This page was last edited on July 11, 2017, at 18:51.
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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
02/10/16 | General | X |
This release includes only resolved issues.
This release contains the following resolved issues:
When working in an Analytics deployment, SpeechMiner can now correctly recognize silence time during English, Spanish and Turkish language interactions recorded in Stereo mode. (PRSM-15572)
As part of this correction, run the following SQL command after installing this release:
update nleparams set SEG_LEN=4000
update GenRecRecognizeCommandArgs set value='2000' where language=-1 and cmd='nnetLatgenArgv' and arg='--max-active'
update GenRecRecognizeCommandArgs set value='5' where language=-1 and cmd='nnetLatgenArgv' and arg='--lattice-beam'
INSERT INTO [dbo].[GenRecRecognizeCommandArgs] ([language], [cmd], [arg], [value]) VALUES (16, N'latticeToCtmConfArgv', N'--acoustic-scale', N'0.0909090909')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[GenRecRecognizeCommandArgs] ([language], [cmd], [arg], [value]) VALUES (16, N'nnetLatgenArgv', N'--acoustic-scale', N'0.0909090909')
UPDATE versionTbl SET version='8.5.502.95'
In order to use Arabic recognition in your system, please contact Genesys Customer Service. (PRSM-15398)
To upgrade to release 8.5.502, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.