In the Column List:
- P = Primary key
- M = Mandatory field
- F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
- DV = Default value
- In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.
Modified: (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added); 8.5.007 (SUBJECT data type extended from 255 to 1024 characters); 8.5.003 (ANCHOR_ID and ANCHOR_SDT_KEY added); 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics)
In partitioned databases, this table is partitioned.
This table represents the interaction from the perspective of a customer experience. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that summarizes facts that are related to a given interaction.
For multimedia interactions, the grain of the fact is the same as for voice interactions in the majority of cases. A new INTERACTION_FACT row is generated for:
- Each new root interaction (identified by a unique ROOTIRID)
- Each new inbound interaction, even if this interaction is associated with an existing root interaction (has the same ROOTIRID value) as could be the case with an inbound customer reply interaction
- A late outbound reply (a multimedia interaction representing an e-mail reply that is created after the parent interaction has already been terminated)
Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.
Column List
Column | Data Type | P | M | F | DV |
INTERACTION_ID | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
TENANT_KEY | int | X | X | ||
MEDIA_TYPE_KEY | int | X | X | ||
MEDIA_SERVER_ROOT_IXN_ID | numeric(20) | ||||
MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_ID | numeric(20) | ||||
MEDIA_SERVER_ROOT_IXN_GUID | varchar(50) | ||||
MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID | varchar(50) | ||||
SOURCE_ADDRESS | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
TARGET_ADDRESS | varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | ||||
SUBJECT | varchar(1024)/nvarchar(1024) | ||||
STATUS | smallint | X | 0 | ||
START_TS | int | ||||
END_TS | int | ||||
START_DATE_TIME_KEY | int | X | X | ||
END_DATE_TIME_KEY | int | X | |||
CREATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
ANCHOR_ID | numeric(19) | ||||
ANCHOR_SDT_KEY | int | X | |||
ACTIVE_FLAG | numeric(1) | ||||
PURGE_FLAG | numeric(1) | ||||
PRODUCER_BATCH_ID | numeric(19) |
The primary key of this table. One interaction fact can contain multiple calls, represented by the underlying interaction resource facts, because of consultations, transfers, and so forth.
The surrogate key that is used to join the TENANT dimension to the fact tables.
The surrogate key that is used to join the INTERACTION_TYPE dimension to the fact tables.
The surrogate key that is used to join the MEDIA_TYPE dimension to the fact tables.
If an interaction belongs to a thread but is not the root interaction of the thread, this field indicates the interaction ID of the root interaction in the thread; otherwise, this field is null. This value might not be unique.
Note: A configuration option, max-thread-duration-after-inactive-in-days, affects the definition of a thread in Genesys Info Mart, and, therefore, affects how this field is set. If a new interaction is a continuation of an old thread that has already expired (because of the configuration option), then Genesys Info Mart does not consider the interaction to be the continuation of a thread; instead, the interaction is considered to be the beginning (root) of a new thread. As such, this field will be null for the new interaction, and subsequent continuations of the new thread will refer to this interaction as the root interaction.
The interaction ID, as reported by the interaction media server for the first call in the interaction. In the case of voice interactions, the ID is the numeric version of the hexadecimal T-Server Conn ID. This field is not populated for multimedia.
T-Server constructs the connection ID from its server ID and the timestamp of T-Server startup. As a general rule, this ID is unique, but it is theoretically possible that it might not be — for example, if there are two T-Servers in the same deployment incorrectly configured with the same server ID, and the two T-Servers started at around the same time.
If an interaction belongs to a thread but is not the root interaction of the thread, this field indicates the root interaction GUID that represents the original interaction in the thread, as reported by the interaction media server and ICON; otherwise, this field is null. This value might not be unique.
Note: A configuration option, max-thread-duration-after-inactive-in-days, affects the definition of a thread in Genesys Info Mart, and, therefore, affects how this field is set. If a new interaction is a continuation of an old thread that has already expired (because of the configuration option), then Genesys Info Mart does not consider the interaction to be the continuation of a thread; instead, the interaction is considered to be the beginning (root) of a new thread. As such, this field will be null for the new interaction; however, subsequent continuations of the new thread will still refer to the original root interaction GUID, as reported by ICON.
The interaction GUID, as reported by the interaction media server. This GUID might not be unique. In the case of T-Server voice interactions, the GUID is the Call UUID. In the case of multimedia, the GUID is the Interaction ID from Interaction Server.
The source media address that initiated the interaction, such as ANI for voice media or the From e-mail address for multimedia. This value may represent a network resource address.
The target media address that received the interaction, such as DNIS for voice media. This field is not populated for multimedia interactions because there can be multiple target addresses. This value may represent a network resource address.
Modified: 8.5.007 (data type extended from 255 to 1024 characters)
The subject of the primary media server interaction.
