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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
05/09/18 Hot Fix X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issue:

When the Trending report is created, user partitions are now considered. As a result, the report results are now based on the interactions associated with the user's partitions. (PRSM-22318)

SpeechMiner Web no longer receives an error from the Configuration Server when trying to load the current users details. (PRSM-22536)

When there is a large amount of users in the system (approximately above 10k), and each user is assigned to multiple Access Groups, logging into SpeechMiner no longer takes longer than expected and does not cause a timeout. (PRSM-22552)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.509, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on May 9, 2018, at 13:05.
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