In the Column List:
- P = Primary key
- M = Mandatory field
- F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
- DV = Default value
- In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.
Modified: (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added); (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: SWITCH_NAME, IVR_NAME, RESOURCE_TYPE, RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE, RESOURCE_SUBTYPE, RESOURCE_NAME, AGENT_FIRST_NAME, AGENT_LAST_NAME, EMPLOYEE_ID, EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_ID, RESOURCE_ALIAS); 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics)
In partitioned databases, this table is not partitioned.
This table allows facts to be described based on the attributes of the associated resource; routing points, queues, IVRs, and agents are all resources. Each row describes one resource. A new row is issued for each configured DN--such as routing point, queue DN, position, extension, IVR DN, and agent--identified by its ID in the contact center configuration. The subtype column specifies the media-specific DN type, while the type column recasts the media-specific DN type as a media-neutral type. For example, External Routing Point, Routing Point, Routing Queues, Service Numbers, and Virtual Routing Point DNs are all considered Routing Points; ACD Queues and Virtual Queues are considered Queues. For Genesys eServices/Multimedia, Script objects that represent Interaction Queues and Workbins are considered Queues; Script objects that represent Routing Strategies are considered Routing Points.
Deleting a script, routing point, queue, or another DN and re-creating it under the same name causes a new row to be issued. Changing agent attributes--such as last name, first name, and employee ID--causes an update to an existing row. Deleting an agent and re-creating it with the same attributes causes a new row to be issued.
Note: The Genesys Info Mart ETL does not populate the EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_ID and IVR_NAME columns.
Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.
Column List
Column | Data Type | P | M | F | DV |
RESOURCE_KEY | int | X | X | ||
TENANT_KEY | int | X | X | ||
CREATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
SWITCH_DBID | int | ||||
SWITCH_NAME | nvarchar(255) | ||||
IVR_NAME | nvarchar(255) | ||||
RESOURCE_TYPE | nvarchar(255) | ||||
RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE | varchar(32) | ||||
RESOURCE_SUBTYPE | nvarchar(255) | ||||
RESOURCE_NAME | nvarchar(255) | ||||
AGENT_FIRST_NAME | nvarchar(64) | ||||
AGENT_LAST_NAME | nvarchar(64) | ||||
EMPLOYEE_ID | nvarchar(255) | ||||
EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_ID | nvarchar(255) | ||||
RESOURCE_CFG_DBID | int | ||||
RESOURCE_ALIAS | nvarchar(255) | ||||
NETWORK_RESOURCE_FLAG | numeric(1) | ||||
GMT_START_TIME | datetime | ||||
GMT_END_TIME | datetime | ||||
PURGE_FLAG | numeric(1) | ||||
PRODUCER_BATCH_ID | numeric(19) |
The surrogate key that is used to join the RESOURCE_ dimension table to the fact and aggregate tables.
The surrogate key that is used to join the TENANT dimension table to the fact tables.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data creation. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools—that is, applications that need to identify newly added data.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data update. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools—that is, applications that need to identify recently modified data.
The database identifier assigned to the switch by Configuration Server (the DBID of the switch), for the switch identified in the SWITCH_NAME field.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The switch name on which the queue, routing point, or IVR DN is configured. It provides a natural hierarchy for queues, routing points, or IVR DNs that are configured on the same switch.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The IVR name on which the IVR DN is configured. It provides a natural hierarchy for IVR DNs that are configured on the same IVR.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The resource type. This field is set to one of the following values:
- Unknown
- Agent
- Queue
- RoutingPoint
- IVRApplication
- IVRPort
- Other
This value can change with localization.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The code of the resource type. This field is set to one of the following values:
This value does not change with localization.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases); (new value, Person, added for the Agent resource type)
The detailed resource type.
