Reporting And Analytics Aggregates
Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.
Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Options Reference
Welcome to the Options Reference for Reporting and Analytics Aggregates. This document provides full information about all the configuration options that are set on the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates application object and in Reporting and Analytics Aggregates–related configuration sections on other objects, such as DNs.
For more information about how to configure Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) options on various objects, including Genesys Info Mart Application, see the section 'How Do I Configure Genesys Info Mart for Aggregation?' in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide.
Genesys Info Mart Application
Options for this component are contained in the following configuration sections:
The following options are configured at the application level (in other words, on the application object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
agg | agg-level-<level>-delay | 0 | After restart |
agg | cancel-threshold | 0 | After restart of the aggregation process |
agg | deadlock-threshold | 1800 (30 min) | After restart |
agg | default-tz-offsets | 0,0 | After restart |
agg | level-of-log | .: | After restart |
agg | realtime-offset | 900 (15 minutes) | Either:
agg | sub-hour-interval | 30min | After restart |
agg | warning-threshold | 300 seconds (5 minutes) | After restart |
agg | writer-schedule | default=flex(3: (Three writers that are dedicated to Z1 and one writer that is dedicated to Z2.) | Either:
agg | zone-offset | 115200 (32 hours) | After restart of the aggregation process |
Other Configuration Objects
Database Access Point (DAP)
The following options are configured at the DAP level (in other words, on the DAP object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
gim-etl | agg-jdbc-url | No default value | On restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server. |
The following options are configured at the DN level (in other words, on the DN object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | default | 5,15,15,5,15,15 | Upon start of the next aggregation cycle |
The following options are configured at the Script level (in other words, on the Script object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
The following options are configured at the Switch level (in other words, on the Switch object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | default | 5,15,15,5,15,15 | Upon start of the next aggregation cycle. |
The following options are configured at the Tenant level (in other words, on the Tenant object).
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
Section | Option | Default | Changes Take Effect |
agg-gim-thld-AGENT-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | After the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-AGENT-IXN | default | 5 | After start of the next aggregation cycle |
agg-gim-thld-ID-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-ID-IXN | default | 5,15,3600,7200 | After start of the next aggregation cycle |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-ABN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-ABN | default | 5, | Upon start of the next aggregation cycle |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-ACC | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-ACC | default | 5, | Upon start of the next aggregation cycle |
agg-gim-thld-QUEUE-IXN | <media> | The value specified by the default option. | Upon the next run of aggregation. |