ltOTHER"
- Valid values: "ltGENERIC", "ltOTHER"
- other_layout_type – sub-type of layouts, effective together with layout.type = ltOTHER
- Valid values: any string
- type – type of layouts for which Genesys Pulse Pull Collector collects data.
- – name of the Genesys Pulse application object
- database
HA and Cluster Configuration
Genesys Pulse Pull Collector instance should be running per each Genesys Pulse Collector instance in the HA pair or in the Cluster.
How To Run Genesys Pulse Pull Collector
Run as a Service on Windows
To create a Windows service, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the pull-collector installation directory, which contains the pull_collector_service.ini and pull_collector_service.exe files.
- Edit the pull_collector_service.ini service configuration file by replacing the JVMPath value with the absolute path to the jvm.dll file in your host environment.
- To start the service, run the following command in the Windows command prompt:
sc.exe create pull-collector start=auto binPath="\"<path_to_pull_collector_service.exe>\" -service pull-collector -immediate"
- where <path_to_pull_collector_service.exe> is the full path to the pull_collector_service.exe file.
- If needed, you can manage the service using the SC command in the Windows command prompt:
sc.exe start pull-collector sc.exe stop pull-collector
Run as a Service on Linux
Create a separate systemd service configuration file for Genesys Pulse Pull Collector.
For example, create the systemd service configuration file /etc/systemd/system/pulse-pullcollector.service with the following content:
Description=Genesys Pulse Pull Collector
ExecStart=<absolute path to java executable> -jar path/to/installation/pulse-pull-collector.jar
WorkingDirectory=<absolute path to the Genesys Pulse Pull Collector directory>
You can use systemctl(1) to manage these services. Type man systemctl for more information.