Routing Limitations in SIP Cluster
Supported T-Library Requests
The scope of URS within a SIP Cluster environment is to monitor and control Routing Points only. Therefore, the following T-Library requests are supported:
- TRegisterAddress (only for Routing Points)
- TRouteCall
- TApplyTreatment
- TQueryCall
- TQueryServer
- TAttachUserData
- TUpdateUserData
- TDeleteUserData
- TDeleteAllUserData
- TGetAccessNumber
- TCancelReqGetAccessNumber
- TReserverAgent
- TSendEvent
- TPrivateService
IRD Predefined Statistics Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
- RStatExpectedLBEWTLAA
- RStatExpectedLoadBalance
- RStatLoadBalance
IRD Functions Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
- AnswerCall
- DeliverCall
- DeliverToIVR
- GetCurrentLeg
- NMTExtractTargets
- ReleaseCall
- ClaimAgentsFromOCS
IRD Objects Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
IRD Predefined Macros Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
- MakeAgentNotReady
- RedirectCall
- RedirectCallMakeNotReady
URS Options Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
- transfer_to_agent
- transit_dn
- unix_socket_path
- call_monitoring
- check_call_legs
- count_calls
- lds
URS Capabilities Not Supported in the SIP Cluster Environment
- Cost-based routing
- Support for load balancing
- Support for agents participating in multiple outbound campaigns
- Strategy support for ring-no-answer situations