This page was last edited on August 18, 2021, at 19:50.
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Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: last
Valid Values: last, first
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies which value of the OCS dial_sched_time field will be recorded in the DIAL_SCHED_TIME and DIAL_SCHED_TIME_KEY columns in the CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT (CAF) table:
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-100
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: (scope extended)
Specifies the number of extracted data chunks that the transformation job processes in one ETL cycle. As long as it seems practical from the performance perspective, increase the option value to transform a larger amount of data in a single cycle.
Starting with release in deployments using the Data Export feature, the option also controls the maximum number of export chunks that can be created by the export job during each job run. In situations where the time range to be exported exceeds the export chunk size (for example, if there is a backlog because data is being re-exported), a larger number of export chunks reduces the time required to process a large export backlog.
This page supplements the New in Release 8.5.1 page in the Deployment Guide, to provide information about schema-related changes introduced in Genesys Info Mart 8.5.1 releases, starting with the most recent release. See New in Release 8.5.0 for information about earlier schema-related changes introduced in Genesys Info Mart 8.5.0 releases.
For a summary you can sort to see schema-related changes by table/column and type of change, as well as by release, see Summary of Info Mart Schema Changes. See the short video on the New in the Info Mart Database page to learn how to view summary information about schema changes.