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This operation is part of the Voice API section of the Web Services API.


Configures barge in to the target device. If the agent is currently on a call and T-Server is configured to allow barge in, the supervisor is immediately added to the call. Both the monitored agent and the customer are able to hear and speak with the supervisor. If the target agent is not on a call at the time of the request, the supervisor is brought into the call when the agent receives a new call.

Request URL /api/v2/me/devices/{id}
HTTP method POST
Required features api-voice, api-supervisor-monitoring


Monitoring of routing points is not supported in SIP Cluster environments.


Parameter Value
operationName BargeIn
targetDeviceUri The URI of the device to monitor.
supervisorMonitoringScope This optional parameter specifies the scope of monitoring:
  • Agent — Only activity for the target agent is monitored. If the monitored agent transfers the call to another agent, the supervisor is released from the call with the agent.
  • Call — The supervisor monitors the entire call, regardless of the path it takes. If the monitored agent transfers the call, the supervisor continues to monitor as the customer is serviced by the new agent.

If not specified, Call is the default.

supervisorMonitoringMode This optional parameter specifies the monitoring mode:
  • NextCall — Monitor only the next call the agent receives, then stop monitoring.
  • AllCalls — Monitoring all agent calls until monitoring is cancelled.

If not specified, AllCalls is the default.

phoneNumber The monitored phone number.



POST api/v2/me/devices/efe1ab32-53f9-43ce-b65e-5768c61f7d4a
  "operationName": "BargeIn",
  "targetDeviceUri": "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/devices/9c14cad7-17c4-48d0-8492-7cf0ff92c224"

HTTP response

  "statusCode": 0

CometD notification

  "data": {
    "messageType": "DeviceStateChangeMessage",
    "devices": [
        "id": "efe1ab32-53f9-43ce-b65e-5768c61f7d4a",
        "deviceState": "Active",
        "userState": {
          "id": "900D55CC-2BB0-431F-8BF9-D3525B383BE6",
          "displayName": "Not Ready",
          "state": "NotReady"
        "phoneNumber": "5005",
        "e164Number": "5005",
        "telephonyNetwork": "Private",
        "doNotDisturb": "On",
        "voiceEnvironmentUri": "",
        "capabilities": [
        "supervisorMonitoringState": {
          "state": "BargeIn",
          "mode": "AllCalls",
          "scope": "Call",
          "targetDeviceUri": ""
  "channel": "/v2/me/devices"
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:31.
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