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User Migration Utility

A user migration utility is packaged with the Advisors Platform distribution. This utility allows migration of Advisors users from the 3.3, 8.0, or 8.1.0 Advisors Platform database to Genesys Configuration Manager.

The migration tool migrates user and contact records along with user’s module access information from the 3.3, 8.0, or 8.1.0 Advisors Platform Database to Configuration Manager.

Specifically the following user information is migrated:

  • User name
  • Password
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Employee ID
  • Whether the user is an agent or not
  • User’s module access information
  • User’s role information

The utility contains a ReadMe.txt that summarizes the use of the tool and the procedure to run the tool.


Before you run the user migration utility, ensure you have a supported version of Java installed and JAVA_HOME is added to system classpath.

The supplied Configuration Manager user must have read, create and change permissions on the selected tenant.


1. Extract the user-migration-util-<version>.zip file from the advisors-platform-distribution-<version>.zip/ip/supplement folder.
2. Go to the conf folder in the extracted directory and edit migration.properties. Follow the configuration comments in the file and enter the configuration values. Save the file.
3. Open the command prompt and change to the directory where the migration.bat file is extracted.
4. Run the following command on the command prompt:


5. When the migration is complete, review the log for errors or warnings.
This page was last edited on May 20, 2014, at 05:39.
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