In the Column List:
- P = Primary key
- M = Mandatory field
- F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
- DV = Default value
- In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the TIME_ZONE_NAME, TIME_ZONE_NAME2, and DESCRIPTION columns modified in single-language databases); 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics)
In partitioned databases, this table is not partitioned.
This table allows facts to be described based on attributes of a time zone. Each row describes one time zone, as configured in Configuration Database. Configuration Database includes one instance of a time zone, regardless of whether Daylight Saving Time (DST) is in effect. For this reason, the offset for a given time zone may be different at different points in time.
This table is necessary to describe a contact's time zone in outbound campaigns, because time zones of campaign contacts may differ from the time zones of contact centers.
Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.
Column List
Column | Data Type | P | M | F | DV |
TIME_ZONE_KEY | int | X | X | ||
TENANT_KEY | int | X | X | ||
TIME_ZONE_NAME | nvarchar(255) | ||||
TIME_ZONE_NAME2 | nvarchar(255) | ||||
DESCRIPTION | nvarchar(255) | ||||
TIME_ZONE_CFG_DBID | int | ||||
GMT_OFFSET | int | ||||
IS_DST_OBSERVED | numeric(1) | ||||
DST_START_MONTH | int | ||||
DST_STOP_MONTH | int | ||||
DST_START_WEEK | int | ||||
DST_STOP_WEEK | int | ||||
DST_START_DAY | int | ||||
DST_STOP_DAY | int | ||||
DST_START_TIME | int | ||||
DST_STOP_TIME | int | ||||
DST_START_YEAR | int | ||||
DST_STOP_YEAR | int | ||||
START_TS | int | ||||
END_TS | int | ||||
CREATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY | numeric(19) | X | X | ||
PURGE_FLAG | numeric(1) |
The primary key of this table. This value is generated by Genesys Info Mart.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The name of the time zone, as defined in Configuration Database.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
An alternative name for the time zone.
Modified: (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type changed from varchar to nvarchar in single-language databases)
The description of the time zone. This field can be updated by users.
The database identifier (DBID) that is assigned by Configuration Server to the time zone configuration object in this contact center configuration environment.
The time zone offset from UTC, in seconds, when Daylight Saving Time is not in effect.
A number that specifies the month at which DST starts:
- 1 = January
- ...
- 12 = December
When DST is not observed, this value is set to 0.
A number that specifies the month at which DST ends:
- 1 = January
- ...
- 12 = December
When DST is not observed, this value is set to 0.
In conjunction with DST_START_MONTH and DST_START_DAY, specifies when DST starts. This field is set to one of the following values:
- 0 — DST is not observed, or the week is not specified.
- 1 thru 5 — The occurrence of the weekday within the month.
- 7 — The last occurrence of the weekday within the month.
For example:
- If DST_START_MONTH is 4, DST_START_WEEK is 1, and DST_START_DAY is 1, DST starts on the first Sunday in April.
- If DST_START_MONTH is 3, DST_START_WEEK is 7, and DST_START_DAY is 1, DST starts on the last Sunday in March.
In conjunction with DST_STOP_MONTH and DST_STOP_DAY, specifies when DST ends. This field is set to one of the following values:
- 0 — DST is not observed, or the week is not specified.
- 1 thru 5 — The occurrence of the weekday within the month.
- 7 — The last occurrence of the weekday within the month.
For example:
- If DST_STOP_MONTH is 11, DST_STOP_WEEK is 2, and DST_STOP_DAY is 1, DST ends on the second Sunday in November.
- If DST_STOP_MONTH is 10, DST_STOP_WEEK is 7, and DST_STOP_DAY is 1, DST ends on the last Sunday in October.
Specifies the weekday on which DST starts, if the week is specified (DST_START_WEEK does not equal 0). This field is set to one of the following values:
- 0 — DST is not observed.
- 1 — Sunday.
- …
- 7 — Saturday.
- 63 — The last day of the month.
Specifies the weekday on which DST ends, if the week is specified (DST_START_WEEK does not equal 0). This field is set to one of the following values:
- 0 — DST is not observed.
- 1 — Sunday.
- …
- 7 — Saturday.
- 63 — The last day of the month.
Specifies the DST start time, in seconds, which is counted from the start of the day on which daylight saving starts.
Specifies the DST end time, in seconds, which is counted from the start of the day on which daylight saving ends.
Specifies DST start year for the Time Zone configuration objects that are defined for a specific year only. Year 2001 is assigned a value of 1. A value of 0 indicates that DST is not observed or that the year is not specified.
Specifies DST stop year for the Time Zone configuration objects that are defined for a specific year only. Year 2001 is assigned a value of 1. A value of 0 indicated that DST is not observed or that the year is not specified.
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the time zone was added to the contact center configuration.
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the time zone was removed from the contact center configuration.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data creation. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools—that is, applications that need to identify newly added data.
The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data update. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools—that is, applications that need to identify recently modified data.
Index List
No indexes are defined.
Subject Areas
- Contact_Attempt — Represents outbound campaign contact record attempts. An attempt may or may not include dialing.