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Configuration Database

After you have created a database in your DBMS (see Databases), you can populate the tables of the Configuration Database manually (using your DBMS tools).

Setting Up the Configuration Database

If you install Configuration Server and the Configuration Database separately, you must install and configure an SQL Server client for your database type on the same host where Configuration Server is running. Refer to the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide for recommendations on environment settings for your database client.
Configuration Server treats its information and checks integrity constraints in a case-sensitive manner. Therefore, your SQL database must be installed and configured in case-sensitive mode. Refer to your SQL Server Administrator documentation for additional information.
  1. In the directory in which Configuration Server is installed, open the sql_scripts folder.
  2. Open the folder that matches your database type.
  3. If you are initializing a database that contains existing or old configuration data, remove that data now, before running the initialization scripts, as follows:
    1. Back up your database if required.
      All existing configuration data will be lost after running the drop_tables_<DB_Type>.sql script.
    2. Load and execute the drop_tables_<DB_Type>.sql script that corresponds to your DBMS, as listed in the table below.
      If you are using DB2, Genesys recommends using the DB2 Command-Line Processor to run Genesys SQL scripts.
      DBMS Script Name
      DB2 drop_tables_db2.sql
      Microsoft SQL drop_tables_mssql.sql
      Oracle drop_tables_ora.sql
      PostgreSQL drop_tables_postgre.sql
  4. Load and execute the initialization script that corresponds to your DBMS, as listed in the table below.
    If you are using DB2, Genesys recommends using the DB2 Command-Line Processor to run Genesys SQL scripts.
    DBMS Single-language Script Name Multi-language Script Name
    DB2 init_multi_db2.sql init_multi_multilang_db2.sql
    Microsoft SQL init_multi_mssql.sql init_multi_multilang_mssql.sql
    Oracle init_multi_ora.sql init_multi_multilang_ora.sql
    PostgreSQL init_multi_postgre.sql init_multi_multilang_postgre.sql
  5. Load and execute the script that loads the CfgLocale table into the initialized database, depending on your database type, as shown in the table below.
  6. Tip
    If you are using DB2, Genesys recommends using the DB2 Command-Line Processor to run Genesys SQL scripts.
    DBMS Script Name
    DB2 CfgLocale_db2.sql
    Microsoft SQL CfgLocale_mssql.sql
    Oracle CfgLocale_ora.sql
    PostgreSQL CfgLocale_postgre.sql
If you are using a PostgreSQL database, make sure that the value of the PostgreSQL configuration option standard_conforming_strings in the postgresql.conf file matches that of the Configuration Server Application option postgre-standard-conforming-strings, in the [system] section. For more information, refer to the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide and the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

Using the DB2 Command-Line Processor

If you are using DB2, Genesys recommends using the DB2 Command-Line Processor to load and execute the script, as follows:

  1. Start the Command-Line Processor.
  2. Type quit at the DB2 prompt to exit the DB2.exe process.
  3. Specify the database connection parameters by typing the following command line, substituting values in brackets with the actual values:
    db2 connect to <database name> user <user> using <password>
  4. Execute the script by typing the following command line, substituting the value in brackets with the actual value:
    db2 -f <script name including full path>
    For example, to execute the CfgLocale script, type (all on one line):
    db2 -f C:\GCTI\ConfigurationServer\sql_scripts\db2\CfgLocale_db2.sql

About the Initialized Configuration Database

Never add, delete, or modify any data in the Configuration Database except through applications developed by Genesys, or through applications instrumented with the Genesys Configuration Server application programming interface (API). If you have compelling reasons for accessing the database directly, consult Genesys Technical Support before you do so.

The Configuration Database contains the following predefined objects, which allow initial access to the database through Genesys Administrator:

  • A User object with user name set to default, and password set to password. Use this Master Account to log in to the Configuration Layer for the first time. A user logged on through this Master Account has all possible privileges with respect to objects in the Configuration Database. The Master Account is not alterable in any way, and you should not use it to perform regular contact center administrative tasks. Rather, it exists as a guarantee that, no matter what happens to the regular accounts, you will always be able to access the Configuration Database.
    Genesys recommends changing the default user name and password of the Master Account during the first session, securing these login parameters, and using the Master Account for emergency purposes only. For regular operations, create a real working account and add it to the access group Super Administrators. (By default, this Access Group has the same privileges as the Master Account.) Use this real working account for any subsequent sessions.
    For instructions on creating new configuration objects, and working with existing configuration objects, refer to the Help file with your user interface.
  • Four Application Template objects, as follows:
    • Configuration Server
    • Configuration Manager
    • Genesys Administrator
    • Genesys Administrator Server
  • Five Application objects, as follows:
    • confserv object of type Configuration Server.
    • default object of type Configuration Manager.
    • Genesys Administrator object of type Genesys Administrator.
      Consider changing the name of this application during the first session.
    • Genesys AdministratorServer object of type Genesys Administrator Server.
    • Installation Configuration Utility Application object with the name set to ITCUtility. This utility supports configuration updates during installation processes for Genesys components. No additional configuration is needed..
  • The default Access Group objects: Users, Administrators, and Super Administrators. For more information, refer to Security Considerations.
  • Folders for all types of objects managed by the Configuration Layer.

