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API Commands

Once you've registered your own plugin on the bus, you can call commands on other registered plugins. Below we'll quickly register a new plugin on the bus using the global bus object.

The global bus object is a debug tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.

var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.command('WindowManager.registerDockView', {html: '<div>HTML</div>'});


Creates a docked view container to show a widget on the bottom right corner. Its position is adjusted (stacked) to show side by of a widget if already present and is indexed with a tabindex.


oMyPlugin.command('WindowManager.registerDockView', {html: '<div>Template</div>'}).done(function(e){

	// WindowManager registered a dockView successfully


	// WindowManager failed to register a dock view


Option Type Description
html string A Widget HTML string template that needs to be shown in dock view.


Status When Returns
resolved When the html template is successfully opened and registered in dock view n/a
rejected When no html template is found 'No html content'


Registers a button to show on the right side of the screen for a particular plugin. Its position is based on the respective plugin order defined in the array configuration. Currently, this is not supported for external plugins.


oMyPlugin.command('WindowManager.registerSideButton', {template: '<div>Button Text</div>'}).done(function(e){

	// WindowManager registered a side button successfully


	// WindowManager failed to register a side button


Option Type Description
template string Custom HTML string template for a button.


Status When Returns
resolved When the html button is successfully registered n/a
rejected When no html template is found 'No button template found to register'
This page was last edited on April 7, 2017, at 18:23.
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