Scheduled Call Section
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Number of seconds of delay before the desired connect time for service execution.
In a scheduled callback scenario, GMS creates a service prior to the scheduled time based on the configured value of the _request_execution_time_buffer option. When the Callback SCXML receives the service request, it performs a secondary check to ensure that the call to the customer is not made too early, which is controlled by the _desired_connect_time_threshold parameter. If it is too early to proceed, the Callback SCXML waits until it is time to proceed. In some scenarios, GMS may not receive a response from Orchestration Server (ORS) and the connection may time out, which can be seen in the GMS logs. To work around this issue, configure the _desired_connect_time_threshold parameter to be greater than the _request_execution_time_buffer parameter.
Default Value:
Valid Values: UTCDate
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Callback desired time. Format is ISO 8601 (in UTC) 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'. For example: '2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z'
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Options: _request_time_bucket
Number of customer requests that can fit into a given time bucket. By default, the time buckets are 5 minutes, and the _max_request_by_time_bucket option is set to 100; as a result, a maximum of 100 scheduled requests can be done in the given 5 minutes bucket.
Default Value: 1M
Valid Values: 1<letter> where letter can be: 'y' for year, 'M' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day, 'h' for hour, and 'm' for minute.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Time limit in future to schedule callbacks. If a callback is scheduled later than this limit, the callback request is rejected. You can specify a general option for all your callback services in your GMS application by setting the callback._reject_future_desired_time option. The default is one month (1M).
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a urs-stat service to retrieve the EWT value. You can create and configure this urs-stat service as a GMS service in the Service Management UI or by adding a section to your GMS configuration.
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: Integer (Seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Time within which a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Statistic used to define when a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service. The request_execution_time_buffer value and request_queue_time_stat statistic options define when a queued request should be submitted to the execution service. For example, you can use the ExpectedWaitTime statistic to set this option:
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Period of time during which GMS attempts to schedule a specific amount of requests. By default, the time buckets are 5 minutes and the max_request_by_time_bucket option is set to 100; as a result, a maximum of 100 scheduled requests can be done in the given 5 minutes bucket.
Starting in, the following values are valid for this option: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120.