Known Issues and Recommendations
Genesys Intelligent Automation
The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Genesys Intelligent Automation. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.
See also Internationalization Issues.
To support text.text with SSML, Genesys and Google advise the following recommendation for Dialogflow bots:
ID: SPCHSTRM-3246 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The version number is displayed incorrectly as there were no database migrations required for this release.
ID: SPCHSTRM-3099 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
When the value of the VUI preference Standard Visual Switch menu sms wait prompt iterations is reached, a recognition failure occurs instead of returning the session to voice only.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2963 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The VUI preference Standard Visual Switch read-only prompt mode did not take effect when using Multimodal.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2944 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The error logs are not accurate when using Multimodal.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2936 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
In Personas UI, the TTS Voice list is not updated automatically when changing languages.
Workaround: When changing a persona’s language,
- Turn off TTS voice support.
- Change the language.
- Save the persona.
- Turn on TTS voice support.
- Select a new voice.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2741 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
A character encoding error that prevented Intelligent Automation from displaying non-Latin characters correctly in chat conversations was resolved in the release of Intelligent Automation but is now impacting VoiceBots running on the PureConnect platform, version 9.0.104.xx. Note: This has no impact on VoiceBots running on the Genesys Engage platform and no impact on Voice IVR functionality on the PureConnect platform.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2453 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Callflows containing prompts with uploaded audio files play the fallback TTS text instead of the audio file in versions up to including 9.0.101.xx in the following scenarios:
- When importing the callflow to Intelligent Automation 9.0.102.xx or later.
- When migrating to Intelligent Automation 9.0.102.xx or later.
Workaround: For all applications and menus that contain uploaded audio files, open the Prompt List page for the callflow and click Save at the bottom of the page. Then deploy all applications and sub-modules to production.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2458 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
On an application’s Settings page, if you skip the Callflow Editor tab and go directly to the Prompt List tab and select a chat persona, rich media prompts fail to load.
Workaround: From the Prompt List tab, return to the Callflow Editor tab, and then go back to the Prompt List tab and select a chat persona. All prompts will then load correctly.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2369 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The rich media editor for the chat channel includes support for the UK English (en-gb) language only. it does not include support for French (fr-fr), German (de-de), or Mexican Spanish (es-mx) languages.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2312 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The hive-off process now functions correctly after the server cache was flushed. Previously, the hive-off process might have attempted to use invalid connections after the server cache was flushed.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2109 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
In Cognitive IVR, users might experience IOExceptions when starting a call that causes the call to end.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2453 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The logging method used to print the full XML response from WorldPay uses a non thread-safe Marshalling/Unmarshalling jaxb library. In certain concurrent situations, this might cause delays on the process of "unwrapping" the information and printing the logs. It will only happen:
- If the debug settings for the full XML logging are on.
- If two concurrent calls try to print to file at the same time.
Workaround: Set the Worldpay.Debug.LogResponse property to false at the file:
There is no loss of information as a result of setting the previous property to false, since all the non PII information necessary for debugging purposes is logged in a prior step.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2602 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Flex LM must be active before the first call is handled.
Workaround: Restart VUI Tomcat.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2602 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Genesys Intelligent Automation roles and permissions do not appear in GAX.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1776 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Users created outside of Intelligent Automation are unable to arbitrarily change their passwords.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1775 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Multimodal transfers allows only bridged transfers or requires custom routing.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1757 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
If using Nuance Vocalizer 6 in a PCI-compliant environment, disable logging at the Nuance level.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1412 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Whisper transfer records are not written to Elasticsearch reporting databases.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1297 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
When using an Elasticsearch reports database, an error page will display if you create a new company and run a Block Results report before you've created any applications.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1280 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
- The fallback to voice on client error functionality now works properly.
* Switching back to the Voice option from the Multi-modal option will no longer trigger execution of the Visual Mandatory On VUI preferences. * Browsers can now use Web IVR without requiring cookies to be set. * Additional contingency messaging is added to the file to cover scenarios when no sessions are available. * WebIVR pages now change the location to EndSession.jsp after loading. This resolves the issue where requests made with expired sessions caused errors. * Logging has been included for multimodal sessions when a new session request is received. The logs will now include information on the validity of the session ID. * The footer buttons now display correctly in WebIVR when cookies are not enabled.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2617 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
If Media Control Platform (MCP) is using MRCPv2 in a Genesys Engage environment, it generates an error and terminates unexpectedly when working with Intelligent Automation.
Workaround: To avoid this error, add &mrcpversion=2 to the end of the MCP start command. For example:
If MCP is using MRCPv2, and this parameter is set to 2, Intelligent Automation does not provide the specific information that causes MCP to generate the error and terminate. Therefore, MCP will not terminate and operations will proceed as expected.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1477 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Oracle databases might fail when used with GAAP 3.6.x because the number of available cursors can exceed the default Oracle setting.
Workaround: As a SYS user, execute the following command in Oracle:
alter system set open_cursors = 600 scope=both;
ID: SPCHSTRM-650 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Firefox might become unresponsive if you use the browser's Find feature to search for text in the GAAP user interface.
Workaround: Use the Find feature in another supported browser.
ID: SPCHSTRM-590 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
When using SSML for TTS, the maximum pause duration is 750ms.
Workaround: Use multiple pause statements to achieve desired effect.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2601 | Found In: 3.3.0 | Fixed In: |
The medial hundreds dynamic prompts (that is, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900) are incorrect and are listed without the and; for example, one hundred instead of one hundred and. This list is provided to the prompt recording team to record the dynamic prompts. So, if a variable has a value of 123, it will be read as one hundred twenty three instead of one hundred and twenty three.
Workaround: Re-record the affected audio file with a corrected version of the prompts.
ID: SPCHSTRM-1218 | Found In: 3.3.0 | Fixed In: |
Dashboard graphs don't show today’s calls on some environments.
ID: SPCHSTRM-MANTIS-2722 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
System Pulse query can run slowly (SQL Server).
ID: SPCHSTRM-MANTIS-2721 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
End-of-call HTTP timeouts are not handled gracefully.
ID: SPCHSTRM-MANTIS-2663 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
- When using Multimodal, the visual grammar settings are not utilized by Web IVR.
- Web IVR did not display the next prompt even if the previous prompt evaluated to an empty string.
ID: SPCHSTRM-2945 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Internationalization Issues
Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Intelligent Automation unless otherwise noted in the issue description.
There are no internationalization issues for this product.