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Section: TServer
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: On next login

Specifies the path to an XML file that provides the details of the availability and activity that is pushed to Skype for agents. If not specified, or the file is invalid, T-Server does not push presence.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of <composite state ID>:<aggregated state name> pairs. For example, 1:OOS, 2:AVAILABLE, 3:INCALL, 4:OOS, 5:AVAILABLE, 6:INCALL, 7:OOS, 8:AVAILABLE.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the available agent states in a comma-separated list. See the Presence feature.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of <composite state ID>:<aggregated state name> pairs. For example, 1:OOS, 2:AVAILABLE, 3:INCALL, 4:OOS, 5:AVAILABLE, 6:INCALL, 7:OOS, 8:AVAILABLE.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the available agent states in a comma-separated list. See the Presence feature.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of <composite state ID>:<aggregated state name> pairs. For example, 1:OOS, 2:AVAILABLE, 3:INCALL, 4:OOS, 5:AVAILABLE, 6:INCALL, 7:OOS, 8:AVAILABLE.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the available agent states in a comma-separated list. See the Presence feature.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of <composite state ID>:<aggregated state name> pairs. For example, 1:OOS, 2:AVAILABLE, 3:INCALL, 4:OOS, 5:AVAILABLE, 6:INCALL, 7:OOS, 8:AVAILABLE.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the available agent states in a comma-separated list. See the Presence feature.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of <composite state ID>:<aggregated state name> pairs. For example, 1:OOS, 2:AVAILABLE, 3:INCALL, 4:OOS, 5:AVAILABLE, 6:INCALL, 7:OOS, 8:AVAILABLE.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the available agent states in a comma-separated list. See the Presence feature.


Section: TServer
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: On next login

Specifies the path to an XML file that provides the details of the availability and activity that is pushed to Skype for agents. If not specified, or the file is invalid, T-Server does not push presence.


Section: TServer
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether to map the DND presence states to T-Server. If set to true, T-Server maps the presence availability state to events EventDNDOn and EventDNDOff. If set to false, T-Server ignores any value configured in the option agent-presence-map and does not push presence to Skype.


Section: TServer
Default Value: 3000-6000
Valid Values: A list of ranges or single values between 0 and 18500, with the ranges denoted by their end values separated by a hyphen, and the ranges and values separated by a comma. For example: 3500-6000,7500,8000-9000,12500-13000. A single range can also be used. For example: 3500-6000.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the ranges of availability that T-Server maps to the DND Off state if presence mapping is activated. Any value that is configured outside of any of the listed ranges is mapped to the DND On state. Transition from one state to another generates the corresponding events EventDNDOn and EventDNDOff.


Section: TServer
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether to map the DND presence states to T-Server. If set to true, T-Server maps the presence availability state to events EventDNDOn and EventDNDOff. If set to false, T-Server ignores any value configured in the option agent-presence-map and does not push presence to Skype.


Section: TServer
Default Value: 3000-6000
Valid Values: A list of ranges or single values between 0 and 18500, with the ranges denoted by their end values separated by a hyphen, and the ranges and values separated by a comma. For example: 3500-6000,7500,8000-9000,12500-13000. A single range can also be used. For example: 3500-6000.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the ranges of availability that T-Server maps to the DND Off state if presence mapping is activated. Any value that is configured outside of any of the listed ranges is mapped to the DND On state. Transition from one state to another generates the corresponding events EventDNDOn and EventDNDOff.


Section: TServer
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the name of the "Voice Over IP Service" DN (with service-type=presence-profile) that specifies default presence settings.

Note: A value set for the presence-profile option on the Annex tab of a DN or an Agent Login object in the Configuration Layer takes precedence over the value set here.


Presence is used by Skype for Business to indicate the status of a user and their availability for communication. T-Server allows to configure a presence profile which will determine how it interacts with Skype for Business presence. There are 2 modes supported:

  • Pull presence mode: T-Server reflects the presence status of a user provided by Skype for Business in Genesys DND device statuses.
  • Push presence mode: T-Server updates the presence status of a Skype for Business user based on the Genesys status.

