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Section: statserver
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Positive integers less than 4294967296 (232)
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Related Options: reg-dns-chunk-delay

Specifies the number of DNs that Stat Server submits in a single registration request to T-Server. Instead of trying to register for all configured DNs at once, Stat Server divides the DN registration among several requests, each for the specified number of DNs.

In a large configuration environment, use this option in conjunction with reg-dns-chunk-delay to optimize DN registration at Stat Server startup.


Section: statserver
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Positive integers less than or equal to 2147483
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Modified: 8.5.104
Related Options: reg-dns-chunk-volume

Specifies the interval, in seconds, between two subsequent registration requests. Stat Server waits for the specified interval before sending a request to T-Server to register a subsequent set of DNs, thus allowing T-Server to process the previous request.

In a large configuration environment, use this option in conjunction with reg-dns-chunk-volume to optimize DN registration at Stat Server startup.

Configuring Stat Server

Stat Server tracks information about customer interaction networks (contact center, enterprise-wide, or multi-enterprise telephony and computer networks). Stat Server also converts the data accumulated for directory numbers (DNs), agents, agent groups, and non-telephony-specific object types, such as e-mail and chat sessions, into statistically useful information, and passes these calculations to other software applications that request data.

See the Stat Server Deployment Guide for deploying Stat Server and RTME Options Reference for information about Stat Server configuration options.

Additional Stat Server configuration information

  • When the Smart Proxy module of all SIP Server applications is enabled in a SIP Cluster environment, connect all Stat Server applications to the SmartProxy port of the SIP Server application on the Connections tab of Stat Server applications.
This page was last edited on August 18, 2021, at 19:22.
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