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General Section



Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time to wait for call events (interaction.partystatechanged) related to the transfer of the call to the agent. If a transfer confirming or failing event is not received within this period, the transfer is assumed to have succeeded. Set this option value to zero to disable the timer. This timer should be enabled in rare conditions where the switch does not send confirmation events after the call redirection to an agent.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time to wait for call events (interaction.partystatechanged) related to the transfer of the call to the agent. If a transfer confirming or failing event is not received within this period, the transfer is assumed to have succeeded. Set this option value to zero to disable the timer. This timer should be enabled in rare conditions where the switch does not send confirmation events after the call redirection to an agent.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: single_json
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • separate_keys – Each KVP data is attached as a separate key-value pair to the user event.
  • single_json – All KVPs are attached as a single stringified-JSON object to the GMS_UserData key in the user event.
  • gms_storage_id – Callback will attach the GMS service ID to the GMS_UserData userdata key and let the agent application retrieve the data from GMS.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.


Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

  • If this option is set to USERORIGINATED, the customer's device will initiate the call to get connected to the agent.
  • If this option is set to USERTERMINATED, the agent or the system will initiate the call to contact the customer.


Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction List object defining the Callback events and data to notify; for example, GMS_Events.


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets a configured capacity service. Agent availability is verified against the defined capacity and capacity exceptions.


Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of properties to track back customer callback requests. You must only specify identification numbers such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
For example: _customer_number,_phone_number


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: <integer>,<integer>,<integer>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

For calls placed via a Routing Point (RP) this option defines time checks that the callback service must perform before calling the customer. The value for this option matches the following formatting:

<threshold>,<earliest call time>,<latest call time>
  • threshold defines the maximum time difference in seconds between the callback desired time and the current time.
  • earliest call time is the 24-hour earliest time that the callback service is allowed to launch a call if the current time matches the defined threshold value.
  • latest call time is the 24-hour latest time that the callback service is allowed to launch a call if the current time matches the defined threshold value.
Important: All of the above times are based on the local time of the Orchestration server(s).

For example, if _do_not_call_items=3600,9,21, the callback service does not proceed with calling the customer if the local time is not between 9 AM and 9 PM local time on the Orchestration Server. Additionally, before launching the call, it also checks that the current local time matches the customer call's desired time within 3600 seconds.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to enable the callback notification reminder capability. If both this option and the _enable_status_notification option are true, the Callback Service sends an additional _cbe_on_callback_reminder event notification a few seconds before the dial time. To specify when the _cbe_on_callback_reminder notification is sent, configure the _notification_reminder_buffer option.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, subscribe_notify, notify
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables the callback status notifications and defines the notification subscription for the Callback application.

  • false – The Callback Service assumes that the client application has already subscribed for status notifications.
  • subscribe_notify – The callback application will subscribe for status notification on behalf of the client application.
  • notify – The client application has already subscribed for status notifications.

This option will override the settings in the GMS events transaction list.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If this option value is true and if the Callback service receives a start request that contains user data, the Callback service attaches the user data to the WaitForTarget strategy start request. The user data is attached as a JSON string using the SERVICE_REQUEST_UDATA key.

If the service request does not contain user data or if this option value is false, the value for the SERVICE_REQUEST_UDATA key is the NOT PROVIDED string.


Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

List of the exception patterns that should be verified before processing this callback request. See the Pattern configuration for details.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables agent confirmation for accepting the call. If you set this option to false, the system will not wait for confirmation when a call is redirected. You should set this option to false in rare conditions where the switch does not send confirmation events (such as interaction.partystatechanged) after the call redirection to an agent.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value:
Valid Values: JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets the hints parameter of the scxml ixn:redirect request for routing the callback call to the agent. You can use this parameter to override the customer phone number presented to the agent. Use this parameter if the prefix applied to outbound numbers should not be displayed to the agent. For example, the outbound number displayed to the agent can be set as follows:

{"extensions": {"CPNDigits": "5551234"}}
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets the comma-separated list of mandatory customer lookup keys that must be provided in the callback schedule request. This list can contain only identification keys such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.


Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of times that the request for execution will be submitted to ORS. When this number is reached, the request is removed from the persistent queue and discarded.


Default Value: 5
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The maximum number of time slots to include in the disposition response of the retry_later scenario, if the office is open and the capacity is configured to a value greater than zero. Use this parameter to improve the performance of queries over a long period of time.


Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Integer (seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum period of time (seconds) to wait for the agent to accept and answer the call after the customer is connected.


Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (in seconds) that the callback in PROCESSING state will keep alive the interaction to be deleted. This value should be greater than 5 seconds and less than the specified _ttl value. To set this value, consider the requirements for features like the disposition dialog and the agent notifications that need GMS Callback to be running while callback is still in PROCESSING state.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: 5
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

Maximum number of attempts to transfer the call to the agent. If greater than 1, set the URS option on_route_error=try_other.


Default Value: voice
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type of the interaction that the service is expected to handle. This option enables URS to select an agent who has the appropriate media capabilities. This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: 300
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the number of seconds before the callback dial time to trigger the Notification Reminder. By default, the reminder is sent 300 seconds (5 minutes) before the system dials the callback.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of day slots to include in the availability response if the office is open and the capacity greater than zero. Use this parameter to improve query performance over a long period of time.


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Id of the service that originated the callback service request. For example: IVR service, web session service, and so on.


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

ID of the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you set this option, its value is used to look up the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you do not set any value, the service name is used instead.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: GMS_Paused_Services
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction list entry that controls pausing of callbacks.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Retains the session until the interaction is deleted. Setting this parameter to true will enable the callback SCXML session to remain until the callback call is terminated. If set to false, and if the agent disposition is not enabled, the callback session will end after the call is connected to an agent. The latter is required if the agent will be transferring the call to another SCXML strategy.


Default Value: 300
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Period in seconds to snooze agent notifications. When the customer receives the agent availability notification, he or she can snooze the notification for the specified duration.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: 500
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The number of milliseconds that GMS waits before sending the update event for the callback state.


Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Target to which to publish notifications according to the _status_notification_type notification type:

  • If _status_notification_type = httpcb, then set _status_notification_target to the target URL to which to push the notifications.
  • If _status_notification_type = orscb, then set _status_notification_target to the target ORS session ID.
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value:
Valid Values: httpcb, orscb
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Notification type to use when publishing the notification. You should use httpcb in most cases. Use orscb to publish notifications in Orchestration Server for advanced ORS-based customizations.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If this option is configured to true, the Callback service no longer logs sensitive user data. Note that, in addition to this option, you can also update Composer to version 8.1.561.17 and higher which also eliminates sensitive logging. See Masking Sensitive Information in Composer Tomcat Logs for further details.


Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (in seconds) for which the service will be kept in storage after the Desired Time is passed (Time To Live). Once expired, the service is removed from the system. For example, if you want the callbacks to be visible in the Service Management UI for one week past the execution time, then you should set 7 days of Time To Live, which means _ttl=604800.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Period in seconds to receive the customer response. If the customer does not reply in time, the system assumes that the customer did not reply: the notification was not received or was received but ignored.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for an agent to connect. If this option is set to true, the service will wait for the agent to initiate the interaction and to send the notification to the customer. If the option is set to false, the interaction can start right after the creation of the service instance. In voice scenarios, the access information will be returned immediately with the service ID.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for confirmation of the customer's availability. If this option is set to true, the service sends a push notification to the customer's device to get confirmation that the customer is ready to have a conversation with the agent. This scenario is possible only if the _wait_for_agent option is set to true.

This page was last edited on May 17, 2017, at 14:41.
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