If presence propagation is activated, it is necessary to choose whether to use presence pushing or pulling as it is not possible to use both.

Skype for Business Presence Availability

Skype for Business Presence consists of Availability (a number in the range of 0 and 18000 inclusive) and an Activity string. The general description of Skype for Business Availability Value ranges is provided in the following table.

Availability Value Description
None 0 The availability is not set
Online 3000 Free
IdleOnline 4500 The User state is Online and the Device state is Away
Busy 6000 Busy
IdleBusy 7500 The User state is Busy and the Device state is Away
DoNotDisturb 9000 Do not disturb
BeRightBack 12000 Temporarily unalertable
Away 15000 Unalertable
Offline 18000 Unavailable

Configuring the Presence Profile

  • Create a VoIP Service DN under the Switch object:
    The options used by T-Server for a Presence profile are configured in the [TServer] section of the Annex tab of a Voice Over IP (VoIP) Service DN. The service-type option of this VoIP Service DN must be set to presence-profile. You can create multiple VoIP Service DNs in order to create different profiles but only one will be active at any time as configured using the T-Server option presence-profile.
  • Configure T-Server with details of the VoIP Service DN:—The presence-profile option determines which VoIP Service DN T-Server uses for a Presence profile. This option can be configured globally in the [TServer] section of the T-Server application; by device in the [TServer] section in the Annex tab of an Extension DN; or by a login session by providing the key presence-profile in the AttributeExtensions of RequestAgentLogin. By using this hierarchical option and creating multiple VoIP Service DNs, it is possible to create different profiles.

Now decide whether T-Server will use Pull Presence Mode or Push Presence Mode.

Pull Presence Mode

When T-Server receives a Presence update from Skype for Business, it can use the Availability Value attribute provided by Skype for Business, as shown in the Presence Availability table above, to map this Presence update into Genesys DND states. T-Server propagates the result to T-Library clients with EventDNDOn and EventDNDOff.

Additionally, the presence-availability-range option (in the presence profile) can be used to specify a range of the Availability Value attributes that T-Server will consider as the user being available and propagate EventDNDOff to T-Library clients. For example, a value of 3000-5999 would consider a user in Online or IdleOnline states as available and T-Server would propagate EventDNDOff on receiving an Availability Value from Skype for Business that was within this range. This option accepts comma-separated values, so several ranges can be configured that will be considered as Available by T-Server.

Configure the following options in the [TServer] section of the Annex tab of the VoIP Service DN:

Push Presence Mode

Presence publishing allows for Genesys agent and device states to be mapped to Skype for Business presence and pushed to Skype for Business. Presence publishing uses an XML file that defines a list of Genesys agent and device states that are mapped to Skype for Business presence Availability and Activity values. These values are pushed to Skype for Business and displayed on the Skype for Business user’s endpoint client. The agent state and device state can be combined into an aggregate state. For example, all states with a call present on the agent can be mapped to a state INCALL.

Configure the following options in the [TServer] section of the Annex tab of the VoIP Service DN:

  1. Provide details of aggregated states:
  2. The aggregated states are configured in the aggregated-states option as a list of comma-separated values. The following table demonstrates the mapping of 15 Genesys states into aggregated states.
    # Agent State T-Server Device State Aggregated State ID
    1 Logout Idle IDLE_OUT
    2 Ready Idle IDLE_READY
    3 NotReady Idle IDLE_NOTREADY
    4 ACW Idle IDLE_ACW
    5 Walk_Away Idle IDLE_AWAY
    6 Logout Busy INCALL
    7 Ready Busy INCALL
    8 NotReady Busy INCALL
    9 ACW Busy INCALL
    10 Walk_Away Busy INCALL
    11 Logout OOS OOS
    12 Ready OOS OOS
    13 NotReady OOS OOS
    14 ACW OOS OOS
    15 Walk_Away OOS OOS

    For example, to set the option to reflect the example in the table above, the option would be set like this:

    aggregated-states= 1=IDLE_OUT, 2=IDLE_READY, 3=IDLE_NOTREADY, 4=IDLE_ACW, 5=IDLE_AWAY, 6=INCALL, 7= INCALL, 8=INCALL, 9=INCALL,10=INCALL,11=OOS, 12=OOS, 13=OOS, 14=OOS, 15=OOS.

