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API Events

Once you've registered your own plugin on the bus, you can subscribe and listen for published events. Below we'll quickly register a new plugin on the bus using the global bus object.

The global bus object is a debug tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.

var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.subscribe('SendMessageService.ready', function(e){});

Name Description Data
ready SendMessageService is initialized and ready to accept commands n/a
messageSent Message is successfully sent {interactionId: (interactionid)}
error An error occurred between the client and the server {result: (object), textStatus: (string), statusCode: (number), jqXHR: (string)}

This page was last edited on July 7, 2017, at 16:09.
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