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Advanced Customization

Purpose: To provide information about the advanced customization with the Enterprise Service API.

Get the Enterprise Service API Reference

The Enterprise Services are core components used by the modules, views, and resources to connect to Genesys Servers and maintain the information flow consistent with the state of Workspace Desktop Edition. The main entry point is available through the EntrepriseService property of the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Core.Model.Agents.IAgent interface. This interface enables you to access all of the available Enterprise services. All of these services handle the core objects that Interaction workspace creates and displays. Modifications to these objects through Workspace Desktop Edition API should be fine; however, if you create new instances or alter objects through the Enterprise API, your customization is responsible for maintaining the information flow consistent with the data displayed in Workspace Desktop Edition. The following table contains the list of downloadable API References available:

Workspace Desktop Edition Release Version Enterprise Service Release Version Release Date Enterprise Service CHM 04/17/2013 Download file
If you encounter difficulties with opening the .chm files, please check the known issues and solutions of Dr. Explain.

Get EnterpriseService

The main entry point is available through the EntrepriseService property of the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Core.Model.Agents.IAgent interface. The Resolve methods of the IEnterpriseServiceProvider simplify the retrieval of a service instance.

public MyNewSampleClass(IUnityContainer container, ILogger log)
 IAgent myAgent= container.Resolve<IAgent>();
 IEnterpriseServiceProvider enterpriseService = myAgent.EntrepriseService;
 INameService nameService = enterpriseService.Resolve<INameService>("key"); 
  • Where Name is the service name, and key is the mapping key that is predefined in the native source of the Enterprise API.
Service Name Service Key Associated Protocols<ref>Protocols can be used when you are managing channels.</ref>
IAgentService agentService
  • AgentProtocolRequest-"agent"
  • DeviceProtocolRequest-"device"
IChannelService channelService none
IDeviceService deviceService
  • DeviceProtocolRequest-"device"
IIdentityService identityService
  • OpenMediaProtocolRequest-"openmedia"
IIMService IMService
  • VoiceProtocolRequest-"voice"
  • DeviceProtocolRequest-"device"
  • IMProtocolRequest-"im"
IContactService contactService
  • ContactProtocolRequest -- "contacts"
IInteractionService interactionService none
IChatService chatService
  • OpenMediaProtocolRequest-"openmedia"
  • WebMediaProtocolRequest -"webmedia"
IOpenMediaService openmediaService none
IMonitorService monitorService
  • OpenMediaProtocolRequest-"openmedia"
IWorkbinService workbinService none
  • OpenMediaProtocolRequest-"openmedia"
IPSTService PSTService none
ICampaignService campaignService none
IOutboundService outboundService none

Additional Entry Points

Workspace Desktop Edition API provides additional entry points through properties in the specific classes that are listed in the table below:

Class Name Property Description


EntrepriseAgent IAgent instance which contains the agent data.


EntrepriseInteractionCurrent Current interaction processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.
IList<Genesyslab.Enterprise.Model.Interaction.IInteraction> EntrepriseInteractions The history of interactions.
Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Protocols.IMessage EntrepriseLastInteractionEvent The last interaction event.


EntrepriseChatInteractionCurrent Current chat interaction processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.


EntrepriseEmailAttachments E-mail attachments.


EntrepriseEmailInteractionCurrent Current e-mail interaction processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.


EntrepriseOpenMediaInteractionCurrent Current open media interaction processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.


EntrepriseSmsInteractionCurrent Current sms interaction in page mode processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.
EntrepriseSmsSessionInteractionCurrent Current sms interaction in session mode processed by Workspace Desktop Edition.

Enterprise Extensions

The Genesyslab.Enterprise.Extensions namespace defines a list of extensions classes which provide the switch-specific action areas of each related service.

Service Extension Related features
IIdentityService AgentServiceExtensions Manage login,
Ready, Not Ready
IDeviceService DeviceServiceExtensions Manage the call-forward and Do Not Disturb features.
IIMService IMServiceExtensions Manage the messages and transcripts of instant messaging sessions.
IInteractionService InteractionServiceExtensions Manage the requests on interactions
(Make the call, answer the call, transfer the call, and so on.)
IMonitorService PAMExtensions Manage subscriptions and statistic notifications.
Add the Genesyslab.Enterprise.Extensions namespace to your code to enable the extension methods of your service.

Managing Connections and Channels

Workspace Desktop Edition manages the connections defined in the application configuration. You can access them through the Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Core.SDK.Protocol.IChannelManager. You can retrieve the connection by passing the configured application name at the registration of the channel, as shown below:

IChannelManager channelManager = container.Resolve<IChannelManager>();
Genesyslab.Enterprise.Model.Channel.IClientChannel tserverChannel = channelManager.Register(("YourApplicationName","MyClientName");

Four application types are supported:

  • TServer
  • StatServer
  • InteractionServer
  • UCSServer

Through the IChannelManager interface, you can open channels for applications of these types without burdening Workspace Desktop Edition. However, if you wish to open new channels for other application types, you can use the IChannelService of the Enterprise API. Genesys recommends that you name those channels according to their configuration's application name.

