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In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key


This table records the changes in the UserData attribute of TEvents associated with voice calls, the UserData attribute of Interaction Server events for all types of multimedia interactions, and the isOnline attribute of events associated with chat sessions. In addition, ICON may record the change history of the Reasons and Extensions attributes of voice interactions as well as any other attributes of an interaction that are not recorded in the G_CALL_HISTORY and the G_PARTY_HISTORY table, if configured to gather data from T-Server or Interaction Server.

One prerequisite is that ICON must be able to determine that such data is associated with a specific interaction and that this association is known at runtime. ICON's writing to this table is also determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section.

To assist you in preparing supplementary documentation, click the following link to download a comma-separated text file containing information such as the data types and descriptions for all columns in this table: Download a CSV file.

Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F Description
ID NUMBER(19) X X The unique, autonumbered ID of this record. This is the primary key.
CallID VARCHAR2(50) X This field points to the record in the G_CALL table that represents the call to which the data is attached.
PartyID VARCHAR2(50) This field points to the record in the G_PARTY table that represents the last party, associated with the interaction and endpoint, who added, changed, or deleted the data. Any one of the following attributes can be the source of attached data:
  • AttributeUserData
  • AttributeExtensions
  • AttributeReason

With a change in the data in AttributeUserData and upon receipt of AttachedDataChangedEvent, then PartyID is defined by the ThirdPartyDN attribute, if any exists. Otherwise, this field is empty.

EndPointID INTEGER This field contains the DBID of the endpoint that added, changed, or deleted the data. If the data was taken from the event that caused the creation of the respective call, then this is the first party created in the call. If the data was taken from the AttachedDataChangedEvent, then the party is defined by the ThirdPartyDN attribute, if any exist. Otherwise, this is the party that is defined by the ThisDN attribute (if any). For the rest of changes, the party is defined by the ThisDN attribute.

In a SIP Cluster environment, if the endpoint is not configured in Configuration Layer, the value for this field is 0.

EndPointDN VARCHAR2(255) The device number that is associated with the data.
AgentID INTEGER This field contains the DBID of the agent object that represents the person who changed the data. This is the agent who logged into the endpoint that is associated with the data change (if this information is available in the run time).
SwitchID INTEGER This field contains the DBID of the Switch object that owns the endpoint that is associated with the change. If the EndPointID field is NULL, then so is the SwitchID field, and vice versa.
KeyName VARCHAR2(64) X For voice interactions, this field records the name of the UserData key whose value was changed. The user determines which keys should be recorded by specifying them in the ICON configuration user data specification.

For chat interactions, this field's value is _attr_is_online.

ChangeType INTEGER X This field specifies the type of change for this record. One of the following values:
  • 1—Created–Indicates that the value of the key was attached to the interaction.
    • For voice calls, at the moment the call was created.
    • For chat interactions, when ICON received an eventInteractionSubmitted event with an isOnline attribute setting of true.
    • For e-mail and other 3rd Party Media interactions, when ICON received an eventInteractionSubmitted event.
  • 2—Added–Indicates that the value of the key has been added to an existing interaction.
  • 3—Updated–Indicates that the value of the key has changed.
    • For chat, e-mail, and other 3rd Party Media interactions, ICON receives the information in an eventPropertiesChanged event.
  • 4—Deleted–Indicates that the key has been deleted from UserData.
  • 5—Terminated–Indicates that ICON records the value of the key:
    • For voice calls, upon call termination.
    • For chat, e-mail, and other 3rd Part Media interactions, when ICON received an eventProcessingStopped event.


KSeq INTEGER X The sequential number of the change of the value of the specific key associated with the call. The changes of a key are numbered separately for every call that the key is associated with. Numbering starts with 1.
CSEQ INTEGER X The actual CSEQ in the call scope at the moment ICON is processing this data record. It should be consistent with the CSeq value in the G_PARTY_HISTORY table. For additional information, refer to the description of the CSeq field in the G_PARTY_HISTORY table.
Type INTEGER X The type of the data source: extensions, reasons, or attached data (userdata), or properties of a multimedia (MCR) workbin instance. One of the following values:
  • 1—userdata
  • 2—reasons
  • 3—extensions
  • 4—attributes (reserved for future use)
  • 5—mcr_workbin


KEYID INTEGER X The ID of the key name, as defined in the attached data specification file (adata_spec.xml). Valid values for the KeyID are bigger than 10000 but smaller than 100000. If the KeyID is not defined, the value of this field is zero (0). The KeyID is not unique: different KeyNames can have the same KeyID. You can use the KeyID to build indexes to improve data querying by downstream reporting applications.

ICON hardcodes KeyIDs for the following attributes from Interaction Server events:

  • 9995—attr_is_online
  • 9996—attr_itx_agent_id
  • 9997—attr_itx_group_id
  • 9998—attr_itx_place_id
  • 9999—attr_itx_place_group_id
Value VARCHAR2(1024) For voice interactions, this field contains the value of the key in character format.

For chat interactions, ICON writes the value of the isOnline attribute of the triggering event from Interaction Server. One of the following:

  • 0—Chat session has been stopped.
  • 1—Chat session is alive.

For all types of interactions, ICON stores in this field UserData values for certain keys.

Added TIMESTAMP(3) X The GMT-equivalent date and time when the key was changed as provided by T-Server (or other data provider).
Added_ts INTEGER The UTC-equivalent value of the ADDED field.
Added_tcode INTEGER A reference, derived from the value of the ADDED_TS field, to a record in the G_TIMECODE table.
GSYS_DOMAIN INTEGER Contains the data source session ID (DSS_ID) for the session that was active when the data was processed by ICON. For more information, see the description in System Fields (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).
GSYS_PARTITION INTEGER A key that is used for partitioning.
GSYS_SYS_ID INTEGER System ID. Reserved for future use.
GSYS_SEQ INTEGER Insert Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_USEQ INTEGER Update Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_EXT_VCH1 VARCHAR2(255) Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH2 VARCHAR2(255) Reserved
This page was last edited on January 10, 2020, at 15:27.
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