Deployment Planning
Achieving optimal performance with your Genesys installation requires comprehensive planning. How well Genesys Framework components function in a particular environment depends on a number of variables, including amount of computer memory, network location of the applications, and the specific tasks the applications perform. The information in this section describes various characteristics of Framework components and looks at how they interact with each other and the applications they serve. It provides basic data and makes recommendations that will help you select the optimal components for your specific needs, choose a computer for each component, and define the optimal location for each component on the network.
Start your deployment planning by identifying the existing telephony resources in your contact center environment. Then follow the deployment recommendations for each architecture layer given in Network Locations for Framework Components.
Consider whether you can benefit from:
- Using the Management Layer.
- Having redundant components.
- Installing additional Configuration Servers in Proxy mode.
- Installing a number of Solution Control Servers in Distributed mode.
- Using Load Distribution Server.
In addition, review Solution Availability and Security Considerations, which are common aspects of any Genesys installation.
Finally, prepare an installation worksheet summarizing your configuration requirements, and fill it in and refer to it as you deploy Framework.