In the Column List:
- P = Primary key
- M = Mandatory field
- F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
- DV = Default value
- In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.
Modified: (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added); (GVP_SESSION_ID added); (GSW_CALL_TYPE added); 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics); 8.5.001 (CREATE_AUDIT_KEY and UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added)
In partitioned databases, this table is partitioned.
IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1 allows interaction resource facts and mediation segment facts to be described by Genesys-defined (predefined) string attributes that may come attached with interactions. You cannot change the name of this table or the names of the table columns.
The table stores high-cardinality data for a set of predefined KVPs that are associated with interactions. (The Revenue and Satisfaction KVPs are also included in this table although the associated attributes are not currently predefined in Genesys Configuration Database.) Each row describes a combination of user-defined custom attributes that characterize the interaction. A new row is issued for each new interaction resource fact. If the DN-level [gim-etl].link-msf-userdata configuration option or, starting with release 8.5.003 the application-level link-msf-userdata-voice or link-msf-userdata-mm configuration options are specified, a new row is also issued for each new mediation segment fact, to store the user data for an interaction that is in mediation. The values are populated from user data (attached data or UserEvent-based KVP data) according to a propagation rule, configurable for each column.
Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.
Column List
Column | Data Type | P | M | F | DV |
INTERACTION_RESOURCE_ID | numeric(19) | X | X | X | |
START_DATE_TIME_KEY | int | X | X | ||
TENANT_KEY | int | X | X | ||
CREATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | -1 | |
UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | 0 | |
CASE_ID | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
CUSTOMER_ID | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
SERVICE_OBJECTIVE | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
REVENUE | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
SATISFACTION | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
IPURPOSE | varchar(10)/nvarchar(10) | ||||
GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID | varchar(50) | ||||
SERVICE_ID | varchar(255) | ||||
SERVICE_START_TS | int | ||||
GSW_CALL_TYPE | varchar(255) | ||||
GVP_SESSION_ID | varchar(255) | ||||
PRODUCER_BATCH_ID | numeric(19) |
A reference either to an INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT record or, if storage of mediation user data is configured, to a MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT record. This is the primary key of this table.
Identifies the start of a 15-minute interval in which the IRF or MSF resource's participation in the interaction began. The value of this field is identical to the START_DATE_TIME_KEY value in the IRF or MSF record that is identified by the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_ID value. This value can be used to enable local indexes with partitioning.
The surrogate key that is used to join the TENANT dimension to the fact tables, to indicate the tenant of the IRF resource. The value of this field is identical to the value that is in the corresponding INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT record. This value can be used to restrict data access.
Introduced: Release 8.5.001
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data creation. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify newly added data.
Introduced: Release 8.5.001
The surrogate key used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG dimension. Specifies the lineage for data update. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify recently modified data.
The case ID, as it appears in an external case management application. This column enables linkage between Genesys Info Mart and third-party applications, and the values may be useful for repeat-caller analysis.
The customer ID, as it appears in an external CRM application. It enables Genesys Info Mart tables to be joined to external data mart tables. This column enables linkage between Genesys Info Mart and third-party applications, and the values may be useful to calculate metrics of the "per customer" type.
The maximum elapsed time, in seconds, before the customer should receive service. For voice interactions, this is measured from the interaction start time to the time that an agent resource or self-service IVR should answer the call. For multimedia, this is the time from the start time of the interaction to the time that an agent resource, or AutoResponse Strategy, should start to handle (accept) the interaction.
The numerical customer-satisfaction score for the customer interaction.
The flag that indicates how to classify an IVR. A value of 1 (Self-Service) indicates that the IVR is considered to be a handling resource; a value of 0 indicates that the IVR is considered to be a mediation resource. This field's value is ignored for non-IVR parties.
Stores the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID call attempt ID that is assigned by OCS. This value allows you to associate interaction details with contact attempt details using the following references:
Introduced: Release 8.1.402
In deployments that have been configured to support reporting on Genesys Callback, this field reports the ID of the callback service request. Depending on the scenario, the value equals the ID of the Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) service instance or ID of the Orchestration Server (ORS) session.
Introduced: Release 8.1.402
For the callback service identified in the SERVICE_ID field, the UTC timestamp when the callback service started. This value represents either the time of the callback request or the time that the callback offer was played, depending on deployment.
Introduced: Release
Stores the GSW_CALL_TYPE value that is attached by OCS or, for SIP Cluster call flows where recording and monitoring of outbound calls can be disabled, by SIP Server.
Index List
CODE | U | C | Description |
I_IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1_SDT | Improves access time, based on the Start Date Time key. |
Field | Sort | Comment |
Subject Areas
- Interaction_Resource — Represents a summary of each attempt to handle an interaction. It encompasses the mediation process that is required to offer the interaction to a target handling resource, as well as the activities of that target handling resource.