Connect your Channel

1. Retrieve the channel service
IChannelService channelService = EnterpriseService.Resolve<IChannelService>("channelService");
2. Create a new channel for each connection to open.
string channelName = "configName";
TServerConfiguration configuration = new TServerConfiguration(channelName);
configuration.ClientName = channelName;
configuration.Uri = new Uri("tcp://hostname:port");
configuration.WarmStandbyAttempts = 10;
configuration.WarmStandbyTimeout = 5;
configuration.WarmStandbyUri = new Uri("tcp://hostname:port");
configuration.UseAddp = false;
channelService.CreateChannel(channelName, configuration, SwitchModelType.LucentDefinityG3);
3. Register the channel's event handler before you open the connection, to ensure that your application does not miss any events. The following code snippet shows also how to retrieve the channel instance created.
Genesyslab.Enterprise.Model.Channel.IClientChannel channel = channelService.GetChannel(channelName);
//Register for Channel events
channelService.RegisterEvents(channel, new Action<Genesyslab.Enterprise.Model.Channel.IClientChannel>(ChannelEvent));
4. To make the connection to all of the channels, call the IChannelService.Connect() method..
The code snippet uses the channelName string as a label to identify your connection. Your application will use this label later to access this channel.

Get the Protocol

The table in Get EnterpriseService provides the key for the protocols that associated with channels. You can retrieve the protocols once they are connected, as shown in the following code snippet.

IEnterpriseProtocol media = voiceChannel.EnterpriseProtocols["voice"];

Getting Additional Service Events

In the Enterprise API, all services that allow event subscription include the following pair of self-describing methods: RegisterEvents and UnRegisterEvents. For instance, the following code snippet shows the registration of a DeviceEvent handler for the device service:

IDeviceService deviceService = EsdkService.Resolve<IDeviceService>("deviceService");
IDevice device = deviceService.CreateDevice("myDevice", DeviceType.Extension);
deviceService.RegisterEvents(device, new Action<IEnvelope<IDN>>(DeviceEvent));
To read the envelope content take advantage of the fact that the type of object published is specified in the handler declaration (which must match the registration requirements).
protected void DeviceEvent(IEnvelope<IDN> tsp)
 if (tsp != null)
 //Retrieve the published object
 IDevice device = (IDevice) tsp.Body;
 System.Console.WriteLine("Name : " + device.Name + " Status: " + device.State.ToString());
 switch (tsp.Header.CurrentContext.ContextState)
 case ContextStateType.Error:

Threading Recommendations
When you write your handler code, you should process the event's Envelope in a separate thread that can take appropriate actions. Design your handlers to return as quickly as possible, because the library core works with all handlers sequentially-waiting for each handler to return, before working with the next handler. This recommendation is extremely important to ensure that:

  • Your application remains synchronized with up-coming events.
  • Your application remains synchronized with the real-time time line of external devices.

Attributes and Filters

You can define callback and filter attributes when declaring your event handlers.

  • A callback attribute is used to hard-code the automatic registration of the handler method for a given channel.
  • A filter attribute is used to hard-code the filtering of events that your application receives.
Attribute name Type Dependency
EnterpriseAgentEvent Callback,
Channel name
EnterpriseChannelEvent Callback Channel Name
EnterpriseDeviceEvent Callback Channel Name
EnterpriseFilter Filter Object parameters
EnterpriseInteractionEvent Callback Channel Name
EnterpriseMonitorEvent Callback Channel Name
EnterpriseStrategy Filter Strategy instance
EnterpriseService Filter Information.png See below

Callback Attribute Syntax

If you use a callback attribute, callback registration is automatic. The following code snippet shows how to use method attributes by defining an interaction event handler for a SIP channel. The first part of the snippet shows the creation of the TServerSIPChannel channel. The second part shows the attribute's declaration.

//Channel Definition
IChannelService channelService = EsdkService.Resolve<IChannelService>("channelService");
TServerConfiguration myConfiguration = new TServerConfiguration("TServerSIPChannel");
channelService.CreateChannel("TServerSIPChannel", myConfiguration, mySwitchType);
protected void InteractionEvent(IEnvelope<IInteraction> tsp)

Filter Attribute Syntax

If you are using filter attributes, the callback registration is not automatic; therefore, you must implement it.

//Example of Filters:
//Callback active for the Agent 1001 when status is ready
[EnterpriseFilter("1001", "ready")]
protected void AgentEvent(IEnvelope<IAgent> tsp)
//Uses the AgentCallBackFilterStrategy strategy for calling this handler (or not)
[EnterpriseStrategy("genericFilter", typeof(AgentCallBackFilterStrategy))]
protected void AgentEvent(IEnvelope<IAgent> tsp)
//Callback active when ready status events.
protected void AgentEvent(IEnvelope<IAgent> tsp)

This page was last edited on January 16, 2017, at 10:54.
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