Modified: 8.5.001 (error code 26 added)
Transformation status of the interaction fact data. This field is set to one of the following values:
- 0 — No errors were encountered.
- 1 — An unspecified error was encountered.
- 2 — An unexpected error occurred during data transformation for the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table.
- 3 — The G_IS_LINK table is missing data about either an outgoing (source) or an incoming (target) multi-site call.
- 4 — The G_IS_LINK includes data about multiple incoming (target) multi-site calls that have the same IS-Link value.
- 5 — The G_IS_LINK includes data about multiple outgoing (source) multi-site calls that have the same IS-Link value.
- 6 — The G_IS_LINK includes data about multiple (more than two) bidirectional multi-site calls (most likely, because the data source for the call data was a T-Server of a release prior to 8.0).
- 7 — The CALLID value that is specified in IS_LINK does not match the CALLID in IS_LINK_HISTORY.
- 8 — The value of the IPurpose key is not a number.
- 9 — The G_PARTY_HISTORY table contains no record with ChangeType = 1 ("party_created") for a certain party.
- 10 — The G_PARTY_HISTORY table contains multiple records with ChangeType = 1 ("party_created") for the same party.
- 11 — The record in the G_PARTY table refers to a nonexistent parent record.
- 12 — The call sequence cannot be established, because a party that is a source of the multi-site call cannot be found. (In other words, a party cannot be identified for this multi-site call that represents a called party in a source call, that either redirected or routed the call to an external site, or initiated a single-step transfer to an external site.)
- 13 — The record in the GO_CAMPAIGN table refers to a nonexistent group ID.
- 14 — The cycle was found in the results of the IRF transformation.
- 15 — Merge processing discarded a stuck G_CALL record.
- 16 — Merge processing discarded a stuck G_IR record.
- 17 — A negative duration was detected during IRF, MSF, or IRSF transformation.
- 18 — The value of the ServiceObjective KVP is not a number.
- 19 — The record in the G_CALL table refers to a nonexistent call.
- 20 — A history record with the change type of terminated is followed by another history record for the same party.
- 21 — The value of the VQID in the G_ROUTE_RESULT table is not unique.
- 22 — The value of the VQID in the G_VIRTUAL_QUEUE table is not unique.
- 23 — The value of the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_ID in transformation results is not unique.
- 24 — The value of the PARTYGUID in transformation results is not unique.
- 25 — No parties are detected as being associated with this call.
- 26 — Value validation failed during UserEvent transformation or ElasticSearch transformation.
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the interaction began.
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the interaction ended, including any ACW time. If ACW occurs, the record is updated after ACW completes, which might happen in a subsequent ETL cycle.
Identifies the start of a 15-minute interval in which the interaction started. Use this value as a key to join the fact tables to any configured DATE_TIME dimension, in order to group the facts that are related to the same interval and/or convert the START_TS timestamp to an appropriate time zone.
Identifies the start of a 15-minute interval in which the interaction ended. Use this value as a key to join the fact tables to any configured DATE_TIME dimension, in order to group the facts that are related to the same interval and/or convert the END_TS timestamp to an appropriate time zone.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data creation. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify newly added data.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data update. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify recently modified data.
Introduced: Release 8.5.003
Identifies the fact (IRF or MSF) that can be considered the current anchor for this interaction in relevant reports. Since multimedia interactions are populated while they are still active, some reports might capture a multimedia interaction before it reaches a handling resource, and later reports might capture the interaction after it has reached a handling resource.
This field is populated as follows:
- For voice interactions and for multimedia interactions that have been handled, the value of ANCHOR_ID is based on the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_ID of the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) record with IRF_ANCHOR = 1.
- For active multimedia interactions that have not yet reached a handling resource (that is, are still in mediation), the value of ANCHOR_ID is based on the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_ID of the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) record for the most recent mediation DN.
Introduced: Release 8.5.003
The START_DATE_TIME_KEY value of the fact (IRF or MSF) that is identified by ANCHOR_ID.
This field is populated as follows:
- For voice interactions and for multimedia interactions that have been handled, the value of ANCHOR_SDT_KEY equals the START_DATE_TIME_KEY of the IRF identified by ANCHOR_ID.
- For active multimedia interactions that have not yet reached a handling resource (that is, are still in mediation), the value of ANCHOR_SDT_KEY equals the START_DATE_TIME_KEY of the MSF identified by ANCHOR_ID.
Indicates whether the interaction is currently active: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
Index List
CODE | U | C | Description |
I_IF_SDT | Improves access time, based on the Start Date Time key. | ||
I_IF_CID | Improves access time, based on the Call ID. |
Index I_IF_SDT
Field | Sort | Comment |
Index I_IF_CID
Field | Sort | Comment |
Subject Areas
- Facts — Represents the relationships between subject area facts.
- Interaction — Represents interactions from the perspective of a customer experience.