Genesys Administrator Extension enables you to customize the interface to suit your personal preferences. These preferences take effect each time that you, or anyone using your login credentials, logs in to Genesys Administrator Extension from any browser.
To open the Preferences menu, click Preferences (the gear icon) in the top header of the main Genesys Administrator Extension screen. The menu displays the last time that this user account was logged into Genesys Administrator Extension.
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The Preferences menu contains three options:
- User Preferences
- System Preferences
- Genesys Administrator
User Preferences
On the Advanced window, you can specify the logging level for Genesys Administrator Extension JavaScript logging. Set this only if instructed to do so by support personnel. Use the drop-down list to set the level to one of the following:
- Debug—All (error, warning, info, and debug) logs are generated.
- Info—Error, warning, and info logs are generated.
- Warning—Only error and warning logs are generated.
- Error—Only error logs are generated.
- Off—Logging is disabled.
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In the Locale window, you can set the following preferences by selecting the appropriate radio button:
- Language—The language to use in the GAX user interface. The default is English (US). You can add more language options by installing localization kit plug-ins. Note: A browser refresh is required for the changes to take effect.
- Date Format—The format in which dates are to be displayed in Genesys Administrator Extension.
- Start of Week—The day on which you consider the week to start, either Sunday or Monday.
- Number Format—The format in which numbers are to be displayed.
- Time Zone—The time zone in which times are displayed in GAX.
On the Reporting window, you specify how Genesys Administrator Extension paginates License Usage Reports, in terms of the number of lines of data that are displayed per page. You can use the Prev and Next buttons to page through a report if the report length is greater than the value set in Page Size. You can change this value at any time, and it will apply to the next report that you generate.
System Preferences
Genesys Administrator Extension enables you to throttle the number of simultaneous changes that are sent to Configuration Server. You can optimize these settings to help ensure consistent performance across your Genesys environment.
Change the Bulk Update Batch Size field to specify the number of bulk updates for configuration objects that can be executed simultaneously. The default value is 300. A value of 0 indicates that there will be no throttling of changes for configuration objects (all requested operations will be sent to Configuration Server without delay). You can enter 0 or any positive integer in this field.
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Change the Bulk Update Batch Timeout field to specify the time interval (in seconds) that Genesys Administrator Extension should wait between executing bulk update operations. The default value is 1. A value of 0 indicates there will be no delay between bulk update operations. You can enter any value between 0 and 300 in this field.
In the Locale window, you can set the following preferences by selecting the appropriate radio button:
- Language—The language to use in the GAX user interface. The default is English (US). You can add more language options by installing localization kit plug-ins. Note: A browser refresh is required for the changes to take effect.
- Date Format—The format in which dates are to be displayed in Genesys Administrator Extension.
- Start of Week—The day on which you consider the week to start, either Sunday or Monday.
- Number Format—The format in which numbers are to be displayed.
- Time Zone—The time zone in which times are displayed in GAX.
Genesys Administrator
Click the Launch Genesys Administrator link in the Preferences menu to launch the Genesys Administrator application. This link is displayed if you are configured to log in to Genesys Administrator, when you log in to Genesys Administrator Extension.