  3. Configure the XML file:
    An XML file must be configured that contains an entry for each of the aggregated states configured in the aggregated-states option. The XML file contains details of what Skype for Business Availability and Activity are mapped to a particular aggregated state. This information will then be pushed to Skype for Business and displayed on the Skype for Business user’s client endpoint. The XML file must start with the following two lines:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <agentStates xmlns="http://schemas.genesys.com/09/2014/mslyncteserver/agentStates">

    And must end with the following line:


    To continue the example, when an agent is idle and ready (which is configured as 2=IDLE_READY in the aggregated-states option example above) T-Server pushes an Available state to Skype for Business and displays an appropriate message in the Skype for Business user’s endpoint. The XML could contain an entry like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>  <agentState ID="IDLE_READY" availability="3501">
        <activity LCID="1033">I am available</activity>

    If the agent is on a call, T-Server pushes a Busy state to Skype for Business with an appropriate message, the XML could contain an entry:

    <?xml version="1.0"?> <agentState ID="INCALL" availability="7001">
        <activity LCID="1033"> Working with customer, do not disturb </activity>

    The attributes LCID of the Activity element specifies the Microsoft Locale ID. If a contact center is deployed in a multilingual company, where agent desktops are configured for using their native languages, it is possible to publish presence according to locales used in the contact center.

    Following on from the INCALL example above, the multi-language entry could be:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <agentState ID="INCALL" availability="7001"> 
        <activity LCID="1033">Working with customer, do not disturb</activity> 
         <activity LCID="3082">Trabajar con los clientes, no molestar</activity> 
         <activity LCID="1049">Работа с клиентом, не беспокоить</activity>
         <activity LCID="1036">Travailler avec le client, ne pas déranger</activity>

    Using the example table from the Provide details of aggregated states section and the example values for the option aggregated-states above, the final XML file could look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
    <agentStates xmlns="http://schemas.genesys.com/09/2014/mslyncteserver/agentStates">
      <agentState ID="IDLE_OUT" availability="18000">
        <activity LCID="1033">Logged out</activity>
      <agentState ID="IDLE_READY" availability="3501">
        <activity LCID="1033"> I am available </activity>
      <agentState ID="IDLE_NOTREADY" availability="6001">
        <activity LCID="1033"> I am not available </activity>
      <agentState ID="IDLE_ACW" availability="6001">
        <activity LCID="1033">I am in After Call Work, do not disturb me</activity>
      <agentState ID="IDLE_AWAY" availability="4501">
        <activity LCID="1033">I am away from my desk</activity>
      <agentState ID="INCALL" availability="7001">
        <activity LCID="1033">Working with customer, do not disturb</activity> 
         <activity LCID="3082">Estoy trabajando con los clientes, no molestar</activity> 
         <activity LCID="1049">Работа с клиентом, не беспокоить</activity>
         <activity LCID="1036">En travaillant avec les clients, ne pas déranger</activity>
      <agentState ID="OOS" availability="18000">
        <activity LCID="1033">The device is out of service</activity>
  4. Configure T-Server with location of XML file:
    Once the XML has been configured and stored in a location accessible by T-Server then the agent-presence-map option must be configured with a value corresponding to the location of the XML file. For example: agent-presence-map = C:\Genesys\Presence\<XML file name>.xml. T-Server does not re-load the XML file after starting. Any changes made to a XML file will require a T-Server restart in order for the changes to take effect.
  5. Important
    Pushing presence to Skype for Business functionality and mapping Skype for Business presence into Genesys DND are incompatible. If you set map-presence-to-dnd to true in a profile, T-Server ignores the value of the agent-presence-map option for that profile.
    This page was last edited on February 13, 2019, at 20:50.
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