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For information on how to setup localization, please refer to the Localization Guide


'knowledgecenter' namespace should be used when defining localization strings for ChatDeflection plugin in your i18n JSON file.

In the example below, we demonstrate defining new strings for the 'en' (English) language. You may use any language codes you wish; there is no standard format. When selecting the active language in your configuration, you must match one of the language codes defined in your i18n JSON file. Please note that you must only define a language code once in your i18n JSON file. Inside each language object you should define new strings for each widget.

Example i18n JSON

	"en": {
		"knowledgecenter": {
			"KnowledgeAgentName": "Knowledge Center",
			"WelcomeMessage": "Hello and Welcome! A Live agent will be with you shortly. In the meantime, can I assist you with any questions you may have? Please type a question into the input field below.",
			"SearchResult": "While waiting for an Agent to connect, here are the most relevant answers to your query:",
			"NoDocumentsFound": "I'm sorry. No articles matched your question. Would you like to ask another question?",
			"Yes": "Yes",
			"No": "No",
			"Back": "Back",
			"FeedbackQuestion": "Was this helpful?",
			"FeedbackAccept": "Yes",
			"FeedbackDecline": "No",
			"ArticleHelpfulnessYes": "Article Helpfulness - 'Yes'",
			"ArticleHelpfulnessYesDesc": "Great! We're very pleased to hear that the article assisted you in your search. Have a great day!",
			"ArticleHelpfulnessNo": "Article Helpfulness - 'No'",
			"ArticleHelpfulnessNoDesc": "We're sorry that the article wasn't a good match for your search. We thank you for your feedback!",
			"TranscriptMarker": "KnowledgeCenter: ",
			"SearchMessage": "Search with query '<%SearchQuery%>'↲",
			"VisitMessage": "Visit for document '<%VisitQuery%>'",
			"AnsweredMessage": "Results for query '<%AnsweredQuery%>' have been marked as relevant.",
			"UnansweredMessage": "Results for query '<%UnansweredQuery%>' have been marked as unanswered.",
			"PositiveVoteMessage": "Positive voting for document '<%VoteQuery%>'",
			"NegativeVoteMessage": "Negative voting for document '<%VoteQuery%>'"
This page was last edited on December 22, 2017, at 18:46.
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