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Telephony Network Description

Certain information is required to deploy Framework, so prepare a description of your telephony and media network as discussed in this section. You will use data from this description when supplying configuration parameters to Deployment Wizards or when configuring objects for your contact center using Genesys Administrator.

You must have the following information available for every switch that you plan to use in your interaction management solution:

  • Switch type, which usually corresponds to the switch vendor, brand name, and model number.
  • Version of the switch software.
  • Type of CTI Link (TCP/IP, X.25, or ISDN).
  • Version of the CTI Link software.
  • Information required to connect to the CTI Link (for example, for TCP/IP connection, host name and port number), including password, service id, and other parameters required for switch security.
  • Types and numbers of telephony devices, also called Directory Numbers or DNs. You may have to configure specific types of DNs (for example, Routing Points) on the switches to support functions of the interaction management solutions.
  • Login codes to be assigned to agents for runtime associations between agents and their working places.
  • Information about how the switch DNs are arranged into working places.
  • Information about how DNs that belong to a particular switch can be reached from other switches in a multi-site installation.

In addition, describe your contact center resources:

  • For every user who must access any interaction management application, define the following parameters: a unique employee ID, unique user name, and password. The role of a user in the contact center defines the set of access privileges for this user in the system. For more information, see Security Considerations.
  • For agents, define Login codes in every switch at which they might be working.
  • For agents, define skills that might be considered as criteria for effective interaction processing.
  • Note how agents are arranged into groups.
  • Decide how to arrange the working places into groups.

Guidelines for Naming Hosts

To ensure that the operating systems properly interpret host names, follow these guidelines when naming the host computers in your system:

  1. If possible, use the host's DNS name.
  2. If it is not possible to use the DNS name, use the host's IP address, in the format x.x.x.x. However, verify the availability of that IP address by using the command ping <IP address> on the command-line before starting the installation process.
This page was last edited on November 29, 2014, at 16:36.
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