Section: statserver
Default Value: yes
Valid Values: yes, no
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Modified: 8.5.1. New default value is yes
Specifies whether Stat Server accepts client connections when operating in backup mode.
With this option set to yes, Stat Server notifies the clients about its redundancy mode after a client's registration and after a change in mode. Moreover, when its redundancy mode is changed to backup, Stat Server does not close the communication port and accepts clients' connections and requests.
Stat Server Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
11/09/18 | Hot Fix | X | X | X | X |
Helpful Links
What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Stat Server reports a situation when large key-value lists are sent to Stat Server clients as a part of the CurrentState statistic's value, using the new LMS message:
- 10082|TRACE|GCTI_SS_LARGE_KVLIST_IN_CURRENT_STATE_VALUE|Large kv-list (%d bytes) in CurrentState value
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Stat Server no longer leaks memory if a non-existent TimeRange is specified in the OpenStat request with one of the following statistical categories:
- CurrentNumberInTimeRange
- CurrentNumberInTimeRangePercentage
- TotalNumberInTimeRange
- TotalTimeInTimeRange
- TotalNumberInTimeRangePercentage
- ServiceFactor1
- RelativeNumberPercentage
Stat Server, configured as a backup in Configuration Server, now correctly closes its port during startup when the accept-clients-in-backup-mode option is set to no. Previously, in such case, Stat Server was not closing its port during startup in the Backup mode, but closed the port after switchover from the Primary to Backup mode. (SS-8492)
Stat Server no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario when configuration includes Virtual Agent Groups (VAG) with duplicated names but different DBID:
- VAG Group1 (dbid=A,id=B) is added.
- VAG Group2 (dbid=C,id=B) is added.
- Connection to Configuration Server is lost.
- Failure to restore a session with Configuration Server.
- Reconnect to Configuration Server.
- VAG Group2 is deleted from the configuration.
Stat Server no longer erroneously duplicates the ReasonValue key-value pair in the UserData of an Action, supplied as part of the CurrentState statistic value. Previously, Stat Server added a new pair upon each send, which caused the UserData key-value list exceeding 64K in size, leading to crashes on the client side. (SS-8485)
Stat Server no longer clears call details on a multimedia VQ according to the internal timeout, if URS continues to timely send the EventReserved_2 for that call. (SS-8482)
Stat Server now ignores the EventPartyChanged TEvent on a VQ when the mandatory AttributeFirstTransferConnID is empty. Previously, Stat Server terminated unexpectedly on an attempt to handle such events. (SS-8477)
Stat Server no longer terminates unexpectedly in scenarios associated with duplicate GroupQueues. (SS-8455)
Stat Server no longer terminates unexpectedly at the startup on Linux, when it is unable to determine the number of CPU cores on the host. (SS-8060)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release