The Configuration Database also contains a number of other predefined objects (for example, Alarm Conditions) that help you set up some Genesys functionality as you deploy other Framework and solution components.

Using Language Packs to Localize the Configuration Database

Starting in release 8.5, Language Packs are available to provide localized content in any environment running Configuration Server 8.5 or later. The Language Packs are available for all supported platforms and databases, in both single-language and multi-language environments.

This section describes how to install these Language Packs and apply them to the Configuration Database. For more information about an LP, refer to its Release Note.

Language Packs

A Language Pack (LP) contains a set of SQL scripts for all supported DBMSs and single-language (default) and multi-language (UTF-8) modes of Configuration Server. The LP is associated with a language ID number given in LP documentation.

The scripts in the LP are called CfgLocale<dbms>.sql, where <dbms> indicates the target Configuration Database DBMS. All text in the script is in the language for which the LP is intended.

The LP Installation Package (IP) consists of two folders, multilang and singlelang. Scripts in the multilang folder are SQL text files with UTF-8 encoded national characters. Scripts in the singlelang subfolder are SQL text files with national characters encoded according to the ANSI code page as specified in the Windows National Language Support (NLS) API Reference.


The compatibility of Management Framework Language Packs is determined by the data schema used by Configuration Database, not the version of Configuration Server. Language Packs are supported by database schema 8.5 and later; in other words, any database schema 8.1 or earlier is not compatible with Language Packs. If you did not update the Configuration Database schema to 8.5 when you migrated to Management Framework 8.5.0, you cannot use Language Packs until you migrate your Configuration Database schema. Any compatibility exceptions are documented in the Release Note for the Language Pack.

Installing Language Packs

Install the LP on a host on which DBMS client software is installed and that can access the target Configuration Database.

When installing the LP, note this number and be prepared to use it when applying the LP. If required, you can also retrieve this number from the info.xml file in the LP installation folder, as the LocaleId attribute of the root tag <language>. For example, in the following code sample, the language ID is 1041.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<Language LocaleId="1041"> 
  <Name>"Japanese (Japan)"</Name> 

Once installed, the LP can be applied to a single-language database by loading data directly into the Configuration Database using DBMS tools. The DBMS tools must be capable of dealing with SQL scripts that contain ANSI encoding (Windows) for the LP language.

You must stop your Configuration Server (and its backup, if configured) when applying Language Packs. This downtime is unavoidable, but if the Configuration Servers are installed in HA pairs, you might be able to minimize downtime.

To apply the LP to the target Configuration Database, use the steps corresponding to your database.

To apply the LP to a single-language Configuration Database, follow these steps. If your Configuration Servers are configured as an HA pair, consider the steps to minimize downtime during this process.

  1. Use the command line or the DBMS user interface, if provided by the DBMS vendor, to connect to the target Configuration Database.
  2. Execute the singlelang/CfgLocale_<dbms> script from the LP installation folder, where <dbms> is the name of the DBMS used by the Configuration Database.
    When the process is complete, the DBMS will display a success message.
  3. Update the language ID, as follows:
    1. Open Configuration Server's configuration file in a text editor.
    2. Locate the langid option in the [<Configuration Server application name>] section.
    3. Change its value to the language ID noted when installing the LP.
    4. Save your changes.
    Repeat this step for the backup Configuration Server, if configured.
  4. Test the installation, as follows:
    1. Restart the primary Configuration Server. When it is initialized, restart the backup Configuration Server, if configured.
    2. Try to access the primary Configuration Server from a localized Genesys Administrator.
    3. Confirm that messages are delivered in the desired language.

The information in this section is for future use. There are currently no Genesys interface applications that can use a multi-language Configuration Server with installed language packs.

To apply the LP to a multi-language Configuration Database, follow these steps. If your Configuration Servers are configured as an HA pair, consider the steps to minimize downtime during this process.

  1. Use the command line or the DBMS user interface, if provided by the DBMS vendor, to connect to the target Configuration Database.
  2. Execute the multilang/CfgLocale_<dbms> script from the LP installation folder, where <dbms> is the name of the DBMS used by the Configuration Database.
    When the process is complete, the DBMS will display a success message.
  3. If there is no backup Configuration Server, restart Configuration Server.

Minimize Downtime

If there is a backup Configuration Server, you can minimize downtime when installing Language Packs by doing the following:

  1. Stop the backup Configuration Server.
  2. Modify the configuration file of the backup Configuration Server to include the upgrade-mode=1 option to enable side-by-side startup without contacting the configured peer server.
  3. In Solution Control Server (SCS), set disable-switchover=true in the [general] section so that SCS will not automatically perform the switchover.
  4. Disconnect the primary Configuration Server from the database (set force-offline=true in the Configuration Database section), or shut down all DB Servers that the primary server is configured to use.
  5. Apply the LP to the database.
  6. Start the backup server and let it initialize in primary mode.
  7. Stop the original primary server that is running in read-only mode. Clients will fail over to the backup server currently running in primary mode.
  8. When the LP is applied, reverse the previous steps, as follows:
    1. In SCS, set disable-switchover=false, or remove it altogether, to restore automatic switchovers.
    2. In the configuration file of both Configuration Servers, remove the upgrade-mode=1 option to re-establish communication between the two servers at startup.
    3. Restart the backup server normally.
This page was last edited on December 16, 2016, at 19:48.
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