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API Commands

Once you've registered your own plugin on the bus, you can call commands on other registered plugins. Below we'll quickly register a new plugin on the bus using the global bus object.

The global bus object is a debug tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.

var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');



Internal use only. The main App plugin shares configuration settings to widgets using each widget’s configure command. Sidebar widget has to be configured atleast with one channel. The configure command can also be called at runtime with new configuration, this will override the existing configuration showing new channels on the screens.


oMyPlugin.command('SideBar.configure', {

	showOnStartup: false,
	position: 'left',
	expandOnHover: false,
	channels: [
			name: 'ChannelSelector',
			clickCommand: 'ChannelSelector.open',
			clickOptions: {},

			 //use your own static string or i18n query string for the below two display properties. Example for i18n query string: '@i18n:sidebar.ChannelSelectorName' where 'sidebar' refers to plugin namespace and 'ChannelSelectorName' name refers to the property key containing the actual text.

			displayName: '@i18n:sidebar.ChannelSelectorName', 
			displayTitle: 'Get assistance from one of our agents right away', // Your own static string
			readyEvent: 'ChannelSelector.ready',
			icon: 'agent',
			onClick: function($, CXBus, Common) {


	// Sidebar configured successfully


	// Sidebar failed to configure properly


Option Type Description
showOnStartup boolean Shows the sidebar on the screen when Widgets is launched.
position string Defines the position of sidebar on the screen.
expandOnHover boolean Enables the expand or contract behavior of sidebar.
channels array Array containing each channel configuration object. The order of channels are displayed based on the order defined here.
channels[index].name string Name of the channel. Used to identify official channels vs custom channels. If a reserved name is used here, Sidebar will apply default values for that channel. To override the default values or when defining a new custom channel, use the below following properties.
channels[index].clickCommand string Change the default command that is triggered when clicked.
channels[index].clickOptions object Pass valid command options that are used in above click command execution.
channels[index].displayName string or i18n query string Change the default display name for this channel with your own static string or to achieve localization, use i18n query string. Syntax: @i18n:<plugin namespace>.<display key>.
channels[index].displayTitle string or i18n query string Change the default tooltip content for this channel with your own static string or to achieve localization, use i18n query string. Syntax: @i18n:<plugin namespace>.<display key>.
channels[index].readyEvent string Subscribes to this ready event published by a plugin.
channels[index].icon string Change the default Icon for this channel.
channels[index].onClick function Define a custom onclick function, this overrides clickCommand and clickOptions.


Status When Returns
resolved When configuration options are provided and set n/a
rejected When no configuration options are provided 'Invalid configuration. Please ensure at least one channel is configured.'


Opens the Sidebar UI. In Desktop, it opens as an actual SideBar and shows the configured channels where as in mobile it opens as a button at the bottom to start.




Status When Returns
resolved When sidebar is successfully opened n/a
rejected When sidebar is already opened 'Already opened'


Closes the Sidebar UI.




Status When Returns
resolved When sidebar is successfully closed n/a
rejected When sidebar is already closed 'already closed'


To show more details about the channels, it slides out from the sides of the screen in desktop but expands to full screen in mobiles.




Status When Returns
resolved When sidebar is successfully expanded n/a
rejected When sidebar is already expanded 'sidebar already expanded'


Slides back showing only the channel buttons in desktop and sidebar launcher button in mobile.




Status When Returns
resolved When sidebar is successfully contracted n/a
rejected When sidebar is already contracted sidebar already contracted
This page was last edited on December 11, 2017, at 16:08.
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