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openmedia or openmedia.<service-name> Section

These openmedia options enable you to configure the openmedia media used by the Digital Channel APIs. See Configuring Digital Channels for further details.



Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, enables Open Media API queries to overwrite the default Interaction Type, Subtype, and Media Type set in the Open Media service configuration. If you do not configure the options interaction_type, interaction_subtype, and media_type, you must set allow_overwrite to true and provide the Interaction Type, Subtype, and Media Type in your REST queries.


Default Value: Environment:Default
Valid Values: <TenantName>:<InboundQueueName>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Any string that combines a valid Tenant Name and a valid Interaction Queue name, separated by a colon: <TenantName>:<InboudQueueName>

TenantName should match one of the Tenants assigned to the Interaction Server application.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Interaction Subtype to assign to the interactions created by this service, for example, InboundNew. The Interaction Type must match one of the values listed in the Business Attributes > Interaction Subtype section of your configuration.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Interaction Type to assign to the interactions created by this service, for example, Inbound. The Interaction Type must match one of the values listed in the Business Attributes > Interaction Type section of your configuration.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media Type to assign to the interactions created by this service, for example, workitem. The Media Type must match one of the values listed in the Business Attributes > Media Type section of your configuration.

This page was last edited on January 31, 2018, at 11:28.
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