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Settings resource

This resource is part of the Settings API section of the Web Services API.


The settings resource includes properties that describe the settings group, whether it's a system settings group or a custom settings group. Settings groups are returned from GET requests to /api/v2/settings or GET requests to /api/v2/settings?subresources=*.

See System settings and Custom settings for details about how to work with these types of settings groups and settings.

Sample data

         "displayName":"Voice Operations",
         "displayName":"General Settings",
         "displayName":"Agent States",

Resource details

Field Description
name A URI-compatible name for the settings group. This name is used as part of the URI to access the group: (for example, GET /settings/my-settings-group)
displayName Name that describes the settings group.
key The name of the key attribute for this group's settings. Whenever an individual setting needs to be modified, this key attribute is used to identify the setting. The value of the key attribute must be unique for every setting and is read-only after the setting has been created. A setting may not be created without this attribute. If the key attribute is missing, then Web Services uses "name" as the default identifying attribute.
uri The URI to the settings group.
path The path to the settings resource.
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:31.
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