Chat Resource
This operation is part of the Chat API section of the Web Services API.
The chat resource includes properties that describe the current state of the chat and the available operations given the current state. A full description of the properties included on the chat resource and their possible values can be found here.
Request URL | /api/v2/me/chats?fields=* |
HTTP Method | GET |
Required Features | api-multimedia-chat |
Sample Data
GET /api/v2/me/chats?fields=*
CometD Notification
"state": "Chatting",
"id": "0000Na9B26EF002G",
"uri": "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/chats/0000Na9B26EF002G",
"participants": [
"type": "Agent",
"nickname": "Agent1",
"participantId": "009052BDEE4A003E"
"type": "Customer",
"nickname": "PersonP",
"participantId": "009052BDEE39003C"
"capabilities": [
"userData": {
You can also receive messages for a particular chat.
Request URL | /api/v2/me/chats/{chatId}/messages |
HTTP Method | GET |
Required Features | api-multimedia-chat |
Optional URL parameters are startIndex and count.
Message Types
Type | Description |
Text | Message text is placed into the text field. |
ParticipantJoined | A participant joined the chat. The participant's information is placed into the from field. |
ParticipantLeft | The participant left the chat. The participant's information is placed into the from field. |
ParticipantRejoined | The participant rejoined the chat. The participant's information is placed into the from field. |
TypingStarted | The participant started typing. If typing preview is enabled, the message text is placed into the text field. |
TypingStopped | The participant stopped typing. |
PushUrl | The participant sent a URL. The URL is placed into the url field. |
Notice | The notice text is placed into the text field (optional). |
TranscriptSaveDone | The service message type. The index field always equals -1. |
Sample Data
GET /api/v2/me/chats/009052BDEE39003A/messages?startIndex=1&count=10
CometD Notification
"messages": [
"index": 1,
"type": "ParticipantJoined",
"from": {
"type": "Customer",
"nickname": "PersonP",
"participantId": "009052BDEE39003C"
"visibility": "All",
"timestamp": "2013-12-27T13:16:41.000-0800"
"index": 2,
"type": "ParticipantJoined",
"from": {
"type": "Agent",
"nickname": "Agent1",
"participantId": "009052BDEE4A003E"
"visibility": "All",
"timestamp": "2013-12-27T13:16:41.018-0800"
"index": 3,
"type": "TypingStarted",
"from": {
"type": "Customer",
"nickname": "PersonP",
"participantId": "009052BDEE39003C"
"visibility": "All",
"timestamp": "2013-12-27T13:16:41.186-0800"
"index": 4,
"type": "Text",
"from": {
"type": "Customer",
"nickname": "PersonP",
"participantId": "009052BDEE39003C"
"text": "dddd",
"visibility": "All",
"timestamp": "2013-12-27T13:16:41.187-0800"
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:28.
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