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Change Memory Allocation

Consider changing the memory allocation of an Advisors server if it is recording out-of-memory errors in its log file.

If the problem with memory persists, experiment with higher values; however, the Advisors server may fail to start if it is unable to allocate all of the memory requested from the operating system. This will be noticeable if the server fails to start (reports an error during start).

For more information on the Java Virtual Machine options used in this section, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html for Windows environments or http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/java.html for Linux environments.

Change Memory Allocation for Advisors Platform

The following sections describe changes that you can make to the memory allocation for Advisors Platform:

Advisors Server Controlled by Solution Control Server

This section describes which memory allocation settings to edit for an Advisors server that is controlled by Solution Control Server (SCS). For a list of those components that are controlled by the SCS, see Integration with Solution Control Server and Warm Standby.

Consider changing the memory allocation for the Advisors Platform server if the advisors.log file for the Advisors server is recording an out-of-memory error. Edit the CATALINA_OPTS= ... -ms and -mx values in one of the following files to increase the heap size:

  • On Windows, apache-tomcat-<version>\bin\setenv.bat
  • On Linux, apache-tomcat-<version>/bin/setenv.sh

See the Genesys Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide for memory allocation recommendations.

Java out-of-memory errors can also occur due to insufficient operating system (OS) resources or thread stack resources (rather than heap) exhausting available JVM memory. Reviewing the configuration of your JVM and OS resources, and adjusting if necessary to ensure availability of resources, can prevent or fix such errors. For example, consider reviewing your ulimit configuration (nproc process limits, file descriptors, and so on) and Java thread stack size.

Advisors Server Controlled by Windows Service

This section describes which memory allocation settings to edit for an Advisors server that is controlled by an OS service (that is, a server that is not controlled by SCS). For a list of the components that are controlled by an OS service, see Integration with Solution Control Server and Warm Standby.

To change memory allocation settings, edit the <install dir>/bin/service.bat file. Towards the end of the file, locate the --JvmMs and --JvmMx settings. Edit the values, particularly the --JvmMx value, to increase the heap size.

See the Genesys Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide for memory allocation recommendations.

Change Memory Allocation for Advisors Genesys Adapter

Consider changing the memory allocation for Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA) if the AGA log file is recording an out-of-memory error. Edit the JAVA_OPTS=-ms and -mx values in one of the following files to increase the heap size:

  • On Windows, run.bat
  • On Linux, setenv.sh

See the Genesys Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide for memory allocation recommendations.

Change Memory Allocation for CCAdv XML Generator

Consider changing the memory allocation for CCAdv XML Generator if the XML Generator log file is recording an out-of-memory error.

Edit the .../java" -server -ms and -mx values in one of the following files to increase the heap size:

  • On Windows, xmlgen/run.bat
  • On Linux, xmlgen/run.sh

See the Genesys Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide for memory allocation recommendations.

This page was last edited on October 4, 2018, at 17:35.
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