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For information on how to setup localization, please refer to the Localization Guide


'callus' namespace should be used when defining localization strings for CallUs plugin in your i18n JSON file.

In the example below, we demonstrate defining new strings for the 'en' (English) language. You may use any language codes you wish; there is no standard format. When selecting the active language in your configuration, you must match one of the language codes defined in your i18n JSON file. Please note that you must only define a language code once in your i18n JSON file. Inside each language object you should define new strings for each widget.

Example i18n JSON

	"en": {
		"callus": {
			"CallUsTitle": "Call Us",
			"SubTitle": "You can reach us at any of the following NUMBERS...",
			"CancelButtonText": "Cancel",
			"CoBrowseText": "<span class='cx-cobrowse-offer'>Already on a call? Let us <a href='javascript:void(0);' class='cx-cobrowse-link'>browse with you</a></span>",
			"CoBrowse": "Start Co-browse",
			"CoBrowseWarning": "Co-browse allows your agent to see and control your desktop, to help guide you. When on a live call with an Agent, request a code to start Co-browse and enter it below. Not yet on a call? Just cancel out of this screen to return to Call Us page."
This page was last edited on December 11, 2017, at 16:07.
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