The following list of permissible values presents the resource subtypes in the following format:
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Agent
- Agent
- Person
- Queue
- ACDQueue
- VirtualQueue
- InteractionQueue
- InteractionWorkBin
- RoutingPoint
- RoutingPoint
- VirtualRoutingPoint
- ExternalRoutingPoint
- ServiceNumber
- RoutingQueue
- RoutingStrategy
- IVRApplication
- UnknownDNType
- Extension
- ACDPosition
- VoiceTreatmentPort
- VoiceMail
- MobileStation
- CallProcessingPort
- Modem
- MusicPort
- Trunk
- TrunkGroup
- TieLine
- TieLineGroup
- Mixed
- NetworkDestination
- ServiceNumber
- CommunicationDN
- E-mailAddress
- VoiceOverIPPort
- IVRApplication (continued)
- VideoOverIPPort
- Chat
- CoBrowse
- VoiceOverIPService
- Workflow
- AccessResource
- Other
- UnknownDNType
- Extension
- ACDPosition
- ACDQueue
- RoutingPoint
- VirtualQueue
- VirtualRoutingPoint
- VoiceTreatmentPort
- VoiceMail
- CallProcessingPort
- Modem
- MusicPort
- Trunk
- TrunkGroup
- TieLine
- TieLineGroup
- Mixed
- ExternalRoutingPoint
- NetworkDestination
- ServiceNumber
- RoutingQueue
- CommunicationDN
- E-mailAddress
- VoiceOverIPPort
- VideoOverIPPort
- Chat
- CoBrowse
- VoiceOverIPService
- Workflow
- AccessResource
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The resource name, such as any of the following:
- The routing point or queue directory number
- The IVR application name
- The IVR directory number
- The multimedia interaction queue
- The workbin
- The routing strategy name
- The user name of the agent as specified in the Person object's properties in the Configuration Database
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
If the resource is an agent, this value is the first name of the agent, as specified in the Person object's properties in the Configuration Database. Otherwise, the value is null.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
If the resource is an agent, this value is the last name of the agent, as specified in the Person object's properties in the Configuration Database. Otherwise, the value is null.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The employee ID of an agent resource, as it appears in the contact center configuration.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The employee ID of an agent, as it appears in an external human resource application. It enables Genesys Info Mart tables to be joined to external data mart tables. This field is reserved for future use.
The database identifier for the routing point, queue, IVR DN, or agent object in the contact center configuration.
Note: In a deployment with SIP Cluster solution, Genesys Info Mart generates an internal ID to populate this field for a DN resource that does not have a corresponding configuration object.
The contact center configuration integer type that is associated with the routing point, queue, IVR DN, or agent object.
Note: In a deployment with SIP Cluster solution, Genesys Info Mart sets this field to 0 (zero) for a DN resource that does not have a corresponding configuration object.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
Contains the DN's alias, as specified in contact center configuration if this resource is a DN. Otherwise, this field is null.
Indicates whether the data-supplying resource is a premise T-Server or a network T-Server: 0 = Premise, 1 = Network.
The GMT-equivalent date and time at which the resource was added to IDB, which can differ from the date and time at which the resource was actually added to contact center configuration.
The GMT-equivalent date and time at which the resource was removed from contact center configuration.
Index List
CODE | U | C | Description |
IDX_RES_CFG_DBID | X | Reserved. | |
IDX_RES_TYPE_CODE | Improves access time, based on the code for the resource type. | ||
I_RES_KEY_CFG_DBID | X | Reserved. |
Field | Sort | Comment |
RESOURCE_CFG_DBID | Ascending | |
Field | Sort | Comment |
Field | Sort | Comment |
RESOURCE_KEY | Ascending | |
RESOURCE_CFG_DBID | Ascending | |
Subject Areas
- Contact_Attempt — Represents outbound campaign contact record attempts. An attempt may or may not include dialing.
- Interaction_Resource — Represents a summary of each attempt to handle an interaction. It encompasses the mediation process that is required to offer the interaction to a target handling resource, as well as the activities of that target handling resource.
- Interaction_Resource_State — Allows facts to be described by the state of the associated agent resource. Each row describes one distinct media-specific agent state.
- Mediation_Segment — Represents interaction activity from the perspective of contact center ACD queues, virtual queues, interaction queues, and interaction workbins, as well as groups thereof.
- Resource_Group — Represents the membership of contact center resources among resource groups.
- Resource_Skill — Represents the skill resumes of agent resources.
- Summary_Resource_Session — Represents agent resource media sessions from login to logout, summarized to the media type.
- Summary_Resource_State — Represents agent resource states, summarized to the media type.
- Summary_Resource_State_Reason — Represents agent resource state reasons, summarized to the media type.